Efficient modular & integrated vertical fish farm(EMIVF)
EMIVF are cost-effective integrated fish-farms which enable coastal communities dependent on fisheries to be most productive with minimal resources .
We live in the coastal Niger Delta region,precisely Port Harcourt,which has one of the costliest real estates in Nigeria. So there is a challenge of minimal land for aquaculture/agricultural use as well as associated high rental/purchasing cost.Worst still,due to the environmental pollution amassed from years of irresponsible crude oil exploration in the region,it is even harder to farm or fish in our waters.
Hence our innovation of operating integrated fish farm.Our full model is runing poultry-catfish-vegetables vertically integrated farms.However having no money nor land to bankroll our intended venture,we still needed to start so we approached a local cable television channel which has some space in it’s transmission base and they allowed us use their space. Due to the constraint of this current location,for now we can only run integrated farming of fish and vegetable done horizontally using intermediate bulk container(IBC)to construct fish ponds and grow fish commercially since there is an abundance of IBC,used to move chemicals for the oil industry so we convert these. We then run off(recycle)the pond water to grow vegetables–fluted pumpkin and spinach without applying fertilizer.We started with one pond and 500 fingerlings but today have 21 ponds which can hold 6,000 smoking-sized fishes and just made down payment for standardized smoking kiln.
As aforementioned,our full model is having a poultry-catfish-vegetables vertically integrated farm.While the droppings(excreta)from the poultry which contains 70% of the nutrients from the poultry feed is utilized to subsided the pelleted feed given to the fish,water from the ponds are run off via drip/sprinkler irrigation to grow vegetables/exotic-fruits(i.e. lettuce,tomatoes,cucumber,strawberries,raspberries)also vertically in layers in a green house beneath. Solar panels are used to power lights to keep the birds warm and to operate the pumping machine so that we are not dependent on the elliptic power supply.
.This enables us to conserve space and recycle waste.This farming structure is modular in the sense that is built to be dismantled and moved around from location to location if need be.This units of farm structure(With or without the green house, poultry-fish etc) can be increased or decreased pending on available space.It can be replicated anywhere such as at backyards, borrowed land etc decreasing the pressure that is being put on our water bodies to provide fish which is staple food in the region.
Our innovative solution-a sort of compact aquaponics system
-Enables people to grow much more on whatever little available land/resources
-Lessens fertilization of our waters from pollution by the accumulation of fish waste and uneaten food beneath open ocean/water fish-farming pens
-Protects biodiversity of our waters and oceans as there won’t be overfishing
-Fosters a circular economy by minimizing waste thus engendering sustainable consumption and production as agriculture/aquaculture contributes to the chunk of world’s environmental degradation.
-Expands the research for low-tech vertical farm especially for fish-farming which is virgin in this part of the world thereby ensuring food security,cost effectiveness and improving efficiency for smallholder farmers thus breaking the vicious cycle of poverty which is prevalent amongst them.
- Resilient infrastructure
- Restoring and preserving coastal ecosystems
Even though we are haven’t created a new technology,we are utilizing new application of existing technologies and processes for our innovation.Usually existing vertical farming systems currently being built are high-tech and largely haven’t been adapted to the peculiarities of the African Agricultural landscape.We are rewriting this narrative.Beyond deploying IBC to grow fish in commercial quantities which is rare,we are also pioneering vertical multilayered fish ponds in Nigeria/Africa which is integrated with other forms of farming.Then recycling pond waste water to do horticulture in commercial quantity and poultry-waste to subsidize fish-feed cost are also new in our clime.
-The structural arrangement for our farming system relies on building technologies to account for forces of thrust,vibration and weight of the multi-layered farming units.
-The pulley system designed to move equipment/farm produce through the structure .
-The greenhouse with drip/sprinkler irrigation.
-Testing kits for ammonia/nitrogen concentration,turbidity etc in the ponds
-Smoking kiln with dampers to filter off carcinogenic Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons present it in smoked-fish
-Solar panels to power the lightening in the poultry pen, the LED(fluorescent)in the greenhouse if need be and pump/circulate water
-Biotechnology i.e. Catfish-Hybridization to get optimal yield within shorter time-span
So far despite limited resource(i.e. land),We have ascertained that catfishes can be grown in commercially quantities in IBC.So also are market grade vegetables with pond waste-water without adding fertilizers.
Our next goal would be acquire/lease 100x100m piece of land.Then enact the full blueprint of our vertically integrated farm model..
Then duplicate this structure severally within our farm-space and besides us,get other 500 smallholder farmers/fishermen(i.e. youth,women)to rent units e.g. ponds .
Afterwards deploy our smoking kiln in unit rationed amongst farmers to add value to the fish to command premium prices
Then source for bulk-buyers to mop up produce.
Our vision is to become the largest providers of vertically-integrated modular fish-farms which are low-cost/low-tech,designed for Africa/the developing-world to maximize scare resources.
We intend
Building atleast two(5)models-farms each,in all 9 states of the costal Niger-Delta region of Nigeria
Deploying our technology to(5)West-African coastal countries(Ghana,Senegal,Cape-verde,Liberia,Sierra-lone).
Finding other ways of waste-conversion i.e.poultry-waste to Maggots to feed the fishes.
Innovating beyond catfish,to integrate other aquaculture-practices such as tilapia,shrimps,prawns
Exploring low-cost automation Aquaculture-systems,using Internet-of-things(IOT)that can be monitored using mobile-phones
Overtly,our improved-technologies/efficient system would have helped cumutivaley,atleast 50,000 smallholder-farmers and would-have-been artisanal fishermen/women earn more,thus escape poverty,helping quell prevalent restiveness/armed-conflict in the region.
- Adult
- Female
- Rural
- Suburban
- Lower
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Nigeria
We already have a database of market mammies(fish-sellers)that buy our fish.So also wholesalers/families that subscribe weekly for our vegetables.
Ask for more referrals.Then reach out to potential customers i.e supermarkets,retail chain,restaurants,export markets as our supply-capacity grows.
Being unique,our model is already create buzz/ publicity.Hone in more on this.Open up our farm as a demo farm.
Engage groups such as smallholder-farmers that do not have enough resources(i.e. land) to take up slots in our farm-model structures.
Through Social media channels and online marketplace on our website
Ultimately offer quality products ,adhere to best practices,keep improving and guarantee customers’ satisfaction.
50 market mammies-women who buy our fish at wholesale price and resell at the market,
20 women that buy vegetable to resell at the market.
5 families that subscribe for fresh vegetables on weekly basis.
Normally table sized catfish grows out in upwards of 9 months but because of hybridization our catfish grows out in 4 months.This saves us time and money while cutting cost for the fish sellers as well as poor families who depend on our alternate protein source . Likewise our vegetables are healthier because of no additives.
In 12 months,we would have engaged about 1000smallholder-farmers and erstwhile-artisanal fisherman/women turned fish-farmers who would be producing agricultural-produce consumed by atleast 20,000people.These farmers would be those that rent modular-units in our model-facility,consulted for to setup modular farming-structures in their own spaces and those who just followed our documented open-sourced design to build themselves.In 3years we have grown our capacity geometrically,to engage 30,000smallholder-farmers that would be producing agricultural-produce consumed by atleast half a million people.
The population being impacted are indigent youth/women of Nigeria’s costal Niger-delta region,who are susceptible to violence/restiveness/armed-conflict because of the region’s environmental-pollution,which adversely affects fish-farming/fishing.
- For-Profit
- 4
- 1-2 years
Our core team comprises a mechanical engineer as well smallholder fish-farmer, an architect,a PhD holder in landscape architecture who works with hydroponics/aquaponics systems and a gifted technical expert who helped develop a hand-wash system used to curtail the ebola virus in Nigeria.
We have also been privileged to attend various entrepreneurial trainings such as those organised by the Enterprise Development Centre(EDC)Pan Atlantic University Lagos, British Council Business Acceleration Bootcamp,Africa Management Initiative and University of Bocconi’s Italy,Adansonia Project.
All these skills acquired from these trainings and experience arm us with the hard and soft skills to attract resources.
Sales of our Agricultural produce-catfish,other acquaculture-produce,vegetables, exotic fruits .
Through renting/leasing/selling modular units to others in our integrated model- farms
Even though we intend making our designs open-source to engender faster geometric-impact,we will still provide paid-for consultancy services for setting up farms and maintaining them for those who request.
We are positioned for long-term sustainability/profitability/expansion because
Of Massive perennial flood problems in the Niger-Delta region,Nigeria–making it more precarious to farm/fish in open-waters and conventional earthen-ponds
High urbanisation rate in Africa means the continent needs it own version of vertical-farms i.e. considering elliptic-power
Africa’s population isexploding,thus needs to be fed
we are also developing input-linkage,financing-linkage,knowledge/technical support,market access enabling purchase of farm-produce at farm-gate,such that we offer erstwhile artisanal fishermen/women and smallholder-farmers who embraces our technology/scheme all needed support.
Our Design limits risk for smallholder-farmers and are Adaptable/adjustable.i.e. more floors up on our model Farms,Adding/removing more modular-units which can be deployed in any space despite how big or small.
Our facility is built with value-adding/processing/preservation in mind-Currently has certified smoking-kiln,Beyond,other add-ons as solar-powered Cold-storage for gutted,cleaned fish,thus empowering smallholder-farmers to earn more
Our model being integrated,cuts waste,thus reduces cost.
Finally,our team is fully-vested to make this succeed
We are applying to Solve because we need all the expertise and network that we can garner to better our work and build out scalable cost-effective solution.What we are developing has hardly been done for Africa.What is in existence are usually high-tech high-cost vertical farms built for developed countries.And the minimal vertical farms functional in Africa are usually mono-plant based,not integrated and not for aquaculture.Ours integrates livestock,aquaculture and horticulture,thus minimizes waste.So we need technical expertise as well as funding as we create this unique offering especially considering that we have minimal available technical competencies in Nigeria.
Lack of a similar model to glean and learn from in the local context.
Lack of well researched source of technical assistance in the local context.
Finance to fully pilot , iterate, make changes if need be and then scale intervention.
Solve can help us address these as it affords us the platform to network with its well resourced community and create possible partnerships to address our lacking competencies as well as cross pollinate and adapt ideas on what is already working well.
- Peer-to-Peer Networking
- Organizational Mentorship
- Technology Mentorship
- Connections to the MIT campus
- Grant Funding
- Other (Please Explain Below)