I grew up as an orphan not because my father was dead but because he rejected me for reasons i will never know. I struggled through life trying to find answers and fortunately was able to go through school and to acquire a job.
My first professional job placement was with the streets under Save Street Children Uganda (SASCU) a child rights agency where I worked for over five years. While working with street connected children, rescuing, rehabilitating and reintegrating them into their communities, I realised the children now turned youth struggled to get integrated into the employment system.
This propelled me into thinking of ways how this challenge could sustainably be reduced. Hence in November 2015 starting Sustainable Youth Development Foundation (SYDF) a Community Based Organisation whose theory of change is to combat unemployment among the youth through hands on skills training and development.
SYDF focuses on equipping the youth with different product oriented and employable hands on skills including tailoring, hairdressing, bakery, computer basics, making paper bags, reusable sanitary pads and liquid soap. The products from these skills are sold to generate income for self-sustainability.
Our vision is a youth generation whose standards of living are self-sustainably improved.