Manovue is the world's first intelligent personal assistant for the visually impaired.
285 million people are estimated to be visually impaired worldwide: 39 million are blind and 246 have low Vision and 90% of these live in low-income settings.They confront number of visual challenges everyday - From reading the label on a frozen dinner to figuring out if they're at the right bus stop. They have a difficult Time self- navigating outside well-known environments. Blindness causes difficulties with participating in Activities outside of a workplace, such as sports and academics and limits one's ability to meet people. Technology poses a challenge to these people. For example, they are not able to read the information on a web Page. This adds to low self-esteem.
Currently, the visually Impaired people depend on braille for their literacy. Due to the non-availability of braille tutors as well as due The high cost as well as the availability of braille books there has been a decline in the number of braille users. Another reason for this is the difficulty in learning Braille. The publications in braille are limited and the books Available in braille are very expensive. Also, the visually impaired people are dependent on the cane for Navigation from one place to another. They can not completely rely on the cane as the cane has a restricted range And its inability to detect knee-above obstacles causes unexpected collisions and upper-body injuries. Another The thing is the access to technology, the visually impaired people today do not have access to smartphones and they Currently rely on the keypad phones.
Eyeluminait's flagship product Manovue is the world's first intelligent personal assistant for the visually impaired. Manovue combines vision intelligence and internet of things in the form of an inexpensive wearable to deliver a technology that would replace the 200 year old braille language and empower more than 94% of the visually impaired people who suffer from braille illiteracy and remain unemployed. Manovue multi-utility wearable glove enables the user to read any printed text by moving his finger over the text and helps him move around freely outside well known environments by providing haptic feedback. Manovue is built with an integrated mobile phone application which makes the use of integrated Personal assistant technology is used by giving voice commands.
The technology behind Manovue is meant to replace the braille language, the cane and will open up the smartphone market to the visually impaired community.
- Supportive ecosystems for educators
- Personalized teaching, especially in disadvantaged communities
Manovue is the world's first intelligent personal assistant for the visually impaired. Currently, there exists no solution which enables the visually impaired people to read printed text. However there are various solutions which provide them assistance in terms of Navigation.
Our innovation includes the features of existing products along with its own revolutionary advantages and additional features such as:
1. Reading any printed text.
2. Navigation Outside well known environments
3. Voice Controlled mobile phone application.
4. Reduced cost.
Manovue primarily uses technology as a tool to empower the visually impaired community. It combines vision intelligence and internet of things in the form of an inexpensive wearable that enables the visually impaired to read printed text and gain literacy.We have developed a software stack that includes a text extraction algorithm, hardware control driver, integration layer with an open source OCR engine and a text to speech converter. This software stack runs on the custom inexpensive hardware and does not require internet for the conversion process.
Manovue uses technology to increase literacy, employability and independence of the visually impaired.
- Adolescent
- Adult
- Old age
- Rural
- Lower
- Latin America and the Caribbean
- US and Canada
- East and Southeast Asia
- Hybrid of For Profit and Nonprofit
- 7
- 1-2 years
- Peer-to-Peer Networking
- Grant Funding