- Pre-Seed
Deep (Develop Emerging Experience for Proficiency) = Pathways to Emerging Technology Proficiency (skill layers like Royal Conservatory of Music) + EmTech Community (Girl Guides with EmTech badges) + Inspiration from Leaders (family friendly conferences, festivals, exhibits, talks).
Focus: 1. early childhood development 2. returning caregivers.
1. Emerging Technology INSPIRATION, SKILLS, COMMUNITY helping tech women caregivers concurrently return to work and invest in their protégé's neurological capacity to reach their full potential.
A. INSPIRATION - Experiential learning opportunities, interactive exhibits, speakers, workshops that involve mom and daughters, sparking the imagination, curiosity, and motivation to learn. (inspiration - Ontario Science Centre, Perimeter Institute and MIT Media Lab)
B. SKILLS - Learning pathways
Develop pathways to proficiency and skill layers, by reverse engineering the known domains of expertise required for Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Virtual and Augmented Realities, Robotics, and Regenerative Medicine - Algorithm Development, Statistics, Calculus, Linear Algebra, Information Theory, Modelling, Optimization Theory, Biomedical Engineering... (inspiration - Royal Conservatory of Music)
C. COMMUNITY - EmTech Girls - Global community constellations. Create badges that promote learning in a social, accessible, and age appropriate manner. Leadership that encourages research, tenacity, problem solving, collaboration, exploration and passion. (Inspired by Girl Guides)
2. W&G cannot use technology to fully participate if they don't know what is possible, don't have access to it, are not inspired to learn the necessary skills to prosper in the economy, don't have the support and encouragement to endure the setbacks and challenges, don't know how, and aren't part of a network connecting them to funding, education, and employment.
3. Anything that empowers women to acquire the skills necessary to gain employment in the high demand fields of AI and EmTech, while the minds of their children literally fire up to wire up, has the potential to address many complex problems from poverty to mental health.
Problem 1: To reach the technology peak is challenging, takes time and proper preparation, motivation to endure challenges and setbacks, opportunities to experiment, play, explore, fail and succeed, and courage.
Problem 2: Many women have children and other caregiving responsibilities. They leave the workforce and many never return.
Problem 3: Existing institutions can't keep up with the pace of change, finance the necessary development of curriculum, nor educate the educators fast enough.
Problem 4: There is a lot to understand before a map to the tech peak can be developed. Without a map, people get lost.
My evidence starts at home - two daughters N & M. N will join an elite MD PhD Engineering cohort in September at the University of Toronto. She won the top incoming student prize. M is and Engineering student and co-chair of an AI Innovation conference and beautiful piano & cello player. I studied Computer Science and Mathematics - full-time caregiver and single parent for a decade.
Academic research: Seymour Papert, Jean Piaget, Stephen Wolfram, Google. https://computationalthinkingc...
The interdisciplinary Developmental Technologies research group at Tufts led by Marina Umaschi Bers.
Stanford's Jo Boaler has published extensively in Mathematics Education.
More women in high technology positions.
More innovation from the inclusion of a missing perspective - mature women who left the workforce to raise a young family.
Women with minds wired from early life to solve complex problems using mathematics.
Less poverty, mental health problems and lost potential.
A global community of passionate, curious, creative and clever girls and women.
membership and alumni count - global community
papers and patents by members - innovation
NLP and membership matching algorithm - women in high tech positions
- Upper middle income economies (between $3976 and $12275 GNI)
- Early childhood education
- Primary
- Bachelors
- Female
- US and Canada
- Biotechnology (genetic engineering, new biomolecules)
- Digital systems (machine learning, control systems, big data)
- Management & design approaches
- Robotics
The ingredients are not unique, but the combination and target market is unique. I have not found solutions that address mature women who would like to return to the workforce after time off to care for a family.
Girl guides is a grassroots organization that is run by volunteers from within the community. In a similar fashion, the design proposed here is specific to women who are caring for young children and would like the children to be integrated into the solution.
in a similar fashion to girl guides which is affordable and accessible
online publications, resources and course materials
corporate sponsored special events and funding for award winners
- 0 (Concept)
- Not Registered as Any Organization
- Canada
job/consulting assignments
partnerships with leading technology companies and academics is critical to success
zero to critical mass challenges
- Less than 1 year
- 12-18 months
- 18+ months
- Future of Work
- 21st Century Skills
- Early Childhood Education
- Lifelong Learning
- STEM Education
Why? I have a passion for Women & Girls in technology and skills to contribute but without the Solve community the impact and potential is limited.
Aspirations? Amplify the impact of women, prepare the brains of young women for a bright and promising future, reduce poverty and impact of transitions and caregiving
still in negotiation
I do not know - late in the application process
CEO and Founder