Mocoh (pron. 'mo-co' as in 'mobile cohort')
A mobile learning platform that uses poly-synchronous video to bridge the participation gap between 'in person' and online learning
We believe that we’re only at the start of a new period of mobile and social learning. We’re currently mostly using social ‘media’ apps for learning. What about social ‘learning’ apps? Our aim is to make online learning more effective by making it easier for students to engage with each other, their teacher/s and the content-wherever this is through the mobile smart phone. The rise in live mobile video opens up massive opportunities to enhance online learning - we want to put live, user friendly video at the heart of a true social and mobile learning platform and surround it with a range of features that make it possible for a student to engage in their learning with minimal access to a laptop or desktop. We want to capture the popularity of live social media videos as a tool for teachers and learners to engage, but then have this video become a powerful and changing artefact that supports the majority of learners who can't watch a 'live' video. We want the video to become a primary interaction space for learners and teachers. We will surround this video tool with visually appealing and easy to navigate social learning features such as profiles, achievements that are verified by blockchain certification methodology, ability to form mobile and virtual study huddles and 'upvote' important contributions from fellow students on a topic or 'subject board'.
Current distance and online learning options emphasise a designed for desktop approach. The emergence of increasingly cheap 'data first' mobile platforms in countries such as India presents new opportunities for students who own mobile phones to engage with and in learning, but also provides an opportunity for educators and administrators with ways to engage these students who live in areas lacking in infrastructure or feeling the effects of dramatic population growth. MOOC's paved the way for accessible learning, however these are inherently biased towards learners who have previously achieved and who are able to navigate their learning without feeling strongly connected to a teacher and learning community. We want to move MOOCs onward to be truly mobile, participatory and 'smart' by designing for ways that capture the wisdom of the crowd but in ways that present this knowledge as a 'user friendly' experience. The video to the presentation is here: and I feature from 21:05. My clickable prototype used in the presentation is here https://projects.invisionapp.c... The slides used in that presentation are here
- Supportive ecosystems for educators
- Personalized teaching, especially in disadvantaged communities
Most students watch recordings not live. With our approach a student watching a recording from earlier can engage and ask the question during the video instead of going to a separate virtual space such as a discussion forum. Within live videos in learning environments at present, if there is a significant number of students watching and asking questions, the lecturer can be bombarded with questions. We will develop a peer/crowd 'upvote' function which then 'pushes' through the most upvoted comments/questions to the presenter rather than an an unfiltered list of questions. The function encourages participation and relevance to the crowd
In addition to the above we see a significant role for this platform in the management of achievements and credentials through the issuance of block chain backed certificates and statements of attainment. The 'pre-seed' funder of this platform has a significant legacy in the blockchain space and currently consults to the largest telecommunications business in Australia about this (Telstra).
Simple-to get a fully functioning and deployable prototype built and into the hands of users, and to build the organisation/business around it.
Would love to see this platform become the default choice for mobile learning engagement around the world.
Development of these plans as we test and refine the concept.
Would love to trial across 150-300 students at Charles Sturt here in australia with my willing academics and then proceed from there.
- Other (Please explain below)
- 2
- 1-2 years
Deep knowledge of online learning, deep knowledge of technologies such as development of apps and blockchain, to name but two. I am completing master of commerce at present. Co-founder Jack has exited multi-million dollar businesses previously. Consults to CEO level Aus Stock Exchange top 20 businesses.
To be determined, possible license based.
Sourcing wisom from the crowd appeals to me because I'm someone sitting in regional australia with limited exposure to 'start up world' and kids and work etc. Gives me the chance to look beyond my own backyard.
Dollars, access, expertise, exposure. Solve@ MIT can help me with all these
- Peer-to-Peer Networking
- Organizational Mentorship
- Technology Mentorship
- Connections to the MIT campus
- Impact Measurement Validation and Support