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Ed Farm is a transformative education and workforce initiative based in Birmingham, Alabama. We are proudly partnered with Apple’s Community Engagement Initiative and several other innovative ecosystem builders in our guiding mission to radically rethink and reimagine how students learn, introducing investment in communities that have been left behind.
In the Birmingham City Schools (BCS) district, where Ed Farm’s flagship programs were launched, 91% of students are Black, and 100% of students qualify for free or reduced lunch. Among this population, less than 1 in 4 demonstrate proficiency in math, science, and reading. Historically, interventions to challenge these statistics have produced limited results, meaning our investment in these schools is long overdue.
We are acutely aware of these disheartening trends in Birmingham, and acknowledge these issues exist nationally and globally. According to the United Negro College Fund, K-12 public schools with 90% or more students of color spend $733 less per student per year than schools with 90+% white students. Disparities in funding translate into a lack of resources and innovative learning strategies in classrooms composed of mostly students of color, leading to fewer opportunities and career paths throughout their lives. Ed Farm exists to challenge and change those numbers.