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Single-use plastics bags and straws do not recycle, and hence are dumped in land-.fills This results in millions of plastics and straws ending up in our oceans. Phasing out single-use plastics reduces this threat.SDG Target Focus Plastic pollution is currently one of the major threats to our oceans. Lusaka and the Livingstone throw away 50 million plastic straws and bags per day, which can take 200 years to decompose. Businesses in the hospitality industry regularly use single-use plastics, especially straws and Plastics bags in large amounts. We are focussed on reducing plastic bags and straw usage by encouraging behavioural changes in society through businesses. We will begin by reaching out to small, independent businesses in the hospitality industry in the Livingstone it being the Tourism Capital and Lusaka the capital city already have an affinity with sustainable practices and are interested in increasing their ‘green’ image. The shorter lines with the business owners usually mean quicker decision-making processes.
After 6 months, we want to launch our online campaign and have 20
businesses join level 1 of ‘The Strawgle’: only providing straws upon re-
quest. Within a year, we want them to progress to level 2: only providing
reusable or biodegradable ones.