RME understands that women have particular issues depending on their culture, race, origin, etc. For this reason our methodology is adapted to all kind of situations by selecting facilitators that have already faced the same challenges in their lives or professional experiences.
For example, in soft skills pillar, RME has a self-image training that was customized to our transgender initiative. We selected transgender facilitators and we worked together to understand what were the specific challenges of these women group related to self-image. We already worked with women under all types of vulnerability. We have already assisted community residents, refugees, countrywomen, young women, quilombolas (afro Brazilian residents of settlements established by escaped slaves), indigenous women, disabled women, women subjected to violence, elderly women, previously incarcerated women, transgenders, among other groups.
To scale initiatives, we built a voluntary network of 500 local ambassadors in Brazil and we are working together government and international institutions like UN Nations, W20 (G20), Google.org, VISA Foundation and others.