Education for Sharing
- Argentina
- Bolivia
- Dominican Republic
- Guatemala
- Mexico
- New Zealand
- Panama
- United States
We are applying to be part of this inspiring community, so we can share the E4S model with the whole world.
For 14 years, E4S has been focused on global citizenship education, proving to teachers, students and families competencies such as critical thinking and problem solving, so they can contribute to a more inclusive and sustainable world.
So far, the E4S model has benefited over 1.3 million people from 8 countries and we can form more global citizens that are so needed in this uncertain time with the right support. We want to use the resources to:
Develop a teacher training center making sure we don’t leave anyone behind starting from early childhood onwards
Conduct longitudinal assessment studies that will allow us to keep learning and prove the success of the E4S approach.
Contribute to the creation of the E4S early childhood program working on specialized training for early childhood educators and parents.
As a student, I was restless at school and had trouble sitting still and listening passively to lessons. Throughout the years, I understood that the key to promoting effective learning was to make it enjoyable for everyone.
In 2007, I founded E4S to address children’s lack of interest at school, through the power of play. Since then, I have been committed to helping every learner develop as a whole person, through a play-based model that will empower them to shape a shared future.
Future goals:
Launch the E4S early childhood program: E4S team goal is to promote positive parenting to unleash children’s potential in this stage, because every educational level that follows, depends on it.
Consolidate E4S virtual implementation: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, E4S found opportunities to reach beneficiaries, by delivering the E4S content both in person and virtually. E4S will keep improving this way of implementing and will develop the needed infrastructure so everybody at home can have access to a meaningful education.
Build a training center for teachers: E4S is planning to deploy a specialized center for educators where they can constantly improve their teaching skills and update their practices according to the latest trends in education.
According to a study conducted by Microsoft in 2018, 65% of today's students will have jobs that do not yet exist, leading to the question: how should these future generations have to be prepared? As the world is getting more complex, students come across a learning system that doesn't develop the skills future generations need to succeed.
Moreover, educational systems are not including social-emotional skills, 21st-century skills and civic values in their curricula, being crucial to pursue the formation of active citizens capable of identifying and understanding current and future global challenges and the way to address them.
E4S fills these educational gaps by providing a methodology that is functional, fun and that engages children, teenagers, teachers and families in the learning process, providing them with pedagogical tools, motivation and recognition, so they can implement their methodology not only at school but also reinforce it at home.
Through the power of active play, E4S addresses civic values, global citizenship, social-emotional and 21st Century skills in a cross-cutting manner, empowering children to become agents of change.
E4S innovates by combining play, social-emotional skills, civic values and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the teaching and learning process of educational communities.
On another hand, the world needs educational solutions that don’t depend on a high investment for them to be scalable. E4S is innovative by optimizing resources and ensuring the long-term permanence of knowledge while focusing on leaving installed capabilities in teachers, guaranteeing the formation of countless generations of future global citizens.
How does it happen?
With a creative training model: Teachers are trained in E4S’s ludic methodology to gain first-hand experience with the same activities and reflection process that their students will eventually participate in. This encourages them to review and change their teaching methods for one where debate is encouraged, questions are asked and answers are sought, enhancing the development of creative skills, constructive criticism and careful reasoning in children.
A disruptive methodology: Through play, E4S creates a hypothetical situation based on real challenges, in which teachers and students assume certain roles, engage, react and adopt new attitudes, which paired with a guided reflection process, turns the experience into a meaningful one that leads to concrete actions.
E4S prepares beneficiaries to solve the challenges ahead, forming more conscious and active generations, aware of the importance of environmental care, inclusivity and the practice of values.
The E4S model elevates humanity by providing useful tools (project management) and soft skills (interpersonal and adaptability) to future decision-makers who will have a sustainable and empathetic vision.
From the moment beneficiaries experience our programs, they start to impact their communities with social projects. Examples of children-led initiatives during E4S intervention: urban gardens, anti-bullying rallies, sports tournaments pro gender equality; the sum of all of these “small” actions are changing the world for the better.
Impact results:
80% of teachers assure that E4S methodology enriched their teaching practice (Digital Citizenship program, 2019, Mexico)
A 60% increase in the declared practice of gender equality among girls and boys (Sports for Sharing, 2017, Argentina).
Children increased by 48% their knowledge of the SDGs (Sports for Sharing, 2019 Guatemala)
95% of children that participated in an E4S program shared they practice more values than before. (Community Project, 2018 Mexico)
In 2020 our key achievement was to deliver meaningful learning through virtual spaces. Our #AlsoAtHome initiative brought play into the households of 3.6 million people.
- Children & Adolescents
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- 4. Quality Education
- 10. Reduced Inequality
- 16. Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
- Education