We solve problems arising from the lack of traceability in the productive chain of industries and companies. We can help cities and states with waste management, identifying, tracking and providing detailed information on the big generators and also provide real-time insights on transportation and final disposal of it. By understanding the waste generation data from large generators, we can help create an ecosystem for reusing food suitable for consumption.
GreenPlat helps companies to achieve zero-landfill providing full traceability of their production chain and support on environmental compliance, avoiding that waste generates major public health problems, taking care of the environment and the sustainability of the planet.
Companies typically control information about the extraction of raw materials, the production and management of solid waste through isolated spreadsheets and internal documents. It's slow, bureaucratic and often inefficient work that also does not provide data in real time. This leads to the generation of inaccurate and outdated information, which hinders managers rather than helping them to identify problems and make better decisions. The path of the tracked materials is not clear to the company, or to the authorities, leading to legal risks for companies and to the environment.
The lack of control over the extraction of raw materials, puts the future production of various foods at risk, as well as the ability to replace them or improve production chains. Productive losses can be transformed and reallocated within the product chain, increasing the efficiency of the process and the shelf life of the products enabling the creation of a system for reusing discarded foods that are still fit for consumption. The lack of awareness generates another impact: only a few people understand the seriousness of the waste and waste problem. Most consider them not as an opportunity, but as a useless expense and bureaucracy to be dealt with.
PlataformaVerde empowers companies to have full control over their production and/or commercial chain. Our blockchain software tracks raw material extraction, production processes, and waste disposal, monitoring the entire supply chain until the appropriate destination. Besides controlling production losses, waste generation and appropriate destination, companies also benefit from the knowledge we provide inside the software on the municipal, state and federal environmental legislation, certified technical standards and the financial flow regarding waste. This helps not only sustainability areas but also legal, financial and production sectors of companies.
We help companies become more sustainable and to learn more about and comply with environmental legislation, increase control over the production chain, reduce inefficient administrative work, improve financial results, understand how much and what type of waste they generate, how it moves across the disposal chain until it reaches its final destination. Also, we track opportunities for process improvement, for example, recycling more or different types of waste. With our data technology and transparency, we can trace and map the use of raw materials and waste produced in cities, bringing efficiency to the private and public sectors and, also, directing pre and post-consumption materials to be reinserted in the production chain.
Since our company is in the market, we have helped companies to dispose of their waste correctly. Up until now, more than 800 thousand tons of waste were managed through our software – that means that all of that was disposed correctly, not polluting the environment. To the population, that means a cleaner environment: it reduces the risk of contamination. Also, by our software, companies recycle more: that helps generate more jobs and income for those who work with that market and also create an ecosystem for reusing food suitable for consumption.
- Provide scalable and verifiable monitoring and data collection to track ecosystem conditions, such as biodiversity, carbon stocks, or productivity.
Our traceability software tracks raw material extraction, production processes and waste disposal, monitoring the entire supply chain to the proper destination.
With quality data, organized and easily accessible, better decisions are made and additional benefits such as cost savings, time productivity and better management are delivered to customers. Therefore we believe we can provide scalable and verifiable monitoring and data collection to track productivity and create opportunities for local communities.
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in one or, ideally, several communities, which is poised for further growth.
We are in great expansion and in scale stage. Since we entered the market, we have helped companies to correctly dispose of their waste. So far, more than 20 thousand tons of waste have been managed daily by our software - this means that all this has been disposed of correctly, not polluting the environment. For the population, this means a cleaner environment: it reduces the risk of contamination. Furthermore, with our software, companies recycle more: this helps to generate more jobs and income for those who work in this market and also to create an ecosystem for reusing food suitable for consumption.
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
We use blockchain technology in a non-financial way and in a BaaS (blockchain as a service) model for chain management. We can say that our innovation has great value for the private and public sector!
Our differential is the fact that all our software is in a network format, where the inputs are shared between the parts of the chain and the data is not repeated. There are many environmental platforms, but none have developed this blocked and encrypted blockchain ecosystem across all parts of the chain. The use of Blockchain technology for information encryption, traceability and compliance makes it difficult to copy our solution. When we create other interconnected ecosystems, we increase the technology block. Today, we have 18 modules and 8 interconnected portals. We have 3 patents and 2 trademarks that also protect our business.
- Big Data
- Blockchain
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Brazil
- 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- Brazil
- United States
In Brazil, only 53% of the waste is appropriately destined: there is no transparency in this relationship.
The same lack of control happens over the extraction of raw materials, which puts future production of several goods at risk as well as the ability to replace them or improve production chains. Productive losses could be transformed and relocated within the product chain, increasing the process efficiency and the shelf life of products.
We have more than 2.000 paying customers in the private sector, and in the public sector we attend more than 680k companies in the city of São Paulo, registered as large generators.
In five years we hope to be attending all the brazilian territory and major cities around the world.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
We have a team of 73 workers.
On our C-level team, we have Raphael Guiguer, Head of Projects, an advisor with experience in development of new businesses with an emphasis on infrastructure and energy projects with international players. Dyemerson Almeida, CTO, is a developer with extensive experience in IT services, business solutions (development, implementation of applications / web products), specialized in languages such as PHP, Javascript, HTML / XHTML, among others. Also, Anauyla Batista, our CMO, for more than 10 years as an executive, she led global negotiations, co-created startups and created an impact accelerator.Defender of environmental causes, spent the last years as a leader in Sustainability at Ambev Latin America, leading the positive transformation and focused on win-win solutions.
- Organizations (B2B)
We see it as an opportunity to accelerate our solution systems and our internationalization. Also, we can get partnership with other Solvers from around the world.
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. expanding client base)
We need to improve our marketing to have a more commercial image.
We seek for government partnerships, industries and supermarket chains. Also we seek for partnerships to accelerate the distribution of our product in the distribution chain, in addition to looking for partners to enter international markets.
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GreenPlat offers a blockchain-based architecture SaaS, which helps companies to become more sustainable, and also to manage and comply with environmental legislation, increase control over the production chain, reduce inefficient administrative work and improve financial results. We bring reliability, transparency and speed to processes that were previously handled only on paper and incompatible spreadsheets, which in addition to process improvement brings important productivity and recycling gains. We help waste generators understand how much and what kind of waste they generate, how it moves through the disposal value chain until it reaches its appropriate final destination. In addition, we track opportunities to improve processes, for example, recycling more or different types of waste.
In addition, specifically for the public sector, we offer a unique value, we developed the CTR-e, a software that manages waste for cities, identifying, tracking and providing detailed information about the large generators and the entire waste disposal chain. Since 2019, we track all waste produced in the city of São Paulo/Brazil - 12.5 million people - and provide real-time information on the origin, transport and final destination of the waste generated, controlling the entire process.
With our tool, São Paulo was able to save R$ 40 million in the 2nd year of the project as a direct result of the use of our tool in municipal and private waste management. Our tool is 100% scalable, regardless of city size. It is a tool applicable for both 3 and 300 cities. The version available for all large cities that generate waste uses the same metric control system and is subject to the same inspection rule, made by decree, related, generators, transporters and final destinations.
Since we entered the market, we have helped municipalities to correctly dispose of their waste. There are more than 690,000 private companies within the software in the city of São Paulo that are audited in real time by the city's Environmental Agency. So far, more than 1 (one) million tons of waste have been managed through our software - this means that everything has been disposed of correctly, and we have reduced municipal shipments to landfills by more than a thousand tons a day, not polluting the environment. For the population, this means a cleaner environment: it reduces the risk of contamination and helps to prevent climate change.
We can also cite success cases we had with Renault, which had a great challenge in understanding and centralizing data on waste generation from its production process, which caused difficulties in auditing processes. The company's data was only analyzed after more than a month, that is, actions and decision-making were carried out based on data and information from the past.
We systematized and automated all reports that Renault manually recorded in spreadsheets, and it was from this project that the generator module and the main reporting functionalities (real-time data) emerged. Since 2016, we have continued to improve the project collaboratively with Renault, to implement new improvements that arise with the use of the solution.
As a result of the use of PlataformaVerde, there was a significant improvement in the efficiency of the company's process. We help to internalize the waste management process, reducing costs and optimizing the operation, centralizing all data and documents needed in a single responsive platform that stores all data in the cloud without the need for investment and infrastructure. With real-time data, the industry can identify management opportunities and quickly take action based on what's happening, looking to the future.
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution