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Globally, there are over 54M amputees, 80% of whom will never receive a prosthetic limb due to either lack of access or lack of funds. At the core of this problem is the fact that most clinics are overwhelmed with the backlog of patients that they have, with certified clinicians requiring several dozen hours of labor, from initial patient consultation to finished limb. For patients this means that those that do receive a limb will wait on average over 2 years before they get a device, which then needs about a dozen follow up adjustments. During that time, the loss in mobility can lead to further health complications.
To address this, our company has developed a simple off-the-shelf prosthetic limb kit which can be fit in under an hour by a minimally trained technician. Our device provides the same quality of fit as high-end carbon fiber limbs, without the associated production costs, and through our careful management of production costs, it is possible to fit a patient anywhere in the world sustainably for 40% less than our closest competitor.