To the last child in South Asia- "Nibs & Tools" Mission
Nibs & Tools is network of Electronic Boards, TV, Youtube & Mobile apps to reach the last child.
PROBLEM: South Asia is home to about 627 million children under 18 years of age, Only half the children in South Asia attend early learning programmes. Variety of Factors linked to poverty lead to brief or inadequate Training and education. Without an accelerated effort the Current system will waste childhood, knock down hope from Youth Populations.
SOLUTION: IPWS's "Nibs & Tools" is a mix of academic and vocational plans to achieve level playfing field between Domestic tiers of societies and the Global South & North. British Built Education system for "Clarks" will be substituted with "Nibs and Tools".
(1) GRADING: "Nibs and Tools" is a nominal pay subscription education system modelled on Monthly Open Book exam & grading. Failing Students get Monitored and Mentored by Teachers, but not dropped out.
(2) VIOLENCE: "Nibs and Tools" funding will create secluded hostel facilities and sports campuses to edit societal pressures, violence against children and child marriages.
(3) Including other skills, "Nibs & Tools" will plant seed for aspiring Public Administrators to reduce Govt size and early vocation approch for aspiring educators.
(4) LOBBYING: "Nibs and Tools" lobbies for engineering education outcomes with State and Central Governments. Hugely Incentivising sports in a Billion plus nation with No Olympic Gold medal.
CHANGE: Proposed Outcome. (a) Definition of Vocational Stream early in Life to tackle South Asian Poverty (2) Swap unfitting old education system for employability in workforce. (3) Traditional teachers to act as Monitors and Mentors. (4) Teacher skills and pay to rise the lowest paid to most rewarded with New Training approach. (5) Bridge Gap of opportunities between Rural and Urban communities. (6) Incentivise Sport for National Glory. (7) Zero Down Violence against Children of all ages and Communities.
- Personalized teaching, especially in disadvantaged communities
Use of Current Technology is a transitory process to outreach forlorn Rural and Economically Backward communities of South Asia.
Current Mobile, Internet and State Television Networks will be used to remedy the South Asia Outreach to the Last child.
1. Advertisement through District Govts.
2. Enrolment and identification streams through counselling.
3. Introduction of 25 Skillsets in education approach.
4. Get Certification and accreditation process aligned with Government.
5. Tie with Local Community Centres, Town halls and Schools for Electronic Board Placement.
6. Devise Monthly examination system.
7. Involve Private Enterprise in education and mentoring.
To involve 5 Million kids in first 2 years.
Grow outreach to SAARC Nations, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Maldives and Bangladesh with India.
Achieve target to 10 million kids in 3-4 years.
- Adolescent
- Non-binary
- Urban
- Rural
- Lower
- East and Southeast Asia
Outreach through Government involvement
Retain customers through Relevant Curriculum and visible Growth.
Communities will access through Electronic Platforms, Mobile and Television networks including Local Participation of Internet Connected Internet Screens.
This at a Idea Stage.
4 Million Students in India and South Asia.
Serving them through Govt, Public, Private and Individual partnerships.
10 Millions with the Growth and success of Scheme.
- Non-Profit
- 10
- 10+ years
Educators and Public School Directors for 20 years plus.
Networking in Public Institutions.
Reputation in effective Green School Technologies
Reputation in making Schools Grid Free.
Private, Public, Govt partnerships and Individual Donations.
Solve can advance and Fund the Project for South Asian Children.
Solve can build American partnership in South Asian Educational process.
Barriers are age old education patterns.
Solve them by prompt success of Early Vocational approach and Institutional Partnerships.
- Organizational Mentorship
- Technology Mentorship
- Connections to the MIT campus
- Media Visibility and Exposure
- Grant Funding