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According to our initial research,
25.5% of Anaheim has Bachelor's degrees which is lower than Orange County's average of 40.6% - We created all of our services with this in mind to ensure that our kids have access to homework help 24/7, educational resources, positive role models, college scholarships, and that they be able to move forward with the life/social skills to thrive throughout college and on.
With a 15.2% poverty rate, Anaheim has a higher poverty rate than the county's average of 9.5%. This poverty rate is skewed a bit by the predominantly wealthy community of Anaheim Hills but it still reflects that there is a need for financial literacy and for a focus on filling in the gaps that poor communities struggle to overcome throughout their lives. Other than the proven benefits of socializing and having a sense of community, we created Life Hacks 101 to provide the youth with all the things we believe will better prepare them for the life ahead.
Anaheim has higher rates of substance abuse, hospitalization from substance abuse, young gang members, violence in schools, and harassment issues than the State. We believe that with real support the youth may be able to understand respect, caring, and will feel seen for who they are and not what society prefers them to be. Equipped with these understandings, our hope is that we'll be able to help troubled youth gain emotional cognizance and a desire to protect and have compassion for themselves and those around them.
Anaheim also has some of the highest rates of childhood obesity and there is a proven lack of information and investment in addressing social determinants of health and health disparities. The system can be difficult to navigate due to lack of information, inadequate navigation assistance, and poor health literacy in the population, especially for vulnerable populations. So we built lesson plans into Life Hacks 101, will provide resources, put nutrition education at the forefront of our Cooking 101 program, will teach kids how to cook inexpensive yet nutritious meals in proper portions, and hopefully help them better understand their bodies and how to care for them.