Having studied and lived all our lives in Africa, we noticed how many teachers in Uganda lack good academic content like school notes and textbooks, have poor lesson plans and many don't even teach according to the lesson plans which in turn causes children to have poor subject notes and learn very little even though they are in school. Many teachers are still paid very low salaries and are not accountable to the school administrators. Today, many children are still highly inconvenienced by carrying school bags with many heavy text books to and from school causing several health issues.
Because of this, KAINOafrica has developed an EdTech solution which uses the E-Ink KAINOtab E-Book reader, Web and Mobile Apps to empower teachers by aggregating academic content like; Curriculum aligned lesson plans, class notes and digital textbooks from primary and secondary school teachers, book owners, publishers and academic bodies. This will in turn enable us to leverage this content so that teachers, students and other users can use this platform to easily access content using mobile money at a fraction of the price one would require to get this content conventionally.
Our model is simple and based on George Couros's philosophy that "Technology will never replace great teachers, but technology in the hands of a great teacher can be transformational" and now with the KAINOtab in the hands of a teacher in Africa bundled with training and support, education will be transformative, making their lives easier and better. Once our system is accepted and implemented in a school, teachers will receive FREE KAINOtabs and the school will be required to pay a user fee per child, per term depending on the location of the school, rural or urban. The system has been built to run on both online and offline modes because of the poor internet infrastructure in many parts of Africa and users will not have to subscribe to any internet data packages to access our system because it's designed to run a reverse data billing model.
The school management systems' market in Africa has no dominant player because even the most effective systems can't transform the education sector without; customizable timetables, curriculum aligned lesson plans and good class notes. Our transformative solution gives teachers a self-assessment progress bar and real-time access to curriculum aligned lesson plans in sync with government syllabuses and well prepared notes crafted by the best educationists.
1. Schools, who are our target customers receive well prepared teachers and a cost effective administration system.
2. Teachers, who are our primary product users will learn the best teaching methods from each other using the KAINOtab together with training and support making them more effective and productive.
3. Students, who are our primary beneficiary receive value in form of proper academic content available anytime, anywhere and reduced weight of school bags since the KAINOtab gives access to digital textbooks.
4. Parents, who are the end beneficiaries in turn get a higher civil society participation, affordable digital textbooks and class notes for their children.