Mastercard Foundation in Benin, University of Abomey-Calavi
- Benin
- Ethiopia
- Ghana
- Nigeria
- Rwanda
- Senegal
- Uganda
First,I've many social projects and second, I'm a volunteer. It's a passion for me to do volunteering activities, helping other people, being a great actor in sustainable development. So if I'm selected as a winner of this fund, I'll first use a part of the fund to take contact with some ventures specialised in picking up garbages. There, the goal is to remove all garbages spreaded at the side of our ocean or see in Cotonou. People used to throw rubbishes there and it's very dirty. All this polute the ocean. After doing that, actions will be undertaken to keep theses dirty areas clean forever. I know many of the problems people are dealing with in my country, my communities and I can resolve some of these problems by the means I find. Some of these problems are poverty, lack of clean water in rural areas,hunger, lack of classes or buildings for many rural schools, unemployment...This fund is a great opportunity for me to solve these problems as I can.
My story is long, so I'm just going to summarize it. I'm from a poor family and started school in a rural area. I used to work hard at school and that's why many people (student) know me.I've been the top (first) of class in 11 classes in my life despite I went to school without breakfast sometimes. I've all justificative papers with me. But at a given moment (from premiere), my parent were'nt able to finance my studies and my performances started decreasing. Brief, I didn't get good marks in my first scientific Baccalaureate I passed and obtained in 2018. It was because of this I took again another Terminal by supporting all things myself. Finally, I passed and obtained the second scientific Baccalaureate in 2020 and by the grace of God, I've been selected by Mastercard Foundation scholarship program after applying with the last Baccalaureate. This a short resume of my story. I'm honest by nature, humble,I dislike corruption... and my dream is being a remarquable boy in my country by my actions. Sustainable development on all the plans is what I want. I'm a scholar in Mastercard Foundation. I'm not the fonder of an organisation yet.
The problem of poverty, climate, water, education are the majors problems I'm working on with my team ( Giving-Back). Indeterminated uncountable number of people are affected by all these problems in the country. More than 100 schools in rural areas don't have classes and good materials of work. My organisation is Mastercard Foundation. I'm not the fonder The goal of this organisation by selecting more than 180 brillant developing exceptional leadership skills youngs from poor families and able to change positively their communities, since 2017 is to build a network of future leaders, actors of sustainable development. It gives us leadership and entrepreneurship trainings and other trainings in order to bring us being more involved in the development of the world on all plans.
My work is unique because there is not young like me who have already done such a thing. Not only that, it's related to the real problems of my country and I can solve them with my team, many people in rural area will have satisfaction even if it won't be total. The problem of class in many schools is one of education problem in Benin. Drinking dirty ( river's water) is what make people become sick in most of cases. So all this are important and make my initiative unique. It's true I'm a young boy and you could say that giving this fund to a young like me is a risk, or doesn't matter. I would like to tell you I'm a boy who respect my commitments. I'm not a deshonest young. I know everything done badly has negative consequences on the person who did that. In my mind, I want to develop my country and the world by solving these problems. Could you believe in a young of 21 years old? You coul do an experience with me. At the least, I'm in an international and great organisation: Mastercard Foundation.This is a proof of confiance.
I know all thing I want to do. These problems I identified previously are those I want to solve first. Presently, I'm the responsible of communication or the secretary of a committee of a movement called "Giving-Back activities" It's a program of volunteering we initiated (Mastercard Foundation scholars) to impact positively our communities. And we have many project ongoing. We just need fund to realize some remarquable action. We try to use what we have as financial means to our best but we need more to do more. Because of fund, we have some projects that we can't realize like other.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural
- Poor
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 4. Quality Education
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequality
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 13. Climate Action
- 14. Life Below Water
- 16. Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
- Workforce Development
Mastercard Foundation scholar in Benin, communication responsible of Giving-Back activities Committee in Benin, student in Computer sciences