- Pre-Seed
We can make a mobile app which answers all queries a women have; be it related to studies, bikes, counseling, yoga, meditation etc. It will have different language and education from basics to Master /doctoral level. It will include all culture and traditions not restricted to a country or religion.
- 1)We can provide various facilities on discounted price for these women. At times girls /women don’t educate further because of money i.e. fees they have to pay and security of job. So if they can get few scholarships / loan on very low interest rate then I am sure more women will take up further studies. Further STEM is usually male dominated and often girls are treated as Barbie dolls which need to change. People don’t look at their talents this girls have There are many girls who can stand up with opposite sex people, but due to family pressure they back out from that field.
- 2)So we need to make sure such girls are getting proper infrastructure and counseling which is really important to build their mental strength and motivation to keep working on their goal.
- 3)Women from lower areas were internet is restricted for female use. We can have weekly/ monthly Session for such women’s on how to use internet and in what way it is useful.
- 4)We can also do career counseling online test or paper pencil test. This will help women to understand their strengths and in which field they are good at and how to reach their goal.
- 5)For women’s we can help them to open their own business with help of money at low interest rates. Or part time work where they can study and work simultaneously.
- 6)These women just need opportunities and trust on themselves. We need to teach them basic business skills and how to deal with a situation.
- 7) We can teach them, that it's okay if women are bread winner than home maker. It's absolutely fine and not a taboo.
Lack of opportunity and lack of trust on women part is the main concern. Especially , families don't accept women into a role of a bread winner. They always see them as home maker. We just need them to make aware that they are capable of doing things irrespective what other tells them. If little bit fund is available to them, possible more number of girls can take part in STEM. Also, part time work with education is more beneficial for them.
Being a counselor, this is what I have heard all this years. I understand the core issues.
A small trust and finance can change anyone's life. It would have changed mine as well. At times women don't have source of knowledge in order to reach their goal. They don't have adequate knowledge of the particular field. So if there is an app or a website wherein women/girls can get information right from getting admission to job prospect. It will be useful. They need proper guidance and help to reach their goal.
Every women on this earth will benefit from this and will get some motivation and a way to trust their capabilities to reach their goal. We just need to change their childhood mind set, that they are just born to be a house wife and take care of children.
Girls or women who asked questions online and how many are reading articles. - downloading app
How many of people are subscribing email newsletter. - Log in to website
- Adult
- Lower middle income economies (between $1006 and $3975 GNI)
- Secondary
- Female
- Suburban
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Middle East and North Africa
- Consumer-facing software (mobile applications, cloud services)
- Digital systems (machine learning, control systems, big data)
- Imaging and sensor technology
- Management & design approaches
- Something so new it doesn’t have a name
It's innovative because not only counseling but what career they can chose will be mentioned. Along with that how to achieve their education goal , from where they can work part time and study, how to get scholarships for further studies etc. will be provided. It will be working 24/7 by a professional psychologist.
This app will be not be restricted to any community, religion or country. It will be user friendly and we can add many volunteers of different communities to work on this project.
Also, the app will be available in different languages and not restricted to any particular language.
The app will be on Android versions and ios if possible. there will be tutorials available for them thus will make it easier for them to use.
Once an app is made , we can use social media platforms for promotions and contact colleges and schools authority bout usefulness of this app.
- 9 (Commercial)
- For-Profit
- India
We are looking for investors for making of this app. I have talked to many app making companies but because of financial issues the app is not approved. Also, app companies are not into profit sharing business so it becomes difficult to go with this app due to lack of funding.
Financial support is the major and only things that is limiting to launch of my app.
Rest everything is fixed like how to get materials , whom to involve online, etc. All plan is ready but unfortunately searching for companies to fund the project.
- 3 years
- We have already developed a pilot.
- 6-12 months
- Technology Access
- Income Generation
- Behavioral / Mental Health
- Substance Use / Addiction
- Healthcare Delivery
The app which i have thought is unique. I agree you have all the best people who can make the similar app but not the app which I have planned and ready to use. I am looking for some companies who can provide full funding. And ready to provide business deals like , for the first years I will not charge anything just certain amount of remuneration. Thus company who might be interested in funding will get 100% profit.
None .Because app is unique which no one has thought about.
Psychologist and Remedial Educator