Msika wa Mlimi
There has been production of uneven and low-quality planting materials for bananas. The country has experienced low or no supply of planting material to small-scale farmers through farmer-managed community nurseries. This has been coupled with lack of a training program so that smallholders could manage banana tissue corms planting material in the field.
There has also been scarcity of new source of clean planting material to the farmers, and lack of established farmer cooperatives linked to community nurseries; and uncreated new, larger, and dedicated markets for farmer cooperatives.
Unlike tissue cutting of planting materials, macro propagation is where a banana corms are collected from research certified places in Malawi. Later, the pared and decapitated corms should be deepened in hot water to completely kill nematodes, bacteria and other disease-causing organisms.
There is huge impact potential for this project due to its sustainability and resiliency. Sustainability in terms of greenhouse needed for construction in which locally available resources will be required which will make it easy for continuity for smallholder farmers. Using of local (organic) processes instead of inorganic which might be expensive and unaffordable for smallholder farmers i.e. boiling of corms to kill disease-causing organisms.
Resiliency will also act as indicator of impact potential as banana production in this district is one of reliable staple foods, that means food system will be restored that will make this project to be continued and impact to health statuses of people of all age groups as well as economically empowering the communities.
Banana is a staple food crop in most parts of Malawi, including Mzimba North. Because bananas are perennial and can be harvested year round, the crop is popular with smallholders although the yields have been low and stagnating since 1990s. Currently, it has been found that Malawi imports 20,000 tonnes of bananas per week ( Essentially, this solution will solve the major problems of unavailability of staple foods. Banana is a staple food crop in most parts of Malawi. Because bananas are perennial and can be harvested year round, the crop is popular with smallholders. However, since the 1990s, banana yields in the district are low and stagnating, largely due to pests and diseases and declining soil fertility hence most small-scale banana growers plant new gardens with suckers from old plants, exacerbating pests and diseases. Moreover, suckers are bulky, making it slow to disseminate improved varieties. This has created huge negative impact to food security leaving more than 5,000 lacking staple food creating nutrition related problems according to recent agriculture and health demographic survey of 2016.
Secondly, the production of uneven and low-quality planting materials, low or no supply of planting material to small-scale farmers through farmer-managed community nurseries.
The solution produces cultured/multiplied banana suckers using macropropagation are often free from pests, including fungi, viruses and bacteria. The material can also be free from viruses (cucumber mosaic virus, banana bunchy top virus, and BSV). Multiplied bananas from combs are true-to-type (they are exactly like their desirable parent), but they grow faster, produce bigger bunches, and flower more uniformly, which makes their harvesting and marketing more predictable. Multiplied banana suckers by this method can be produced quickly in large quantities and suckers cannot be infested with pests and diseases. Currently there are few or no quality standards for banana planting material in this community (Mzimba North), but even for those few farmers who buy seed, the quality does not match the standards stipulated by the agricultural policies in the country. Black Sigatoka had reduced banana yields in this catchment area by 30-50% while Xanthomonas wilt decimated yields by 80-90%. Additionally, people need to be capacitated by the organization to reach universal quality standards for this enterprise. Therefore, people in the community needs this solution which aims at producing clean (free from diseases) banana suckers through macropropagation technology.
The most affected group of people by this problem are children, women, and men as well, there has been massive malnutrition to children problem due scarcity of bananas. Women rely on ripen bananas to sell and provide basic needs at home just like men who farm and experiences low productivity and harvest nothing. The target market of this project are smallholder farmers and cooperatives. REHAAT has great potential to have the intended objectives of the project achieved since it (the organization) has already existing relationship with many smallholder farmers in promotion of horticulture initiatives and over 23 smallholder farmers have benefitted therefore this project intends to reach out to more than 1000 smallholder farmers and creating positive impact in social, economic and traditional scopes.
We believe people are in need of this intervention because the cultured/multiplied banana suckers using macropropagation are often free from pests, including fungi, viruses and bacteria. The material can also be free from viruses (cucumber mosaic virus, banana bunchy top virus, and BSV). Multiplied bananas from combs are true-to-type (they are exactly like their desirable parent), but they grow faster, produce bigger bunches, and flower more uniformly, which makes their harvesting and marketing more predictable. Multiplied banana suckers by this method can be produced quickly in large quantities and suckers cannot be infested with pests and diseases. Currently there are few or no quality standards for banana planting material in this community (Mzimba North), but even for those few farmers who buy seed, the quality does not match the standards stipulated by the agricultural policies in the country. Black Sigatoka had reduced banana yields in this catchment area by 30-50% while Xanthomonas wilt decimated yields by 80-90%. Additionally, people need to be capacitated by the organization to reach universal quality standards for this enterprise. Therefore, people in the community needs this solution which aims at producing clean (free from diseases) banana suckers through macropropagation technology.
The organization has partnered with local horticulture farmers at Lusangazi community in the outskirts of Mzuzu city. The organization mobilized the members of the group and facilitated the formation of Lusangazi Horticulture Farmers Group in July 2019 which is largely composed of women. The group has a membership of 23 local farmers. The rationale behind forming the group was to increase the production of local horticulture farmers so that they are able to produce high quality horticultural produce in large quantities and in a consistent manner so that they are able to compete on both local and international markets.
The organization has assisted these farmers in a number of aspects. Towards the end of 2019, the farmers were supported with 2 treadle pumps, 3 sprayers and seeds to boost their farming activities. Then in mid-2020, they were also supported with motorized irrigation pumps and COVID-19 response. Additionally, they received training in cooperative development and management with aim of making the group stand on its own and that it registers as a full farmers’ cooperative in future.
- Create scalable economic opportunities for local communities, including fishing, timber, tourism, and regenerative agriculture, that are aligned with thriving and biodiverse ecosystems
Our solution seeks to create scalable economic opportunities for local communities through regenerative agriculture; growing bananas. Once a banana sucker has been planted, it automatically multiplies itself by producing new suckers that grow into big banana stems when the bigger one matures and is harvested. By training local communities in multiplication of clean and disease-free banana suckers, farmers’ field will have perennial crops which they can sell and consume at household level. Bananas will be regenerating and there will not be the need to be planting new suckers. Additionally, the farmers will be selling some of the multiplied suckers.
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model.
One of our team member; Chimwemwe Mkandawire, has been experimenting with the process at his home using the available resources at home. Through him, we have tested the multiplication process under a very small scale and have come up with suckers that have been distributed to selected farmers for testing. The transplanted multiplied suckers look promising and the farmers have given a positive feedback.
- A new application of an existing technology
The initiative is unique in a way that most of the banana varieties grown in the district are endemic. There are two types of endemic banana varieties: cooking bananas (ndoki) and mulanje. The area is one of the largest producers and consumers of bananas in the country, and it is dominated by smallholders. This is low-input, low-output farming. Bananas are mainly grown to eat, with surplus sold in local markets which use two varieties and uniform management, and the backyard system in rural areas, which grows bananas on small plots for food and as a source of leaves for wrapping and cooking traditionally. So this program aims at expanding their already existing enterprises using this technology of the macropropagation of banana suckers through greenhouse. The project will aim to promote restoration of such food systems therefore people will easily buy-in.
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Crowd Sourced Service / Social Networks
- Materials Science
- Women & Girls
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Persons with Disabilities
- Malawi
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 5. Gender Equality
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequality
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 13. Climate Action
- Malawi
The organization has partnered with local horticulture farmers at Lusangazi community in the outskirts of Mzuzu city. The organization mobilized the members of the group and facilitated the formation of Lusangazi Horticulture Farmers Group in July 2019 which is largely composed of women. The group has a membership of 23 local farmers. The rationale behind forming the group was to increase the production of local horticulture farmers so that they are able to produce high quality horticultural produce in large quantities and in a consistent manner so that they are able to compete on both local and international markets.
In its first year, the solution intends to serve 1000 farmers. These will be farmers in Lusangazi and surrounding communities. In its 5 years, the solution intends to serve 5000 local farmers across Malawi and beyond.
Currently, the progress is measured through the following indicators:
- Quantity of horticulture products produced by using irrigation and sold through structured markets.
- Total income generated from sale of horticultural products and shared among Lusangazi group members.
- Percentage change in income levels for all members undertaking activities under Msika wa Mlimi program.
As the project seriously implements the banana multiplication innovation, the following targets will be tracked:
- Number of greenhouses for Banana Suckers multiplication
- Number of small holder farmers trained in Green House Farming
- Number of people benefiting from multiplied banana suckers in Lusangazi Community
- Number of Suckers planted by small holder farmers in their individual farms
- The amount of revenues generated from selling banana suckers from the greenhouse
- Percentage of income from selling banana suckers to other small holder farmers in Lusangazi community.
- Nonprofit
We are four people currently. These are Chimwemwe Mkandawire, Elijha Masauko, Margrent Amanda Mwenifumbo and Tizgowere Msiska.
Tizgowere Msiska. He holds bachelor’s degree in Public Administration with a minor in Economics from University of Malawi. He has over 5 years working with underserved local communities. Tizgowere is a fully trained social entrepreneur and a fellow of Flame Tree Initiative (FTI), a US-based organization training and developing social entrepreneurs in Africa by partnering with African universities. He is the Executive Director for REHAAT-INITIATIVE. With his background in social entrepreneurship, he is well suited to lead the implementation of the initiative handling issues of product development, marketing, business development among other strategic roles.
Chimwemwe Mkandawire holds a diploma in Public Health from Sky Way University. He is an industrious and innovative young man who despite holding a qualification in public health, has deep interest in agriculture specifically banana suckers multiplication. He has the practical knowledge of multiplying banana suckers after gaining hands on experience in multiplication of banana suckers for commercial purposes. He is the one to lead the actual multiplication of the suckers.
Elijah Masauko is a young man holding diploma in Food Nutrition & Livelihood Security from Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR). Margret Amanda Mwenifumbo is a young woman holding a Bachelor of Science in Development Studies degree from University of Livingstonia. Both Elijah and Margret have experience in community mobilization and engaging with farmers at the local level. They will take the role of engaging with local communities as well as other partners at the local level.
At community level, we have the approach of promote local ideation in which local communities are given the opportunity to develop their own leadership which can lead them throughout the program/project implementation.
At organization level, the organization developed and adopted a gender policy which is strictly adhered to when building teams. This is the reason the team now includes a young woman which is different from the initial team which was largely comprised of men.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
I would like to get into a larger network of problem solvers where I and my team can access different opportunities.
- Business model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. expanding client base)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
With the kind of trainings I have attended, we are now capable of doing most of the things. What we need now are financial resources to buy greenhouses, solar-powered pumps and other materials.
We also need additional technologies in terms of setting up our financial systems and other systems.
In terms of distribution, we need a vehicle or vehicles for smooth and interrupted distribution.
We would lie to partner with organizations that can invest in the initiative or support us with the actual needed materials and skills.
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- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
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I have just finished a research on how gender norms contribute to gender-based violence in Malawi in which I focussed on domestic workers and agricultural workers. Most of domestic workers are women who work in closed spaces and they are prone to different forms of abuse and violence. The nature of their workplace makes reporting very difficult and most of them end up suffering in silence. As a solution, I have recommended that their is need to introduce women to online assembly/association which will make them openly share their experiences within and outside their networks. This requires use of technology.
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- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
Executive Director