PAZESA Horticultural Community
“Adverse Climate Change, degraded ecosystems, destructive fishing habits and over fishing, accelerate High poverty and food-insecurity among already vulnerable people, forcing 95% of marginalized rural Zambians to live on less than $1 US/day/household.
Baseline: “Fish species are rapidly destroyed by drying rivers due to Climate change, Systemic, High Residue Effective Toxins” like (Thiodan, Chrolopyrifos) used to capture fish causing massive ecosystem and species destruction. Sustainable livelihoods are constrained and shuttered. The rich biodiversity ecosystem, its nutritious fish are all depleted and lost.
Sustainable Mono-sex Aquaculture integrated with Agro-forestry aims to curb over-fishing, destructive, unregulated poisonous fishing, provide Bio-filters and enhance sustainable livelihoods.
The project will:
- Change “People’s mindset” from destructive fishing methods to sustainable Aquaculture
- Improve fish quality/quantity 10 times
- increase Aquaculture productivity 10 times
- Create sustainable livelihoods
- Reduce poverty from US$0.3/day to US$9/day.
- Enhance food security and Nutrition
- Restore natural habitat, Biodiversity and ecosystems
“Adverse Climate Change, degraded ecosystems, destructive fishing habits and over fishing, accelerate High poverty and food-insecurity among already vulnerable people, forcing 95% of marginalized rural Zambians and 4 billion people globally to live on less than $1 US/day/household. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, only 28% of women/girls in Kalichero ate once the other day; lived on less than $1 US/day, now 88% live on $0.3 US/day; eat once the other day”. Of the 99% vulnerable households in Kalichero who depend on agriculture, 55% depend on mixed-sex Aquaculture.
Alternatively, people resort to poaching fish/wildlife using extremely Poisonous Toxins and lethal traps to kill wildlife and fish silently at night - destroying a wide range of wildlife, fish/aquatic life thereby destroying the Eco-system and habitat Biodiversity which they once protected just to raise food and money to survive. Sustainable livelihoods are constrained and shuttered. The rich biodiversity, ecosystem, its nutritious fish are all depleted and lost. Youths/women resort to poaching and prostitution to avert poverty, raise food security and generate income.
Mono-Sex Tilapia farming integrated with Agro forestry is the solution to poverty reduction as it produces 95-99% large fish, 10 times as profitable as mixed-sex aquaculture.
INNOVATION: Mono-sex Aquaculture using 17 α Methyl Testosterone integrated with Agro-forestry Biomass. Mono-sex (Meaning raising All Male or sex-reversed Tilapia fish which grows faster twice the size of females- just like castrated pigs), Climate Smart Aquaculture using 17 α Methyl Testosterone fortified fish feed integrated with Agro-forestry Biomass promotes vigorous growth and achieves 99% male. Male fish grows twice as fast as females. It is therefore necessary to reverse the sex of female fry because tilapia becomes sexually differentiated for several days after yolk sac absorption. If female tilapia receives a male sex hormone (17 α methyl Testosterone) in their feed, they develop as phenotypic males. 17 α Methyl Testosterone, added to a powdered commercial feed, containing >40 percent protein, at a concentration of 60 mg MT/kg feed is fed to fries for 28 days.
Sex-reversed Fingerlings will be provided to beneficiaries for stocking ponds. Agro-forestry Biomass produces excellent water turbidity, plenty zooplankton/phytoplankton and acts as Natural Bio-Filters removing destructive toxins. The project will create a Community Based “Resource Fish Farming Grant” to incite women/youths to undertake sustainable fish farming - a “Philanthropic Cooperate Responsibility” to provide “Start-Up Fingerlings Resource Grants” to the community twice annually.
100,200 marginalized, poorest, semi-literate and vulnerable women, youths and men from 200 under-served households in rural areas of Chipata, Chipangali and Kasenengwa Districts in Eastern province in Zambia. Beneficiaries live in the major wildlife South Buffer Zones for Luangwa National Park. the beneficiaries live in abject poverty and food insecurity such that the average households lives on less than US$1/day and eats once the other day especially between October and March each year. The area has 78% youths and young people age below 49 years. 65% are semi-literate (minimum of primary school education), 20 % are unemployed high school graduates and 15% have never been to school. The Chewa, Kunda and Ngoni people cherish farming, cultural dances, wildlife and rat hunting. 88% of their animal protein is wildlife, fish and rat meat from poached wildlife. 90% of the people live in grass thatched mud houses in cluster villages governed by Village Headmen, Indunas and the Chief.
Approach, Methodology and Design:
The project uses "Appreciative Inquiry" development approach which focuses on the 4 Ds.: “Discovery” (To appreciate best self-personalities, capabilities and Community Resources), "Dream" (To enable participants to visualize their desired vision), "Design" To enable participants to plan their destiny) and "Destiny (To enable participants to act on their planned actions to archive their objectives so as to reach their Destiny and do more of their best. This strategy incites the participants to focus on success than problem Articulation, it empowers beneficiaries to feel “Resource Rich” and improves participants’ determination to “ACT” and to “OWN” development activities and ensures project sustainability and continuum. Appreciative Inquiry molds beneficiaries’ minds from thinking as resource poor to gathering determination and zeal as resource Rich able bodied community investors ready to prosper.
“Appreciative Inquiry” (AI) Development methodology Integrated with “Participatory Learning and Action” (PLA) and spiced with “Open Book management”, the project has identified the major trends, threats, opportunities and dreams through "future search" community meetings. This data has been used to develop "Program Matrix" to ensure effective project implementation and enhance project impact. Through Appreciative Inquiry development community mobilization meetings, beneficiaries will be identified using Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) by the indigenous peoples’ communities, multi-stakeholders selection approach and will be urged to form Community Action Groups according to their interest areas (DISCOVERY). Rapid Rural Appraisal, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Participatory Learning and Action, Skills and “Motivational Entrepreneurship Training” will be used to re-arrange beneficiaries’ vision from destructive fishing habits to “Sustainable Alternative Livelihoods” (Dream), equip the beneficiaries with the right skills, reduce poverty, and design/plan activities (Develop). Since poverty is multi-dimensional and not solely about a lack of money, beneficiaries will be trained in the 4 pillars which hold the “Ladder of Success” (Tangible Investment, Creative Innovation, Progressive Savings and Transparent Accountability) to enable them transform from living on US$0.3/day/household and eating once per day (Baseline) to earning US$9/day; investing US$3/Day, Living on US$3/Day, Saving US$3/Day, eating at least 3 times per Day and 60% reduction in destructive survival approaches and Illegal Wildlife Trade.(Impact) [Destiny]
The project will facilitate climate smart fish farming, integrated with Agro-forestry, Horticulture and livestock livelihoods to provide income and meat to alleviate poverty (fulfilling SDG1- End Poverty) and enhance food security (fulfilling SDG2-Zero Hunger). Women and youths will raise US$9/day; live on US$3/day, invest US$3/day and save US$3/day unlike now when they live on US$0.3/day. These livelihoods will revamp fish, meat and income generation such that people will no longer indulge in poisonous fish harvesting, poaching and illegal wildlife trade to survive. Through Agro-forestry, it will restore the Biodiversity, replenish the Eco-system and filter Toxins from the natural Habitat.
The grant will enable beneficiaries to once again put food on the table for their families, revive household income and mitigate the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 pandemic without indulging in destructive fishing methods deforestation and Illegal Wildlife Trade. Livelihoods products: Fish, meat, and vegetables will be available for the community to eat and sell surplus to improve the health of community members and reduce the “COVID-19 Adverse Impact” (increased acute hunger, starvation, accelerated poverty levels and rapidly deteriorating health during quarantine periods and aftermath). Food availability will avert hunger and starvation (fulfilling SDG Goal 2 Zero Hunger) as women and youths will eat at least 3 times per day unlike now when they eat once the other day. Livelihoods will improve nutrition, health and well-being fulfilling SDG3. Tourism will be Eco-friendly without elements of illegal wildlife trade because women and youths have enough income which will “cushion” impacts of sharp decline in visitors to ecotourism industry (which caused abrupt loss of income, overnight loss of employment) and will refrain from poaching and illegal wildlife trade. Poisonous poaching will cease because beneficiaries will have enough food and income at household than poach in the prohibited park.
Empowering women will avert gender disparity and demonstrate gender equality (fulfilling SDG5) challenging cultural norms that women cannot effectively manage sustainable livelihoods. Therefore, the grant will increase community resiliency to curb poisonous fish harvesting, poaching, mitigate climate change, alleviate poverty, enhance food security, curb Illegal Wildlife Trade and conserve wildlife during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Create scalable economic opportunities for local communities, including fishing, timber, tourism, and regenerative agriculture, that are aligned with thriving and biodiverse ecosystems
The project directly aligns with the challenge providing sustainable Eco-Friendly Interventions to restore, manage and protect ecosystem as follows:
- Reduces poverty among marginalized people from living on US$0.3/day/household to living on US$3/day/household, saving US$3/day and investing US$3/day.
- Establishes Community Based Mono-sex Fish Breeding HUB to create community resilience, ownership/adaptation.
- Provides sustainable livelihoods/descent jobs.
- Combats Climate change through: Pond liners, boreholes and water harvesting Technics; ensures farmer-owned livelihoods.
- Changes people’s mindset from destructive fish harvesting to sustainable Aquaculture.
- Restores and Filters Ecosystems through Agro-forestry; Biomass generates turbidity, phytoplankton/zooplankton.
- Persuades the Community to refrain from Toxic fish harvesting
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community.
Pilot is the best stage for our innovation since it is still being tested in Kalichero, Chipata District in Zambia. However, there is enough scientific evidence from other countries like USA, Bangladesh, Malawi, South Africa etc that Mono-sex Aquaculture yields 10 times better than mixed-sex aquaculture. But there are no interventions at grassroots community level to benefit the marginalized rural poor in developing countries.
Currently 100 people are testing Mono-sex Aquaculture. It is new Technology in Zambia since a lot of fish farmers are still doing mixed-sex aquaculture which produces poor yields, poor fish quality characterized with small, bony stunted fish which in turn fetches poor prices. The Hundred pilot beneficiaries have improved income and reduce poverty within 8 months of intervention.
- A new application of an existing technology
It is scientifically proven, reliable, result oriented and produces positive impact. Mono-sex Aquaculture integrated with Agro-forestry is proven to improve fish production 10 times, increases farmers income 10 times and quickly and sustainably alleviates poverty.
It will Increase market visibility through value chain market innovation and restore the depleted ecosystems through Agro-forestry.
Integrating with Horticulture and Agro-forestry will enhance environmental protection and revive the ecosystems whilst providing sustainable livelihoods thereby reducing poverty among marginalized families.
- Materials Science
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Rural
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Persons with Disabilities
- Zambia
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 5. Gender Equality
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequality
- 13. Climate Action
- 14. Life Below Water
- 15. Life on Land
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Zambia
100 people are being served currently. After 1 year of funded intervention we envision to serve 500, 000 poor marginalized people. 5,000,000 people are expected to be served in 5 years.
Participatory result Oriented Monitoring and Evaluation system will be used to obtain project data, track target indicators, track project achievements, best practices, lessons learned, community technology adoption and buy-in and measure productivity benefits and impact to the community. Both qualitative and quantitative data and parameters will be obtained using Data collection Tools like “Beneficiaries Training and Empowerment Registers, Fish Breeding Records, Fish Harvest Comparison Reports, Household Livelihood Empowerment registers, Quarterly, Bi-annual and Annual Review and Planning Meetings, Farmers Production Chart”, “Household Income/food security-Flow Charts and Terminal Project Report. Impact Assessment Report will verify the project impact by considering the baseline report with the project aftermath, effects and impact on the target beneficiaries and the community.
The women and youths beneficiaries’ vision is to attain the under-listed indicators in 5 years and celebrate success if we meet these desired indicators:
If at least
- 60% increased population of Tilapia breams, due to reduced poisonous/poaching fish fishing methods to curb over-fishing by 2026.
- 60% community resilience in Mono-sex Tilapia fish farming due to viable and sustainable alternative livelihood by 2026.
- 60% of the beneficiaries earn US$9 per day so as to live on £3 per day, invest £3 per day and save £3 per day (3 Dimensional impact: Reduced Poverty) by March 2026.
- 60% of the beneficiaries have all year round household food security by March 2026 (Reduced Hunger).
- 70% of the indigenous peoples refrain from destructive fishing methods. poaching and Eco-system/Biodiversity destruction by March 2026
- Nonprofit
Management Team
- 7 Full Time staff
- 3 part-time
- 20 Volunteers
Wonderfully positioned right in the rural community at Penner Roberts Gardens in Kalichero, Chipata, Zambia. Being orphan founded and based right in the rural community we have witnessed and experienced first-hand, vulnerability experienced by marginalized women/youths- eating once the other day, going to bed on empty stomach for several days, eating once the other day, surviving on rats and wild fruits, failing to pay for school fees, orphans of mixed gender sleeping on reed mat on clay floor under a leaking thatched roof covering 1 bed sheet all year round etc. Determined to change the situation, we facilitate fish farming, community sensitization and formed community based organization to alleviate poverty through sustainable livelihoods.
Our Team comprises of “The Prestigious 2013 PEPFAR Heroes Championship Award Winner”, Paul Phiri, Aquaculture experts, Certified Chartered Accountants, 2 Auditors, experienced Social Workers, Wildlife Conservationist, Extension Officers and support staff.
With support from Firelight Foundation USA, TIKVA Grassroots Empowerment Fund, World Connect, Tides Foundation, Sacred Fire Foundation, US Peace Corps-Zambia and International Tree Foundation UK, The Lions Share Foundation and United Nations Development Program (UNDP), PAZESA has impacted positively on the marginalized community in Zambia. Since 1997, PAZESA has facilitated Fish farming to reduce poverty, create sustainable livelihoods, create descent jobs and enhance food security and as such we have enough experience and knowledge to pass-on to the community.
The United States Embassy Zambia, awarded our Executive Director, Paul Phiri, “The Prestigious 2013 PEPFAR Heroes Championship Award”.
Non-Discriminatory, Community Based, Human Centered, Result Oriented through Appreciative Inquiry Development approach.
Our approach is non- discriminatory as PAZESA Horticultural Community does not discriminate against anyone and has an equal employment opportunity for all. All qualified applicants are accommodated, (either as volunteers or employees) and are NOT being discriminated against on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, creed, cult, gender identity, religion, disability, age, veteran status, ancestry, or national or ethnic origin. We also have a “Prior Informed Free Will/Consent” Policy for all staff, participants and beneficiaries. The organization's "Gender and Child Safe-Guarding and Protection Policy" ensures safe working atmosphere for all (staff, volunteers, participants, beneficiaries, stakeholders etc) regardless of gender and age. PAZESA collaborates with relevant stakeholders in line ministries to share knowledge and leverage service delivery.
Development Approach and Methodology:
PAZESA uses Appreciative Inquiry integrated with Randomized Experimental Design, Future Search and Participatory Result Oriented Monitoring and Evaluation. “Appreciative Inquiry" approach focuses on the 4 Ds: “Discovery” (To appreciate best capabilities, Community Resources), "Dream" (To enable participants to visualize their desired vision), "Design" (To enable participants to plan their destiny) and "Destiny” (To enable participants implement their planned actions, archive their objectives, reach their Destiny, focus on SUCCESS than problem, influences participants to “ACT” and “OWN” development activities, ensures project sustainability and continuum.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
To leverage Knowledge, share innovations, learn from fellow innovators collaborate with partners and expand resource mobilization. Partnership with donors will enable us to connect the rural community to the rest of the world and Tap on the resources needed to revive the ecosystem, restore the natural habitat and bring viable and sustainable livelihoods to vulnerable families - thereby alleviate poverty.
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development, etc.)
- Business model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. expanding client base)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
We need Human capital experienced in Mono-sex Aquaculture to mentor our team perfectly. Mono-sex tilapia Aquaculture is new in Zambia. We need Financial support to develop market strategy, attain recommended value chain marketing peak and scale-up sustainably. Human resource support is required to assist with resource mobilization and pitch investors/donors. We need public relations to provide better customers relations to clients, develop better branding and marking standards. Product/service distribution is required to expand client base, reach more vulnerable target groups and impact more positively on marginalized communities. We need technology to manage water parameters ideal for sustainable fish farming, launch e-marketing of fish and free information exchange e-learning platform.
Needed potential partners include: Organizations, MIT faculty, initiatives, Solve Members, donor foundation, funders (Fund Providers), Aquaculture experts, Entrepreneurs, scholars, fish feed processing innovators, climate change advocates etc.
These can amplify our work, help with resource mobilization, build the project team's capacity and link to service providers, donors etc.
We are ready to accommodate volunteers in our community just as we have been accommodating US Peace Corp Volunteers since 2001.
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We qualify because our solution provides entrepreneurship learning opportunities for girls, women, youths in the marginalized communities to learn entrepreneurship skills, financial management and business skills so as to be able to create sustainable descent jobs for themselves and others. The project will advance STEM among marginalized women and Girls to equip them with relevant skills to create jobs instead for looking for jobs in a country of high unemployment.
It provides scientifically proven mitigation measures to create Climate smart, safe and sustainable communities, "Restore Ecosystems", curb destruction of natural habitat and create smart resilient Ecosystems through facilitation of viable and sustainable multi-profit livelihoods. It brings mindset change to the community to shift peoples' focus from unsafe poisonous and destructive fishing methods to "Climate smart, resilient and conservative, viable and sustainable Aquaculture" to the most marginalized communities.
Therefore, the innovation will turn marginalized communities (destructive perpetual destitute) to Resilient conservationists and opportunistic investors. It will incite the community to stop poisoning Ecosystems and natural habitat but instead conserve, replenish, restock and enhance Mutual co-existence of humans, fish, ecosystems and environment. This will reduce pollution, provide carbon sink, create safe, sustainable and smart communities with reduced poverty and enhance food security.
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We qualify because our solution is designed to curb Overfishing by creating viable and sustainable "Farmer Owned Aquaculture Systems/Livelihoods" for the marginalized communities which will increase fish (and fish species) population 10 times per year thereby reducing the urge to overfish in wetlands, natural rivers and oceans. The Fish Breeding HUB will produce Billions of Fingerlings annually and empower millions of marginalized farmers to help emerge out of poverty so as to Curb Over-fishing. It creates community ownership towards Aquaculture and brings conservative responsibilities as opposed to destructive, poisonous, illegal, unregulated fishing methods used currently. It brings abundant fish to the door-step of the most vulnerable and marginalized people to reduce the urge to travel to rivers to fish. The innovation also improves fish quality, size and stocks thereby improving farmers' per capita income. Sustainable Mono-sex Aquaculture will reduce poverty from living on US$0.3/day to US$9/day. The Innovation restocks/replenishes fish stock in ponds, wetlands, community water bodies etc to curb over-fishing and facilitates mind-set change from destructive fishing methods and over-fishing to sustainably harvesting fish responsibly.
This innovation brings viable and sustainable livelihood through fish farming. Doubling fish stocks and empowering the community with viable and sustainable "Farmer Owned multi-profit Aquaculture" will definitely curb over-fishing. The establishment of a "Community Based Aquaculture Resource Grant" will provide needed aquaculture supplies, skills, services and grants, enhance community resilience to Aquaculture and to ensure project sustainability, replication and continuum after Minderoo Prize to End Global Overfishing grant funds phase-out.
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We qualify because we facilitate Agro-forestry and reforestation thereby creating sustainable carbon sinks to remove toxic carbon from the environment. Agro-forestry woodlots and fish ponds create good buffer zones to absolve carbon and create better cities. This will restore the Eco-systems, Biodiversity and natural habitat further replacing the lost environment and creating sustainable carbon sink. The value chain sector which uses solar driers will reduce carbon emission from firewood and fuels. Solar Refrigeration will promote resilience to carbon emission, preserve trees from deforestation thereby create better carbon absorption zones. Every beneficiary will be mandated to "pass-on" the skills and resources to 4 other beneficiaries to maximize project impact. The "pass-on" strategy will ensure project replication.
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Our innovation facilitates Resilient Ecosystems, sustainable livelihoods and Open Book management training. This is compatible with The GSR Prize as it advances STEM through Open Book Management and also advance and revives Ecosystems to improve the lives of Vulnerable communities.

Executive Director