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The majority of farms in Nigeria are smallholders and they account for 65% of food produced but are known to have low productivity. Unsustainable farming practices and over-dependence on chemical input are the major causes. This situation led to a higher cost of food, degraded soils and contributes to climate change. Food productivity is all-time lowest with a growing population of over a 200Million people!
We promote sustainable farming through our “Communal Bee AgriFood Network “ (CoBAN), harnessing land resources, increasing crop yields with a progressive reduction in chemical inputs and fostering the ecological system.
A bee-centred cropping system, using multi-functional beehives, which supports rapid bees colonization towards cross-pollination of crops, harnesses natural honey and collate agro-ecological data from the farm environment, which are used to create predictive models for better management of the food ecosystem.
We offer free extension services on green manuring, farmyard manure; portable farm management, quality seeds sourcing and we bridge the gap between agricultural research and the farming populace.
Farmers in our network are encouraged to grow fruity crops that have higher pollination potentials, we have been able to provide agronomic supports for pineapple, banana, plantain, cucumber, watermelon and vegetables.