Stabilizing the food security in Yei
Local farmers will be encouraged to dig ponds to drain the swampy areas which will be used as fishponds for fish farming. During the dry season, the excess water is used for growing vegetables. The vegetables together with the fish will improve the nutrition status of the people. The swamps when reclaimed can also be used for planting trees which contributes positively to climate change as the planted trees will increase the oxygen and greenery effect. The excess catch from the fish ponds and the vegetables can be sold to cater for other household needs. By so doing, the economic status of the beneficiaries is improved and they will be able to send their children to schools and cater for basic needs.
Improving the resilience of ecosystems, improving climate change, conservation of the environment, improving food and nutrition security, providing self-employment, and income generation
Because of the conflict in South Sudan, many who were people displaced are already returning to South Sudan to their areas only to find that their sources of livelihoods are destroyed. This project will help them to start a new sustainable life than being dependent. Yei area has small streams and rivers that do not have much fishing potential where the returnees/IDPs could get enough fish for their livelihood. The idea of fish ponds will enable the reclamation of the wetlands (swamps) into usable land for fish and vegetable farming and bee keeping as water will be available throughout. This enables a start of a normal life. The people will also be encouraged to plant trees which will be used as poles for construction thus minimizing destruction of forests which contributes to climate change.
The excess catch from the fish ponds and the excess vegetables can be sold to cater for other household needs. By so doing, the economic status of the beneficiaries is improved and they will be able to send their children to schools and cater for basic needs.
The idea of fish ponds will enable the reclamation of the wetlands (swamps) into usable land for fish and vegetable farming and bee keeping as water will be available throughout. This enables a start of a normal life. The people will also be encouraged to plant trees which will be used as poles for construction thus minimizing destruction of forests which contributes to climate change. Nursery bed for both fruit and other trees will be established at the location and irrigated using the water from the ponds. The trees are later distributed to the most vulnerable households who cannot afford to but the seedlings. This will increase the rate of planting the trees which contribute to climate change thus a resilient Eco-system of water and land conservation, environmental conservation and protection, increasing nutritious food production and supply to the local market generating income which in turn improves life standards of the household. After 5 years, those who have planted enough trees may be able to sell their trees as poles to get more income while leaving some to mature as timber and also act as rain forests.
The solution majorly serves the returnees, the internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees and the host community in Yei who have access to swampy areas the have potential of being water retention for fish farming but will be open to any community member. Additionally, the seedlings from the farm/ nursery bed will be mandatory given to the community with training on planting and maintenance.
- Create scalable economic opportunities for local communities, including fishing, timber, tourism, and regenerative agriculture, that are aligned with thriving and biodiverse ecosystems
Yei in particular and Equatorial region of South Sudan generally relies on agriculture. This was disrupted by the conflict and both displaced and host community started engaging on cutting of trees for charcoal and poles for sell instead of cultivation. This deforestation without mechanism in place to replace the lost trees has led or is slowly leading desertification as a result of the destruction of forests by cutting of trees in the long run which contributes negatively to climate change agenda. Additionally, because of the shift from farming burning charcoal, has made people to abandon the agricultural activities thus increase hunger as little or no food is locally produced. With the introduction of fish farming and vegetable production adjacent to the fish farms during the dry season, together with income the beneficiaries will get from the forests in the long run, the community will automatically shift in direction to invest for the future.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community.
This activity was initially started in 2013 and a fish pond was established for training other farmers. However due to the conflict of 2016 people were displaced from the area and everything came to a standstill. After the peace agreement the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCHISS) was signed in September 2018, people are already returning only to find the sources of livelihoods destroyed including the previous activities including the fish pond. So this project is to continue from the previous activities.
- A new application of an existing technology
The idea of reclamation of swampy areas into fish ponds will enable the chnange of the wetlands (swamps) into usable land for fish and vegetable farming and bee keeping as water will be available throughout. The people will also be encouraged to plant trees which will be used as poles for construction thus minimizing destruction of forests which contributes to climate change. Nursery bed for both fruit and other trees will be established at the location and irrigated using the water from the ponds. The trees are later distributed to the most vulnerable households who cannot afford to but the seedlings. This will increase the rate of planting the trees which contribute to climate change thus a resilient Eco-system of water and land conservation, environmental conservation and protection, increasing nutritious food production and supply to the local market generating income which in turn improves life standards of the household. After 5 years, those who have planted enough trees may be able to sell their trees as poles to get more income while leaving some to mature as timber and also act as rain forests.
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Behavioral Technology
- Women & Girls
- Rural
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- South Sudan
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequality
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 13. Climate Action
- South Sudan
The solution is currently serving 30 individuals from in 5 households. In 1 year, the solution plans to reach 180 individuals in 30 households. In 5 years time, the solution plans to reach 900 individuals in 150 households.
The progress towards impact will be measured through the following
1. Number of functional fish ponds established with nursery beds for trees and vegetable gardens
2. Number of individual members as well as households participating in the fish, off season vegetable farming and planting tree plants for future use
3. Number and percentage of households able to cater for basic needs from the sale of fish, vegetable etc from fish farming
4. Number and percentage of households who abandon burning of charcoal, hunting etc to fish farming and planting of trees
- Nonprofit
35 people
Full time staff-10
Community volunteers-25
The Nile Initiative for Development (NID) is a non-political, non-religious and non- profit making organization registered in South Sudan since 2016 with the South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission. The Organization Mission is to provide capacity building, technical support, and advocacy for the vulnerable groups in terms of support and bridge them to where they can get help. The organization also respond to emergencies like refugees, IDPS and also implement emergency development programmes based on the availability of resources” Our goal is to “Eradicate suffering of the people by empowering them with the necessary skills and knowledge that will make them think independently and generate their own income and livelihood” based on our Motto, “Serving communities through Empowerment”
The approach in building a diverse, equitable and inclusive leadership is enshrined in The Nile Initiative for Development core values which include integrity, impact, inclusion, solidarity, accountability, open mindedness,
egalitarian power and decision making structure, honesty, sincerity and striving to learn and grow in ways that support the vision and core values
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Solve will help in overcoming the limited financial support to enable the expansion of the fish farms make more people engage in the activity eventually resulting in the planting of more trees thus a positive impact on climate change. This financial support will be used for acquiring tools, training materials and inputs for the successful establishment and functioning of the fish farm etc.
- Business model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Legal or Regulatory Matters
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. expanding client base)
Since most of the beneficiaries do not have or have limited knowledge in fish farming as a business, there is definitely need to train them on the idea of fish farming in fish ponds developed from swamps. Additionally, the integrated nature of having both vegetable crops and forestry in the same project also needs a detailed training to the farmers.
When the beneficiaries are already harvesting fish and other products from the farms, there is need to train them in business management in order to keep proper records of the returns in the farming business and also measure their profits from this business.
Finally, the beneficiaries and the management needs to be exposed to other farmers in other locations to share their experience with and also learn new ideas on how to improve. This requires more knowledge on public relations also to market out their knowledge and experience.
Ideally, currently there are no organizations that we are partnering with.
Where possible, we look forward to partnering with MIT faculty or initiatives and/or MIT members. Unfortunately, we have no specific names in mind to list but we look forward to knowing them in the course of time.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Yei in particular and Equatoria region of South Sudan generally relies on agriculture. This was disrupted by the conflict and both displaced and host community started engaging on cutting of trees for charcoal and poles for sell instead of cultivation. This deforestation without mechanism in place to replace the lost trees has led or is slowly leading desertification as a result of the destruction of forests by cutting of trees in the long run which contributes negatively to climate change agenda. Additionally, because of the shift from farming to burning charcoal, has made people to abandon the agricultural activities thus increase hunger as little or no food is locally produced. With the introduction of fish farming and vegetable production adjacent to the fish farms during the dry season, together with income the beneficiaries will get from the forests in the long run, the community will automatically shift in direction to invest for the future.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Yei in particular and Equatoria region of South Sudan generally relies on agriculture. This was disrupted by the conflict and both internally and/or externally displaced and host community started engaging on cutting of trees for charcoal and poles for sell instead of cultivation. This deforestation without mechanism in place to replace the lost trees has led or is slowly leading desertification as a result of the destruction of forests by cutting of trees in the long run which contributes negatively to climate change agenda. Additionally, because of the shift from farming to burning charcoal, has made people to abandon the agricultural activities thus increase hunger as little or no food is locally produced. With the introduction of fish farming and vegetable production adjacent to the fish farms during the dry season, together with income the beneficiaries will get from the forests in the long run, the community will automatically shift in direction to invest for the future.
- In the long run, when many people have planted more trees, this contributes to reducing carbon-di-oxide which is responsible for ozone layer responsible for global warming. By doing so, the impact of global warming will be reduced, people will have clean air and replacement of the trees that might have been cut by the people previously.
- Reclamation of waste lands for productive use of fish farming, vegetable farming and establishment nursery beds for tree plants.
- Improvement of nutrition thus well-being as a result of availability of fish and vegetables and honey from the farm
- Increase in the income level of the household to cater for other basic household needs thus diversification
- Households will be able to afford tuition fees as well as health needs for their children thus indirectly contributing to increase in education enrollment of societies and a healthy community.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
In South Sudan, women and girls are considered as objects that do not have a say in any society and do not own land and other properties. Additionally, they are prone to gender based violence in search of fire wood and other household needs including water and food as they are the primary providers or in charge of these activities in South Sudan cultural context.
This project will especially empower the women and girls to be part of the activities including the fish farming project and also the tree planting. This will give them access to land and own personal farms including forests that they will plant on their own. The fact that that each person will have access to tree seedlings, will enable them plant more at their back yards which will minimize their movement to the far locations that expose them to risks of gender based violence (GBV).
The women and girls will be encouraged and supported to have their own associations and conduct other income generating activities like knitting, pottery, plaiting, etc
Additionally, the rights of women and girls will be sensitized throughout the project activities to ensue that the community is aware of the special needs of women and girls and voice their concerns.
All members of the farming group will be trained on a code of conduct and policy that specifically safe guards women, girls and and child. These policies will be made available for all the beneficiaries in a form and interpreted in away that is widely understood by all. All the members will be trained on The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) to ensure that they are all aware of the dangers associated with maltreatment of women and girls.
Where possible, the women and girls who might have faced GBV cases
knowingly or unknowingly will be linked to specific entities including
organizations that provide legal aid and special services to those
specific women.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Though South Sudan is a land locked country and has no coastal line to the sea, what ever is done within South Sudan in terms of fish consumption directly or indirectly affects fishing at the seas and oceans.
By encouraging fish farming at the swamps, this means that the level of fish quantity of fish needed in the area that will be fished from the oceans and seas s greatly reduced.
Also to ensure the continuity of fish production, only the mature fish will be allowed to be harvested. Any immature fish will be thrown back to the ponds to ensure that it reaches its full potential and also reproduces. This ensures a continuous fish production and no extinction of some fish species.
In our activities, we do not encourage forced labor in all its forms.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
The idea of fish ponds will enable the reclamation of the wetlands (swamps) into usable land for fish and vegetable farming and bee keeping as water will be available throughout. The people will also be encouraged to plant trees minimizing destruction of forests which contributes to climate change. Nursery bed for both fruit and other trees will be established at the location and irrigated using the water from the ponds. The tree seedlings are later distributed to the most vulnerable households who cannot afford to but the seedlings. This will increase the rate of planting the trees which contribute to climate change thus a resilient eco-system of water and land conservation, environmental conservation and protection, increasing nutritious food production and supply to the local market generating income which in turn improves life standards of the household. After 5 years, those who have planted enough trees may be able to sell their trees as poles to get more income while leaving some to mature as timber and also act as rain forests.
- In the long run, when many people have planted more trees, this contributes to reducing carbon-di-oxide which is responsible for ozone layer responsible for global warming. By doing so, the impact of global warming will be reduced as the trees will take up the carbon-di-oxide while generating more oxygen. In return; people will have clean air and replacement of the trees that might have been cut by the people previously.
- Reclamation of waste lands for productive use of fish farming, vegetable farming and establishment nursery beds for tree plants.
- Improvement of nutrition as a result of availability of fish and vegetables and honey from the farm
- Increase in the income level of the household to cater for other basic household needs including affording payment of basic tuition fee as well as payment of basic medical bills.
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
The idea of fish ponds will enable the reclamation of the wetlands
(swamps) into usable land for fish and vegetable farming and bee keeping
as water will be available throughout. The people will also be
encouraged to plant trees minimizing destruction of forests which
contributes to climate change. Nursery bed for both fruit and other
trees will be established at the location and irrigated using the water
from the ponds. The tree seedlings are later distributed to the most
vulnerable households who cannot afford to but the seedlings. This will
increase the rate of planting the trees which contribute to climate
change thus a resilient eco-system of water and land conservation,
environmental conservation and protection, increasing nutritious food
production and supply to the local market generating income which in
turn improves life standards of the household. After 5 years, those who
have planted enough trees may be able to sell their trees as poles to
get more income while leaving some to mature as timber and also act as
rain forests.
- In the long run, when many people have planted more trees, this contributes to reducing carbon-di-oxide which is responsible for ozone layer responsible for global warming. By doing so, the impact of global warming will be reduced as the trees will take up the carbon-di-oxide while generating more oxygen. In return; people will have clean air and replacement of the trees that might have been cut by the people previously.
- Reclamation of waste lands for productive use of fish farming, vegetable farming and establishment nursery beds for tree plants.
- Improvement of nutrition as a result of availability of fish and vegetables and honey from the farm
- Increase in the income level of the household to cater for other basic household needs including affording payment of basic tuition fee as well as payment of basic medical bills.
Farmer and Project Officer