Sustainable Sting
We engage local farmers with steepslopes to establish Stinging nettle plantations. For every 3months we buy nettle stalks which we use for fibre extraction. Nettle shoots&leaves are directed for use in cosmetic and alternative nutrition. Through this we are able to offer sustainable and continuous eco-cash crops to local farmers. The nettle plant re-establishes after harvest and is thus a cover crop all year round which helps in biodiversity conservation.
We employ innovative biological retting process ,at farmers point, which apart from us getting fibre the farmers get the fermented plant extract which they use as foliar fertilizer and bio-pesticide.
Our nettle yarns are stronger than cotton, versatile than silk and cheaper to produce than wool. The nettle fibre characteristics make it easier to blend with other fibres.
With its regenerative nature, resistance to pests and little water requirements, nettle fibre has the potential to replace other conventional fibres in Africa and globally.
1.Low productivity&profitability among poor small scale farmers in kenya who have steep-slopes leading to degradative farming with adverse environmental impact. 1/16 of total highland lands in Kenya are steep slopes. As population density increase, local communities are moving to farm in these slopes. Unfortunately, being too steep, clearing of natural crop cover leads to high erosion and stream siltation. These have caused many streams to disappear upstream with water reaching downstream being too dirty for consumption.
2. globally Textile is the 2nd most pollutant sector in world. Currently ,more people are becoming environmental&social conscious of what they wear,how its made&where its made.unfortunately,there is limited supply of sustainable textile in market amidst glowing demand.coming from Africa who are net importers of textile as 2nd hand clothe.we act as dump site as we lack end recycling capabilities.population is on increase @2% .demand for clothing&food is increasing but land doesn’t.local communities are forced to encroach steepslopes for farming .with demand of clothing glowing,there is increase in import of conventional clothing which ends up in burning,alternatively more lands are put on cotton farming which uses lots of green houses emitting gases as well as water&arable lands that could be directed to food production.
We engage local farmers in the steep slopes to establish Stinging nettle plantations. For every 3 months we buy nettle stalks which we use for fibre extraction. Nettle shoots and leaves are directed for use in cosmetic and alternative nutrition. Through this we are able to offer sustainable and continuous eco-cash crops to local farmers. The nettle plant re-establishes after harvest and is thus a cover crop all year round which helps in biodiversity conservation as nettle plays host to hundreds of insects and small vertabrates.
We employ innovative biological retting process ,at farmers point, which apart from us getting fibre the farmers get the fermented plant extract which they use as foliar fertilizer and bio-pesticide.
Our nettle yarns are stronger than cotton, versatile than silk and cheaper to produce than wool. The nettle fibre characteristics make it easier to blend with other fibres.
With its regenerative nature, resistance to pests and little water requirements, nettle fibre has the potential to replace other conventional fibres in Africa and globally.
Africa population is on increase at an estimated 2% per annum. By 2035, it's estimated around 2 billion people will be living in Africa. Increase in population increases demand for clothing. Notably, the middle-class population is on a steady rise and research has shown a direct correlation between increased in middle-class population with the increased demand for eco-social conscious goods. Eco fibre production process leads to community livelihood improvement. With the availability of eco-fibre and clothing in Africa being too rare, we are working to increase Its availability and also remain globally connected . world major fashion brand are pushing for sustainability and most of them has set a sustainability department in their company. being global change award in sustainable fashion has enabled us to reach out and have discussion with fashion companies w and sustainability departments are working closely with us. we are present in UK fashion material studios . though accounting for 15% of our business, hand craft and hand wooven products are sold directly from our website and we have had clients from 15 countries.
consumption of sustainable apparel has grown by 508% between 2016-2018 with the trend shifting upward as people are becoming more conscious about what they wear and current fight of climate change were fashion serve as the second most pollutant in the world. kenya imports 1.6 million tonnes of second hand clothes per year, 50 % of which can be made with nettle sustainable fibres, we target on long run to reduce direct importation through local making and sourcing. with us working with global brands in material research, we aim to produce products to global standards and partner to target part of $50billion sustainable fashion market which is greatly affected by lack of sustainable fibre. coming from Africa ,we are placed to be leaders in sustainable fashion,thanks to favorable climate that would allow year round production of fibre as well as abundant steep-slopes and affordable labor that will ensure fibre production has no effect to food production whose demand increase with increase in population
- Create scalable economic opportunities for local communities, including fishing, timber, tourism, and regenerative agriculture, that are aligned with thriving and biodiverse ecosystems
we engage local communities with steep slopes or those near community forest areas to establish stinging nettle and engaging them in pre processing of the fibres .through these ,we create a source of income these community while at the same time engaging them in environmental conservation and regenerative agriculture . on success ,these project works to conserve biodiversity as it inhibits local population from clearing vegetations in bid to try farming.
if community is assured to earn continuously from natural vegetation, there lies no need to clear for farming
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community.
We have already done pilot lab production to asses the best extraction method that is cost-effective, faster&ecofriendly with more sustainable benefits to the local population. Among methods researched are chemical, physical, enzymatic&biological extraction. Our pilots focused on a specified biological extraction method which gives high-quality&environmentally friendly fibres This process gives not only fibres but also fermented plant extracts which is used as foliar fertilizer being also safe and teachable to others. The step is carried on farmers site giving farmers more benefits as sub processers. During our piloting stage ,we were able to engage 200farmers with extreme steepslope to establish stinging nettle plantation which was success till we stopped as production of fibre was hard with little access to machines . we learn successful pilots and post pilot we have being able to engage on an intermittent basis 400 farmers with60 women trained in knitting of customized orders we have
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
PRODUCT: stinging nettle is the only plant fibre that can match cotton in softness,its stronger than cotton with unique property of being hollow in structure that makes it fit for usage in both summer and winter clothing thanks to the hollow structure found in it.
Its cheap and easier to produce when compared to wool,versatile And durable than silk and softer than bamboo.these makes nettle a superior fibre which can be blend with other fibres to improve their quality.
PRODUCTION LANDSCAPE: we produce our nettle fibre from steepslopes which are considered wasteland ,involving community in conservation as well as biological extraction of fibres.apart from fibres,the initiative have circular benefits in environmental conservation , community empowerment and contributing in community well being as nettle shoots and leaves are directed for use in alternative nutrition and cosmetic industry.our landscape balances future needs as we separate food from clothe production as demand for both increases,saving more land and water for food.
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- Materials Science
- Women & Girls
- Rural
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Kenya
- 1. No Poverty
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 13. Climate Action
- Kenya
During our piloting stage ,we were able to engage 200 farmers with extreme steepslope to establish stinging nettle plantation which was a success till we stopped as production of fibre was hard with little access to machines . we learn successful pilots and post pilot we have being able to engage on an intermittent basis 400 farmers with60 women trained in knitting of customized orders we have .these number wont change in the next 1 year.
however The team is currently running research in a bid to produce clothing fit to make t-shirts from stinging nettle. On finalization of eco clothing production, we shall tap to partner with H&M who are monitoring our quality and production capacities. we target to engage atleast 100000 farmers to establish stinging nettle plantation on 25000 acres of extreme steepslopes when the company becomes technologically ready. these will be able to conserve environment as well as offer livelihood improvement to the local population
we engage local communities with non productive steep slopes to establish stinging nettle as a commercial crop. to understand our impact, we measure the increase in farmers earning prior and after our engagement. employing biological letting process which happens mostly at farmers point , we are able to offer farmers more earning and despite us getting fibres, farmers get fermented plant extract which they use as foliar feed. these is indirect impact which we as a team are working on the most effective way to measure it. we have a conservation impact which we are working o way to measure. by establishing stinging nettle on steepslope, we conserve environment and prevent soil erosion.nettle plays host to more than 100 species of insect with admiral butterfly in Kenya being one at risk of extinction. by establishment of stinging nettle in its native areas, we are able to contribute to biodiversity conservation which is hard but important to measure.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
The founding team came to initiative at different level and on different purpose. Jonah was doing phytoremediation project research on waste land when he met Jackie who was doing community empowerment on wasteland productivity with no definite crop,susan joined these group when she was doing conservation research of disappearing springs and biodiversity in water towers ,esther as nurse joined as she was trying to fight microstarvation and iron deficiencies among marginalized women in Kenyan coast and dried stinging nettle became the 1st option.sophia previously trained teenage girls in hand knitting and weaving as form of self reliance and became part of team as she is inspired by sustainable fashion and future of conservation. Jonah mwangi waithaka:Founder and C.E.O of the venture.Biochemist by profession farmer by passion and highly experienced in social entrepreneurship.he serves as overall head of the venture with his main roles being strategy development,design innovation and coordination of business activities Jackline murimi: chief operations manager .Trained accountant by proffesion,trained and experienced social entrepreneur with 4 years experience in social entrepreneurship and innovations.she aids in design innovations and business partnership as well as internal business coordination Susan macharia:biologist by proffesion and chief conservation officer in our venture,leads production and monitoring Esther muthoni :nurse by professional,heads partnerships and relations and offset of non fibre masses Sophia wambui: talented knitter and weaver and leads textile production and community training The team is working close with local farmers who does the primary fibre letting reducing the need for in factory fibre processes.
the team is currently as inclusive and diverse as possible with representation from different carders in terms of gender, age, training, passion education level and vision.
we strive to employ basically based on skills, experience and fit to position regardless on tribe, disability ,sexual orientation or gender.
where applicable we appreciate partnership to acquire services which necessary doesnt need us developing internal system like weaving.
these ensure we are inclusive and have alot to offer interms of returns to the local community
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
our main challenge currently is acquisition of decortication line and milling machine which will standardize production and lower the cost of extraction to 33%. with adequate financing we shall be able to acquire these within a short time.apart from financing, mit will give us a global exposure which is key to driving conversation about the need for sustainable fashion that is produced with circular benefits to the society.with textile being the second most pollutant in the world,climate change mitigation on top, mit will place us at a better point to scale and impact on the most affected continent on the earth as well as place us in lead position to advocate of changing clothing to be within planetary boundaries. being a global award , association with mit will give us credibility among future investors who shy away from investing in early stage ventures due to risks involved. mentor-ship and networks acquired will be key on our scale pathway.
- Business model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
we are a startup in forming, we need to identify our strong point of concentration as we work to create a living brand, these comes handy with choices that my affect short term and long term financial position of our venture but help us scale towards future.
to balance these as a startup need support from seasoned mentors who have seen ventures scale.
fashion designers
environmental conservation
organizations practicing remediation on degraded land .
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- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
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currently , 100% of our produced fibre are weaved into wooven fabrics, these step is entirely done by women mostly young mothers who would end up being house wives. on success of our venture we expect to engage atleast 100 women on piece work( empower them with weaving looms a tailoring space ) where they can work on their own schedule and paid per piece of product produced to ensure they are empowered without interfering with their cultural duties ( of family care ) which is too dear to africa culture and limit women from engaging in fixed time board employment. so far 60 women have being trained but are engaged intermittently .
the funding we get from these prize will go ahead to procure weaving looms and training women whom even in absence of heavy work load in nettle fibre can still use our space and technique to work with other sustainable fibres .
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production of ecofibre is a safe alternative to convectional textiles in terms of carbon emission.
in our case, nettle grows naturally with less water required. these when compared to cotton which uses lots of chemical sprays to produce, we can say we are engaging local community in saving much carbion that could have being released in environment through sprays. our choice of biological processing vis a vis chemical processing is aimed to eliminate ghg emission. both enzymatic and biological processing are safe alternative . where chemical nettle fibre processing is tried, it has failed sustainability test which to us is dear.
the award we shall get from these will go along in research and development to advance our mechanical decortication and carding machines development to ensure standard fibre production and ensure ever the final fabric making step is carbon neutral as much through involving people in weaving unlike normal process that require lots of energy to run .
on success( long term goal) we aim to cut on importation of second hand clothes in kenya which imports 177000 tonnes of second hand clothe yearly which ends up in dumpsite within an year leading to lots of carbon credit imports as well as pollution in drainage blockage and burning emissions
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution