Lebensmittel Kampagne
- Germany
- Greece
- Switzerland
We will use the award by:
1. building a platform for our vast database.
Right now, we run the project manually via .Numbers (.Numbers is similar to excel); this is exhausting and time-consuming. We want to simplify/automate the process as much as possible in areas of accounting, supply chain management, administration and at the same time to keep all the information that help us for high transparency between the actors.
2. making collaborations and promote the project's ideas and values.
We want to spread the word in Greece, Germany and Switzerland and make more synergies with other projects. At the same time, we are supporting regenerative agriculture in Greece and raising awareness to European consumers. Shortly, we want to inaugurate an institution that will take an educational role in environmental issues.
3. financially supporting and educate our team.
Right now, all the members are working voluntarily. There are dedicated people in three countries, Greece, Germany and Switzerland. We want to build a core team in these three counties and expand our activities and influence.
Lebensmittelkampagne is dedicated and committed to the below mentioned points together with our vision to be reached in the year 2030:
1. Until 2030 all actors, which are directly contributing to the existence of our food supply chain, are functioning without the need of fossil fuels and its by-products.
2. Waste management / waste prevention.
3. Regenerative Agriculture
4. Circular, solidary economy
5. Development and implementation of the scientific term of "True Cost Accounting" into our bookkeeping by calculating all the impacts in monetary terms, so the amounts can be incorporated in the True Cost books.
6. We support Fair Trade. We are committed to ask every part of the network about their price development and communicate it internally when requested.
7. We commit to the healthy seize of our organization. Reaching this healthy seize it makes all our efforts towards the vision of 2030 and its implementations affordable for our shoppers.
In conclusion, we need better soil, more biodiversity in agriculture, higher content of secondary plant substances in food, a balanced sharing of risks between all participants, transparent communication between partners, actors and buyers, innovative logistic solutions, circular packaging systems and deep understanding for each other's needs.
1. Fossil fuels and its by-products.
The energy demand for the operation in each field is covered directly and next door. The fields are defined as:
• cultivation and production/processing of food
• packaging and transporting of food
• distribution of food
2. Waste management/waste prevention
• waste management starts from prevention and implementing of circular systems
• reaching 2030, we won’t produce waste in the classical understanding anymore (which goes into a landfill/incineration plant)
• our products will be packed and distributed in reusable containers mainly
• our single use packaging material will be produced from locally produced renewable resources and can be home-composted
3. Regenerative agriculture
• reaching 2030, all our farmers are working in accordance with the principles of regenerative agriculture, performing on Level 3 of our regenerative agricultural roadmap
• new farms, which are in industrial agricultural still, are inspired and motivated to join the regenerative agricultural principles, starting from Level 0 and reaching Level 3
4. Circular economy
• We strongly believe in circular and solidary economical approaches. We are building networks, which are owned by the ones running it and performing a transition from single owned structures to participatory organized structures.
1. One of our radical approach is True Cost Accounting. Is a new type of bookkeeping that does not just look at the usual financial values within a company, but also calculates the impacts on natural and social capital. The "hidden costs" of production, which were externalized in the old system, are made visible and internalized.
2. Another important part is Fair Trade/Transparency. We consider it our responsibility to collect and provide all the information to the people involved in the project. The information is about:
• The organizational structure
• The price development
• The quality of the project
• The work experience in the current work field
3. We support Food and Supply Chain sovereignty, so that the entire food supply chain can become independent and free from any subsidies. We understand subsidies only as a catalyst, to set single impulses related to our vision 2030. But won’t rely on them in the long-term picture.
4. We adopt neutral position towards both the producers and their buyers. We present their work to all the actors involved in the project and bring them into contact with the suitable partner of our network where this is enriching the collaboration on a direct level.
We dedicate our job to generate motivation for small scale farmers that are using industrial farming practices to develop further their projects to ecological Regenerative Farms. We insist that this will contribute to keep the healthiest form of agriculture and revitalize the dying sector.
We develop the market for the smallholders’ family farmers in a way, that the most sustainable/healthy agricultural practices can be widely implemented.
We improve sustainability and environmental compatibility in the market, and we support the expansion towards this direction.
We understand the local and seasonal food production as the very base for the producing, processing and consuming communities; as well we are respecting the cultural impact of the local production. Therefore, we do just bring a product into another area, when it can’t be produced at its final destination, or the sum of the social, environmental and cultural benefit at its origin is higher than the negative impact at its destination.
Reaching our healthy seize we are a strong and stable partner for all our farmers and help them funding their families and their life and sustain their farms on a long-term relationship.
- Rural
- Urban
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 13. Climate Action
- 15. Life on Land
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Food & Agriculture