Green Network
Green Recovery tackles the microplastic problem infesting our world in 4 ways.
‘Simple Substitutes’ is our primary platform, where members search for alternatives to plastic products. They can also search for products with eco-friendly packaging. Once they select the recommended product, they will be redirected to local stores that sell it.
‘Plastic Print’ enables members to track their personal plastic usage. We also provide a recommended plastic purchasing pattern to ensure customers are still able to purchase necessary products, while ensuring it does not imprint our ecosystem.
‘Green Network’, a digital forum, enables members to interact and upload personal projects or solutions to spread awareness.
‘Global Share’ is our final section where members have access to the latest news articles and videos related to the environment.
If this project was scaled globally, customer awareness will surge and our circular economy will be completely relieved of plastic products.
At Green Recovery, we are attempting to solve the micro-plastic problem. There are currently nearly 5 trillion micro and macro plastics floating in the ocean, resulting in the death of over 100,000 marine animals and 1 million sea birds. Moreover, all of this plastic will eventually be part of the human food chain.
The link above describes the effect of plastic packaging on the environment. Over 40% of plastic produced is a part of plastic packaging. And this problem isn’t expected to stop. Sources state that plastic packaging is expected to increase by 30% within the next 5 years.
However, plastic is not just restricted to packaging. 380 million tons of plastic is produced annually, of which at least half are made for single-use plastic. This indicates that a large portion of plastic is used for producing products as well. For example, most Plastics contain additives making them stronger, more flexible, and durable--extending the life of products. Some will not ‘break down’ for 400 years!
Our primary feature, simple substitutes, enables members to search for ecological alternatives for their desired product, or products they desire in eco-friendly packaging. The member must initially type in the product they want to purchase. Once selected, they will be redirected to the website of local stores they want to purchase from. This feature involves collaborating with local stores and creating a database along with them.
Our second feature, plastic print, provides data to our members regarding their personal plastic consumption pattern. This includes the number of plastic products and the distribution of these products (meaning which types of plastic-products are being purchased by the user). In addition, our software suggests a recommended plastic consumption pattern.
Green Network is a forum where our members are connected with one-another and can share their own personal solutions or projects.
Global Share is our final platform where customers have access to environmental news. This news will not be made by us. Instead we share this news on our platform and when members would like to read it, they will be redirected to that particular website.
The effect of microplastics poses a massive threat to most organisms: including humans.
“A report on the impact of plastic pollution, one of the first to document the impact of discarded plastic on the health of the poorest people in the world, estimates that between 400,000 and one million people die every year because of diseases and accidents linked to poorly managed plastic waste in developing countries” -- Sir David Attenborough (Broadcaster)
The above site describes all the potential ways human beings ingest plastics. We consume plastic through seafood, plastic packaging, such as plastic bottles and plastic containers, and through our clothes. Due to the fact that humans consume plastic through man-made products, Green Recovery’s main platform, Simple Substitutes, aims to provide alternatives to plastic products. Through this process, the amount of plastic ingested can be massively reduced.
However, humans are not the only species being affected by plastic products. Marine animals are the most affected by plastic pollution: 100 million marine animals die annually due to plastic pollution. Plus, over a million birds due to either ingesting plastic, or injury caused by plastic. As most of such plastic products enter the ecosystem due to purchasing them, reducing the consumption of such products directly mitigates the number of deaths and injuries due to plastic. One significant method is the provision of alternatives. However, public awareness can change the way plastic is viewed, used and managed as waste. Therefore, Green Recovery’s addition of Green Network and Global Share further reinforces our ability to tackle the microplastic problem.
With interaction and communication, through Green Network, between members, we can spread the effect of plastic on the environment, as well as discuss potential solutions. Whereas in Global Share, we ‘Share’ news that pertains to the environment. Similar to Green Network, this increases support and enthusiasm, stimulates self-mobilization, and mobilizes knowledge amongst citizens.
- Provide scalable and verifiable monitoring and data collection to track ecosystem conditions, such as biodiversity, carbon stocks, or productivity.
I understand that the challenge, Resilient Ecosystems, requires solutions where societies can help protect ecosystems. Subsequently, I believe that Green Recovery perfectly fits into the requirements. Managing and monitoring the level of plastic consumption reduces the level of plastic entering the ecosystem.
I also understand that MIT Solve is looking for technology-based solutions. Therefore, the website custom is a practical method for all customers to access. We also aim to collaborate with local stores to ensure our customers have a wide range of ecological products to purchase, as well as promoting awareness.
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model.
We selected ‘Prototype’ because it accurately describes our current progress. Green Recovery, at the moment, is in progress of collaborating with local stores and building the website. At the moment, we have a list of contacts for potential local stores whom we may collaborate with. We will begin this process once we have completed the homepage of our website. We currently have 5 members, distributed into the designing, development and content writing department, as well as some mentors to guide us in terms of collaboration and the development of the website. We are also planning on collaborating with a news aggregator targeted for children. In this manner, we can expand our organization and maximize awareness amongst members.
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
While researching, I have realized that there are many local stores that aim to tackle to problem of plastic pollution by selling ecological products or using eco-friendly packaging. For that reason, I believe that a singular source where customers have access to all potential ecological products to purchase can revolutionize the market for household products. This process does not only benefit our customers, as the rise of Green Recovery simultaneously triggers the escalation of multiple local sellers that strive to rid our world of plastic.
Our idea of Plastic Print enables users to monitor their plastic consumption pattern. This process directly conveys the users their impact on the environment. Plus, a suggested consumption pattern can guide our customers to a more sustainable environment.
The addition of Green Network and Global Share ensure that awareness can be spread amongst members of society. Addressing concerns and potential solutions to costumers can spark a change in attitude in terms of conservation. If applied globally, this process could allow most of the population to switch to purchasing eco-friendly products.
- Big Data
- Crowd Sourced Service / Social Networks
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Rural
- Urban
- India
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 14. Life Below Water
- 15. Life on Land
- India
Since we are currently in the development stage of our website, we are not open for members as of now. However, if we develop and launch our website within a year, we are expecting over 500 members to join us (considering the website is still open only to local members) within the next two years.
Whereas in five years, we are expected to serve over a million of members. This is because our website should be accessible to international members within the next five years, therefore expanding our customer base and accessibility. Plus, considering the perilous threat plastic pollution poses not only to India but the entire world, Green Recovery's member count should expand rapidly.
Our major indicator of our progress levels will be our customer count. The more the number of members that are a part of Green Recovery, the greater the size of our non-profit organization.
Another indicator will be the profit margins of our collaborated local stores. As we compare the profit levels of these stores before collaborating with Green Recovery with their current position, we can determine our impact on them.
Another indicator is the number of local stores we are collaborating with. We have listed 9 potential stores we can collaborate with. This number may increase in the future, and can indicate our progress towards achieving our impact goals.
Plus, the amount of finance we build up is a clear indicator our advancements. We allow donations to improve the quality of our website and make more and improved features accessible to our members. This may mean that during the initial period after launching the website, Green Recovery may not gather the desire financial support. However, if we grow to a national scale, we may charge commission on ecological products sold by local stores or for creating groups or more forums in Green Network. This means that our level of finance clearly describes our position in terms of meeting our goals.
- Not registered as any organization
We currently have 5 members as a part of Green Recovery, of which 2 are full-time staff and 3 are part-time staff. We also have 4 mentors guiding us in terms of development and project management.
Even though our organization consists of only teenagers and youngsters, each and every member is prominent in their respective field. One of our members has taken a course on Udemy about web-development and still has a very good background on programming by watching videos on YouTube and other smaller courses to develop highly intricate games and programs. Our other member helps in various different contexts, including running this website smoothly. He handles web content, collaboration between workers and local stores and is the founder of this website.
Two other members work part-time in the design committee. Even though they may not have past experience working to design professional websites, their creativity certainly enables our website to be attractive and convenient for our members.
One member is a part-time worker who guides us in terms of our progress and ensures we are running smoothly. He has multiple experiences in terms of leadership roles and can, therefore, provide us with as much advice and help as possible.
We may potentially collaborate with WYM ( A news aggregator), our human capital and software management should expand, making our operation much more efficient.
Green Recovery is an online project. Therefore, we do not require workers to be physically present to work on the project. This enables our workforce to include a diverse skillset.
In addition, this project is reviewed by a counselor who is working alongside other projects as well. As he is located in another country, this provides Green Network an opportunity to work alongside international participants.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Green Recovery is applying to MIT Solve because we believe it is an ambitious method for us to receive the resources required to grow Green Recovery to an impactful scale.
Considering Green Recovery is a student-initiated program, it is difficult for us to garner students who are highly skilled in terms of programming. Although this may not affect us currently, it can affect Green Recovery at a future point in time.
Plus, Green Recovery is a major advocate of spreading awareness. Therefore, collaboration amongst people across the globe can play a vital role in the expansion of Green Recovery and the revolutions in society.
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development, etc.)
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
As this is a non-profit made by students in high school, many students and friends are unable to find the time to help us. Although, we are running efficiently with only two full-time workers, it would always help to have an external source of assistance to be more productive.
As stated before, we are a non-profit organization. This makes it a little difficult to gather the financial support. Although we do not currently need it, there may be cases in the future where we must rely on gathering some financial support to sustain our project.
Prior to starting Green Recovery, I was working for WYM (World Youth Media), a news aggregator designed by students. This company strives to make knowledge available to every single member of our country, by uploading news on YouTube.
Green Recovery plans on collaborating Global Share with WYM. We plan on creating a section on the Global Share page where members can access the videos made by WYM. These members will be redirected to YouTube to view the videos. As this process enables WYM to gain more attraction, we request them to help provide labor and technical resources to boost the functioning of our website.
Plus, we shortlisted potential companies whom we may collaborate with for Simple Substitutes, as we need many sources for ecological packaging and products.
This is a list of these potential products:
Juicy chemistry
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Green Recovery is qualified for this prize because we are on the path to creating a sustainable method to preserve ecosystems.
Spreading awareness and influencing customers' choice of products can bring about a revolution in terms of creating a safe and collaborative society.
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution