- Malawi
Upon winning the Elevate Prize funding this will advance our work in the following areas
1 Reaforestation
we will make more seedlings for distribution and increase on the wareness of planting more trees and using up unused land for tree crops . The will be increase activities on awarenes of the importance of trees to mitigate climate and for livelihood
2 Hunger eradication
we will increase and diversify the demostration gardens increase number of households to be involved putting more efforts in trainings to change mindset so us people to become self reliant. Built up a seed bank where members of the communities can keep and exchange locally nutritious seeds.Which they will grow for food and to multiply to benefit others
3 Poverty eradicaton
More resources towards training and practicals on how individuals and communities can be create wealth and move out of poverty
4 Increase of target groups for trainings in , organic fertilizers production , production and use of biogas to generate power and manure
5 Nutrition and health
Increase in trainings on nutrition and health through the organic farming
6 Increase number of needy orphans that are supported in paying for school fees and learning materials.
My name is Owen Kandulu formed an organisation called Sustainable Living Solutions based in Central Malawi. My vision is to see communities being self reliant in food and being economically sound. The organisation was born out of passion and compassion on people in communities who are suffering some because their mind is glued to receiving handouts in food and money which is not sustainable as most times the support is limited to certain months and its politically motivated . The beuty is that these people have locally available resources to transform their lives, this is their strength their main weakness being lack of knowledge and skills .My goals are to see people moving out of receivers to producers and givers as excess they can support their families and beyond. The steps to be taken in achieving the vision is through training first part of which is to change the mindset. Instead of being mobile the organisation plan is to built up a Training Centre so that it can reach out to more regions , the centre to act as tool income generation as some will be required to pay some contributions in cash or kind
The specific problem is poverty which is associated mainly with hunger is a huge challenges in most communities in my country Malawi and globally . I have 400,000 families in my catchment are and millions beyond this catchment area .The factors contributing to this are
1 Mindset as most people feels the poverty and hunger does not have solutions is part of life
2 Climate change which has affected the rainfalls as most people depend on rain fed agriculture
3 Political landscape as most politicians like to be surrounded by poor people as they can be manipulated easily .
4 Selfishness as most non governmental organisation are more on handouts than creating sustainable systems for communities .
5 HIV AIDS which mostly claim the lives of bread winners in the familiies
Sustainable Living Solutions uses permaculture as its main tool to address poverty and hunger .Empowering people with knowledge of creation and creator and how they can imitate creation abilities . It does training in imparting knowledge and skills for people to face challenges they have with braveness and get transformed to remain sustainable and pass on information to their next generation and beyond.
The approach is on mindset change - as mind is the key is real transformation is to be acknowledge .We believe that its not about what people know but its about what people do with what they know.We also believe the answer is in the room meaning communities themselves have solutions to their problems they just need those that can facilitate change . We give them what they want - that is attention then give them what they need which is knowledge and skills for transformation.
The work is unique as solutions to their problems are locallly available , user friendly , self regulatory and sustainable .Permaculture suits any culture in the world once adopted it being easily as part of life and can be passed on from one generation to the other . Once the mind is won then the game is over as everything flows from it .
Mind set change - first target training module that addresses mindset change for real transformation . This is effective as we have observed that most Non governmental organisations programs doesn't address meaningful mindset changes as a result the programs dies with the end of the funding process . The lasting impact on the humanity is on the mindset change .
Identification of the problems the people face and the possible solutions .They are taken into brain storming exercise then problems are listed with possible solutions .This is effective as they own the solutions and adoption rate is very high .We only facilitate the process. This is to avoid imposing them with problems and solutions .
Training programs are arranged with a component of giving they what they want thats attentions to their problems and solutions then giving them what they need that is knowledge and skills
Practicals and demostrations to ensure whatever has been acquired is put to use . We believe in the our motto that says ITS NOT ABOUT WHAT YOU KNOW BUT WHAT YOU DO WITH WHAT YOU KNOW
This step is for monitoring and evaluation processes
- Women & Girls
- Elderly
- Rural
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 4. Quality Education
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 13. Climate Action
- 15. Life on Land
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Food & Agriculture