Fully Functioned Productive Forest
Immediate forest environment, the communities live near by the forest hold a huge potential to harm or to sustain the forests. To realize the later requires efforts to inspire, foster and empower the communities. One of those efforts is to develop an ideal productive forest wherein the forests still perform its native function in balancing the earth climate and providing a source of income for the community members. Often the productive forest is managed in a way that is not supporting to forest function to hold water preventing flood and drought, neutralize harmful gas; instead focusing on cultivating forest plantation. The program proposed is to promote the forest farmers and the local youth adopting green living life style. A one day and overnight Green Living Tour Program is developed for the youth to experience; for farmers: dissemination on cultivating forest farm, fruit trees donation, monitoring for the program on trek.
The productive forest is managed in a way that is not supporting to the forest function to hold water preventing flood and drought, neutralize harmful gas emission and stabilize the earth temperature. Currently most productive forest farming focuses solely on cultivating forest for plantation that does not hold the land surface which causes the erosion, as the trees were cut down the ability and the capacity to hold water is also vanished; the forest function to convert CO2 into O2 is also reduced immensely, which subsequently impacting the earth temperature. The other issue is that with the absent or inconsistent of close monitoring there is a tendency of the expansion of the productive forest into the protective forest. The efforts in operating the productive forest constructively is ineffective at present time because of the lack of understanding of locals particularly the forest farmers regarding the vital function of the forest for the world inhabitants and the sustainability of the earth in general.
The program proposed is to promote forest farmers and younger local generation adopting green life style that is achieved through conservation program and tourism in synergy. Tourism mainly builds the spirit of adoption green living among locals. The youth activity is packaged in a one-day or overnight tour package - Green Living. The package includes: green life style class, on field experiencing nature, waste management theory and practice that includes converting organic waste into fertiliser and enzyme in eco-lab located at community-based tourism centre. The program also includes discussion for internalisation of green living concept and to develop inner beauty, sustainable leadership, energy saving, and other sustainable living aspects. The farmer programs include dissemination on cultivating sustainable forest farming incorporating layer of plants: Pavilion, Canopy, Bush and Grass layer. The other activities are local fruit trees distribution that assists farmers with seedling to grow the tree layers. The last is monitoring to ensure the forest ideal function becomes goals and preventing productive-forest expansion over the protected forest located deeper inland. The mechanism includes deploying drown, personal inspection and monitoring, trekking through the jungle, and potentially building hanging bridge along the forest which could become an attractive tourist trek.
The people who will be working with in this project are the forest farmer communities who live next to productive forest. People live immediate to the forest by legacy regard the forest as life resources which sometimes was practiced in harmful way that includes illegal logging and deforestation. The compromise of the situation is engaging the communities in guarding the forest from activities that are harmful for the forests. The people who use productive forest as farming area are directed to plant trees that could keep the forest function whose fruits can be sold, thus, a source of income. This is a win-win solution for the farmers and supportive to sustainable forests. The Local people to work with also include the younger generation, to start building awareness and introducing sustainable life style from the early age.
- Create scalable economic opportunities for local communities, including fishing, timber, tourism, and regenerative agriculture, that are aligned with thriving and biodiverse ecosystems
The challenge is developing a resilient ecosystem by engaging the forest farmers in the program to grow plats in layers that could keep the forest function and provide a source of income for them. The program includes not only activities that assist farmers to develop the designated productive forest farm but also to create awareness and promote the adoption of green living life style. The people coverage is not only of the current productive age but also including the local youth who are still in Primary, Junior and Senior High School that lead future sustainability.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community.
The program model has been developed and tested and currently tested in a village in Jembrana regency to prepare to be applied at other areas in Bali having the same issue
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
It is equipped with a product prototype, and also a synergy of related parties and programs
- Behavioral Technology
- Children & Adolescents
- Rural
- Low-Income
- Indonesia
- 13. Climate Action
- 15. Life on Land
- Indonesia
Currently approximately: 100 people
Next year will be 200 people
Next five year will be 500 people
They are the head of family if it is counted to include the family members the number should be multiplied
Better forest condition: the volume of water flow in the river, the number of flood
Farmers earning from fruits harvested from the productive forest farm
The increase number of students participated in the green living tour program
- Nonprofit
Three People: all of them are lecturer implementing community service
The team is a well established team who are familiar with this type of activity - community service that have been carried out regularly every year
The team will work in cooperation, and everyone will be assigned specific task; progress meetings are carried out regularly, to ensure the smooth running of the project, and to find solution to the emerging issue during the implementation stage
- Organizations (B2B)