Problem : Educators around the world do not have access to the latest knowledge whether in pedagogy or subject matter.
Solution : Using humans initially and technology later , create a dynamic library of best practices from the net such as MIT OCW, Khan academy and other such organisations. Do not duplicate but seek partnerships to leverage.
Provide a tablet/ app to all educators (get manufacturers to give bulk discounts and get partnerships with foundations- acumen, Rockfeller …)
if wifi is enabled in that city/ town, the library will be accessed in the cloud with latest information.
If spotty or no connections, then the tablet is pre loaded with appropriate lesson plans/ knowledge once a year through the college of educations in that state/ city.
Initially all college of educations around the world will involve their students in compiling the database. Later on once we have robust AI nd machine learning, the machines can do it automatically.
Chatbots will be deployed to answer questions that the educators have.
Translation software (Lilt / google translate) will be used o automatically translate material in local languages.
If desired, educators can "study" the modules and get certified and blockchain can be utilized to " authenticate" their learning.
As part of the UN SDGs, the we are focusing on target 4.C and since the countries have signed this , we are enabling a technology to achive that.