Terrestrial Ecosystems for 17SDG2030
- Problem our innovation will solve is generating, strengthening, promoting unique compensatory terrestrial ecosystems and ensuring restoration of critically damaged existing counterparts by upgrading LULUC to LULUCF, GHG emissions/environmental pollution control and enhancing freshwater security for achieving targets of 17SDG2030 UN Agenda Goals of Paris Accord.
- Solution equally addresses terrestrial water resources whether nationally contained or trans-boundary shared among riparian/non-riparian countries belonging to three (as valid) categories as listed below;
a- Surface Water: flowing and stationary.
b- Groundwater: springs, wells, boreholes, adits, galleries, and river water abstraction for controlling water logging (regulatory pumping out).
c- Reclaimed water: desalination, rainwater harvesting, and treated reuse.
The solution upon scale-up shall globally help freshwater sustainability for life security threatened by global warming. Climate control of biodegraded emissions of GHG shall be enhanced by reinforced soil sequestration and strengthened terrestrial carbon sinks. Additional merits of R&D include promotion of urban/rural ecosystems/ Ramsar Convention prescribed wetlands.
World socioeconomic development has severely damaged terrestrial and marine ecosystems as a well known reality of established 20th century environment hereinafter abbreviated as ENV.20th. Food security relationship with ecosystems is fragile. Twenty-first century environment – ENV.21st climate suggests that water, food and climate change mitigation – adaptation – CCM-CCA actions require unprecedented approach on ecosystems. Entire range of developmental projects, and related LULUC result in GHG emissions with consequences of freshwater stress directly or indirectly causing shrinkage, disappearance, and degradation of terrestrial ecosystems which further destroy vegetation, forests, biodiversity, and carbon sinks.
- Scale of the problem ranges from community to trans-boundary onward to global in rich, poor, arid, semiarid, humid parts of the world.
- Terrestrial ecosystems may be existent-natural, or established compensatory-natural at as diverse locations as coastal to hilltop.
- World populations are served by ecosystems and in exchange harm their abitotic and biotic segments.
- Factors contributing to ecosystem problems are primarily freshwater stress, LULUC, food security, industrial transformations for development, and complex life style behaviors. Government as a guardian is mandatory factor. Global statistics correlates to all riparian/non-riparian countries. Climate change urgency, emergency, or red alert is not biased to local, national or global significance of climate change actions.
With passage of time decades active TWREEC R&D has drastically magnified in various aspects of creating unique compensatory and in-situ restoration of critical ecosystems .
Terrestrial ecosystems continued suffering despite ENV.20th support. Majority developmental sectors continued physically destroying, shrinking, shifting venues, and degrading by hazardous/toxic pollution. ENV.21st has taken serious notice of ecological destruction stressing immediate revival, restoration, and strengthening world lifeline and carbon sinks. Presuming sunlight intact so far, next two building blocks of terrestrial ecosystems namely freshwater, and suitable/ nutritional soils are immensely endangered by climate change and LULUC. Under 2-phase ULHC is undergoing global warming caused loss of cryogenic sphere disturbing terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Ecosystems are bridle and cradle of universal life cycles notably ULHC, universal life carbon cycle –ULCC, and universal life basic-food cycle – ULBC. Marine ecosystems are not part of this project but seawater desalination is covered under terrestrial ecosystems.
Ranged CCM and CCA objectives are achievable by the TWREEC project in accordance with 17SDG2030. Special emphasis of the project is on sustainable reliance over freshwater resources, land and supported activity.
Our solution resembles environmental site/land reclamation carried out in certain countries. However it is not post-project exercise but is full track coverage.
The project is for climate change rescue of the whole world current and future populations without any discrimination. Purposes served are multiple to nations, governments, and society. Pertinent are listed below;
- Assistance in climate change policy, strategy and action plan.
- Preservation of land and freshwater resources.
- Restoration of the largest carbon-sink of the earth planet.
- Upgrading of LULUC to LULUCF.
- Food and renewable energy security.
- Promotion of biodiversity
Among all sorts of climate actions undertaken internationally, terrestrial ecosystems rank top in compound CCM-CCA vitality. Entire humanity has terrestrial inhabitation and entire socioeconomic activity is launched and managed here. Moreover, it is the prime target of climate change which in turn is controllable through resilience of terrestrial ecosystems. Resilience got to be tri-directional as mentioned below.
- Against socioeconomic development.
- Against devastation/degradation charged to shortcomings of ENV.20th.
and, - Against climate change.
Revisiting Ecosystems
Scientifically defining, there are two segments of an ecosystem comprising of the following.
- The Biotope (abiotic);
- The Biocenosis (biotic).
Abiotic is physical environment consisting of land, water, ambient conditions, and exposure to sunlight as suitable to native (or tolerably invasive biotic). Biotic is biological and microbiological freshwater aquatic, peripheral and vicinity life of flora and fauna supported by abiotic. Popular examples biotic include tundra, taigas, temperate deciduous forest, temperate forest, grassland, and desert. Freshwater contained ecosystems or terrestrial aquatic systems are important for fauna resources supplying food to human and non-human life. Of course dual-performing freshwater/saline water wetlands and marshes are important terrestrial ecosystems. Geographically each terrestrial system is region specific or within national parts where biotope resembles favorably. Historically ignored terrestrial ecosystems can hardly be restored in-place. Environmental engineering has capability to achieve the taunting challenge. Investors are needed for engineering projects. Unfortunately, they are not much available in the entire world for CCM-CCA size of projects. Terrestrial ecosystems are so simple, straight forward, and proven techno-economic servant and rescuer of freshwater deprived, natural ecology destroyed, and climate change endangered humanity that these should have not been mistreated by civilizations. An ecosystem is a geographic area where various macro/micro organisms, floral and faunal species coexist in sustainable manner under suitable ambient and soil/land conditions. Water requirement ranges between soil moisture content to accumulations fit for aquatic life. Terrestrial ecosystems are freshwater or brackish water supported while marine ecosystems are seawater based. Human presence is terrestrial even in islands.
Populations dependent on NEE or involved in MME and SCE are generally unaware about adverse impacts of climate change which is currently a topic of scientists and CCM-CCA researchers. However, freshwater and food shortages have started knocking doors in developing countries where populations are dominantly poor and illiterate. Needs of local, national, regional and international populations are gradually being understood for their engagement in development of solutions prominently for the following challenges.
TWREEC innovation tends induction of climate-smart/circular agriculture even in those places absolutely lacking arable urban and rural sites along with embedding food security in constructed environment. TWREEC proposed food security program contributes to entire 17SDG2030 UN Agenda Goals so comprehends climate change mitigation/ adaptation –CCM/CCA irrespective of compliance or defiance of 1.5o C and 2o C pathways of global warming combat. Hunger and thirst are two cumulated consequences of climate change while assorted aftermath at national, regional, and international scales is widely divergent. Humanity has a habit of not accepting simple narrations regarding these ordinary and disregarding complex explanations because these are not understandable ordinarily. Food and potable water are simple narrations in the context of climate change while cold and hot GHG Emissions are complex pretexts.
a. Quantitative Threats to Terrestrial Ecosystems
Whether land-land based or freshwater aquatic, terrestrial ecosystems have immensely reduced in number and size over the industrialization period worldwide. .
b. Qualitative Threats to Terrestrial Ecosystems
Qualitative threat to land-land based or freshwater aquatic, terrestrial ecosystems is caused by environmental pollution by gaseous, liquid, and solid wastes. It is as injurious as quantitative and perhaps greater. Similarly, qualitative protection can be severer than quantitative in combating cause and effect. Qualitative threat is also communicated quantitatively due to reduced reproduction or premature death and decay of biotic species.
c. Climate-Smart Management of Terrestrial Water Systems
Terrestrial water systems whether nationally contained or trans-boundary among riparian or non-riparian countries belong to three (as valid) categories as listed below;
- Surface: flowing and stationary.
- Groundwater: springs, wells, boreholes, adits, galleries, and river water abstraction for controlling water logging (regulatory pumping out).
- Reclaimed water: desalination, rainwater harvesting, and treated reuse.
Fast developing world has brutally dealt with all three post industrial revolution of 18th century. Now it is in hands of GHG emissions to the rest. All listed options have national, trans-boundary, international, and universal interactions. Till late only national interests have been prioritized despite international agreements evolving since early 19th century. Global warming alignment is 21st century call under climate emergency. Astonishingly, red alert is not only for developing countries but advanced counterparts too.
TWREEC salutes International Union for Conservation of Nature - IUCN global effort for offering a tool devised after 3000+ assessments of terrestrial ecosystems located in different countries. However, red listing ranged between ‘collapsed’ and ‘least affected’ is for protecting/restoring existent ecosystems. Need for restoring existing ecosystems is as severe as implementing supplementation/substitution and TWREEC pilot caters for both. For conjunctive purpose under climate change all ecosystems should be considered in critical condition for CCM-CCA actions which may be lunched spot, vicinity, or remote. Taigas ecosystems are at the verge of more carbon loss from permafrost thawing than occurred on soil under tillage for agriculture over 1000 past years plus 250 years industrial era LULUC. Permafrost carbon emission is through methane a self-exploding and self-igniting gas upon mixing with ambient air whereas tillage/LULUC related emission is non-combustible CO2 possible for soil sequestration. By the way methane explosions is widespread urban fear above 3o C global warming when gutter lids shall be hitting buildings by methane explosions and auto-ignition burning combustible stuff. TWREEC pilot-project findings suggest substitutions of ENV.21st ecosystems as equi-weight to restoration of damaged counterparts. Every spare land patch in every country should be availed for engineered-ecosystems under revised mandate of governments.
Dual-Edge TWREEC Solution
TWREEC project of terrestrial ecosystems is tri-directional as;
a. Protecting and strengthening endangered existing ecosystems.
b. Establishing new compensatory ecosystems.
c. Climate-smart circular agricultural in lieu/supplementation of traditional practices
Need for either one is severe because existing ecosystems are on constant ruination worldwide. Socioeconomic and environmental loss is irreparable and these ecosystems are turning 'source' of carbon emissions rather than carbon 'sink'. TWREEC pilot scale findings are partially correlated to this cause.
Creating new ecosystems for offsetting adverse impacts of existing system is CCM and CCA compound commitment in national and international interests. Nationally these can be afforded cost effectively alongside enhancing freshwater resources. Internationally compensatory ecosystems can be launched in-lieu of surplus GHG emissions and charged to annual MRVs as annual carbon credit. Either way it helps SDG-13 of UN Agenda Goals.
Agriculture in atmospherically open cultivating farms is generally considered a rural activity. In glasshouse enclosures it may be urban or rural affair mostly concentrating on vegetable and fruits. Ultramodern agriculture can grow offseason crops and thus glasshouses can be heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning-HVAC equipped; capable of providing favourable conditions of growth. Similarly, inorganic cultivation is also possible to be switched over to organic food considered healthier to the consumer. However, choices for countries are shrinking in meeting demands of human food, natural fibres, and animal feed. Similar intensity parallel challenges are related to irrigation water scarcity, LULUC complications, agricultural farming/food wastes, hazardous/toxic pollution, and global warming. TWREEC innovation attempts offering to all these problems in fairly cost-effective way.
Agriculture has history prevailed as ‘circular’ but at un-measurable radius of its circle. Without notice it instigated a war between three planetary spheres, and amongst all universal life cycles -ULC more than 100 centuries ago. After 18th century industrial revolution agricultural sector got alliance of several others socioeconomic forces and war between/amongst planetary spheres and ULCs seems endless unless CCM-CCA actions halt it at first or at the most second pathway of PA2015. All socioeconomic sectors are capable to contribute towards pathways of 17SDG2030 UN Agenda goals but are reluctant due to CCM-CCA puzzles, shockingly high costs, pandemic, and regional conflicts. So many global problems have never occurred before in entire history of mankind and thus humanity has no experience in resolving these. Mathematics relies on ‘hit and trial’ method when every method fails to solve a problem and amazingly it is a proven technique in engineering applications. Climate-smart circular agricultural sector in TWREEC opinion is the most promising for halting global warming at 1.5o C and/or 2.0o C pathways not only by its own CCM-CCA but on behalf of all other socioeconomic sectors interacting with 17SDG2030. Moreover, its circulation can be ensured local, provincial or national with friendship to ULCs. In CCM context DAC and CCS functions performed by TWREEC innovation in topsoil with nominal costs competes multibillion dollar industrial projects while industrial facilities for the particular purpose do not offer simultaneous merit of CCA.
- Provide scalable and verifiable monitoring and data collection to track ecosystem conditions, such as biodiversity, carbon stocks, or productivity.
Alignment of CCM-CCA solution to project vicinity populations is not as relevant as unique developmental project rewarding community life within months are years ahead. Ecosystems are immensely destroyed in physicochemical abiotic and biological biotic directions. ENV.20th concern has given newly threatening direction that destruction/degradation of ecosystems can jeopardize biosphere within the ongoing century. While widespread ‘Extinction Rebellion’’ could not align advanced world to CCM-CCA speedily such an expectation can hardly be validated for a climate initiative from a Third World country. Designed solution is CCM-CCA iceberg slightly exposed here while problem addressing is kept simplified as understandable by a layman.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community.
Despite tiny/minor TWREEC 'Terrestrial Ecosystem Pilot' under CCM-CCA investigation has universal vitality. No billions or trillions dollar climate initiative can save the earth planet and humanity by ignoring it. Climate change mobilizing its deadly weapon of global destruction called 'GHG' is targeting freshwater resources scarcity of which shall destroy entire earth activity as projected under various scenarios of IPCC. Pilot, third ranked stage of advancement of research projects fits norms of development or ENV.20th but not ENV.21st. Despite being stuck up at this stage due to inability of spending. TWREEC does not feel stuck up because it is forward and back-directed updating CCM-CCA undertaking even most advanced and richest countries have not dared so far. If climate change succeeds in turning 3-phase universal hydrological cycle, earth life shall extinct. Paris Climate Accord provides a chance to avert global warming but schedule of 17SDG2030 UN Agenda Goals is too tight.
- A new application of an existing technology
TWREEC solution is innovative from both angles of environmental projections as outlined below;
- Improved approach to ENV.20th:
- New approach to ENV.21st :
- Inability of performance as carbon-sink and transforming into carbon-source.
- Inadequacy of meeting global requirements of water, food, and energy.
Historically development changes native terrestrial ecosystems into managed land. Practice is accepted world over without realization of global consequence because major and mega projects in sectors like; human settlement, agriculture, urbanization, infrastructure, mining and quarrying, petroleum E&P, industrialization etc cannot be accomplished without altering landscape and subsurface earth formations. Practice is persistent since ancient times but adversity momentum of it has almost 300 recent years post industrial revolution. Without global warming as techno-economic player, terrestrial ecosystems required priority attention due to their own critical condition and inability of service to earth life. Applied technological mechanisms and practice advancing with time did induce ‘sustainability’ but on hit and trial footing. Apparently there is no shortage of land, water, and techno-engineering apparatus in the world which is first time hearing and ignoring extinction on the earth planet. Accordingly, it is shyness of investment in ecosystems not techno-scientific hurdle.
Climate change is tragic warning to humanity that terrestrial ecosystems being expelled from the earth and being destroyed quantitatively and qualitatively require far greater attention than advocated by campaigners of ENV.20th. Thrown on death bed, terrestrial ecosystems are determined to throw entire humanity on the same bed deploying never tried in the past two weapons of global destruction namely GHG and freshwater scarcity.
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Behavioral Technology
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- Internet of Things
- Manufacturing Technology
- Materials Science
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- Pakistan
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequality
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 13. Climate Action
- 14. Life Below Water
- 15. Life on Land
- 16. Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Pakistan
Well recognized socioeconomic and environmental services such as food, firewood/lumber/timber, freshwater, clean air, landscape integrity, protection against natural disaster etc. are not the sole aim of TWREEC solution but CCA and CCM is unique redirection. Pakistani population is over 210 million now and going to inflate drastically in years ahead. Starting terrestrial ecosystem charity at homeland is just tip of the global iceberg of climate change and global disappearance of freshwater affecting billions of people all over the world. So the served count is tentative depending on the extent of scale up of TWREEC pilot project.
National and global survival project can hardly be spot answered as quality water supply or sanitation project design capacities of which can be optimized on budgetary scale. TWREEC project is for rescue of millions and billions populations. Yearly progress is hard to pinpoint for CCA or CCM solutions but it is contributing to pathways of 1.5 C and 2.0 C global temperature control.
Avoiding tug of war between science fiction and hobbled technology, terrestrial ecosystem rope is being balanced by TWREEC by practicality of 17SDG2030 UN Agenda Goals of PA2015 as outlined below against progress indicators of individual goals in order of priority.
SDG-13: Urgent Climate Actions.
- Other, including part of a larger organization (please explain below)
Third World Resources, Energy and Environment Center - TWREEC, Sialkot - Pakistan is Private R&D and consulting organization established during 1990. From first decade of the 21st century TWREEC is dominantly engaged in assorted CCM-CCA research on its own funding provided by founder's personal meager resources and belongings. Subsequent to Paris Agreement year 2015, TWREEC activities have been consolidated in accordance with 17SDG2030 UN Agenda Goals.
TWREEC solution is not SCOW defined because our limitless R&D is bi-directional 'Compensatory' and as 'Existing' terrestrial ecosystems. Our national origin is flooded with diverse talent. Around seven persons in gender equity are engaged on intermittent, part time, or need basis while team lead is full time permanent.
Frankly speaking techno-engineering qualifications and practical skills required for TWREEC solution are abundantly available in Pakistan. Highly qualified professionals from inland and world-class foreign universities with decades long inland/overseas experience can be hired at right terms and conditions for duration of need. However, climate change has altered the traditional human resourcing practice worldwide. Our solution is not traditional ordinary for design project on the basis of feasibility survey or conducting EIA/ESIA through community surveys for satisfying served people upon project completion. SCOPE being CCM-CCA altogether different approach on inputs, ideas, and agendas have been deployed. As a team leader I am well positioned and believe engaging other experts for MIT Solve competition 2021 shall confuse the situation not improve it any way. I have contacted renowned national experts and asked them to review manuscript but international climate change at MIT platform puts every one in coma while it is not so difficult work for engineering design, field implementation, operation and management if resources are optimally available.
Racial indiscrimination is core feature of TWREEC work simply because 17SDG2030 can hardly be achieved without it. Socioeconomic progress has climaxed without racial equity and rather intensified it critically but the world almost compromised with plight in rich or poor countries, Climate change justice is not tolerant under ENV.21st code of obligations. TWREEC inclination to honor values of diversity, equity and inclusion attracted its participation in WKK 2021 international competition on Racial Equity 2030. Our claim shall be demonstrated in future teams and field missions when applicable,
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
- Solve help is needed by TWREEC for overcoming various barriers as described below;
- Financial: Compatible to scale up of supplementing or restoration of critical existing terrestrial ecosystem through international funding or partnership.
- Technical: Compatible to scale up of supplementing ecosystems with regard to adjustment within urban layout and peripheral infrastructure.
- Legal: Compliance to scale-up site regulations as applicable to abiotic segments and biotic bio life species of flora and fauna to international substitution ecosystem projects.
- Cultural: Adjustment to scale-up site societal conditions for international ecosystem projects.
- Marketing: Trading abiotic surplus water and biotic products, environmental services to communities, biodiversity, and wildlife. CCM-CCA credits and funding.
Believably, MIT Solve is top influential world forum of climate change actions. Reasons behind are multiple but to our understanding a solution related to CCM or CCA channeled through Solve would undergo a techno-scientific scrutiny no other platform can offer. Same chemical engineering and environmental engineering academic credentials are redeployed by TWREEC for solution to CCM and CCA problems which created it. Engineers by qualification/professional experience generally do not indulge in universal life cycles and humanities debating various sociopolitical issues. Chemical engineering is parental to GHG emissions and its co-partner environmental engineering throughout encouraged and rather promoted GHG emissions for controlling air, water and land pollution simply because both regarded CO2 and CH4 harmless human friendly gases. Billions of dollars are internationally spent each year on ENV.20th pollution control while trillions/year are needed for ENV.21st GHG emission control. TWREEC believes resolution is possible via Solve.
- Business model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. expanding client base)
- Business model: TWREEC project is monster size in catering CCM and CCA needs of Pakistan and the entire world. Product-market fit, strategy and scale up for 17SDG2030 without international advice, mentorship, and partnership is almost impossible under given circumstance for a techno-engineering mission originating from a Third World country.
- Financial: Cost accounting and pitching to investors as applied to traditional projects may undergo severe alterations depending upon SCOW definition of a project as a whole or segments applied to socioeconomic and environmental aspects. CCM and CCA dilemma of CAPEX and OPEX partnership and support is needed to be resoled in PA2015 context.
- Public Relations: Marketing strategy of ecosystem relevance requires international partnership and support for social media campaigns and global induction in climate policy and CCM.CCA engineering induction with or without branding as necessary.
- Product/Services Distribution: This aspect can be as broad as touching GCF level. Client base of TWREEC should cover all signatories to Paris Climate Accord as governments, countries, or nations and further all institutions or entities working on their behalf as relevant to terrestrial ecosystems.
TWREEC potential partners include international organizations such as UN, institutions such as World Bank, climate initiatives such as OGCCI, CEPF, Climate Reality Project, Water Keeper, Polar Ice (ICE9/11), MIT Solve, countries interested in rescuing/re-enforcing their ecosystems,or any national/international entitiies/local governments/municipalities etc. willing to be partner internationally or respective regions. Almost every city in the world qualifies for its own compensatory urban ecosystem and TWREEC can help relevant authorities on a range of how to do CCM-CCA affairs in line with 17SDG2030 UN Agenda Goals. Each terrestrial ecosystem and its abiotic and biotic segments and constituents are region/country specific and so is the case of conceptual and front-end engineering. TWREEC contribution in these aspects for protection/reinforcement of existing biome and establishing compensatory ecosystems would be difference making if not altogether game changing. TWREEC terms and conditions are highly flexible ranging from coordination to policy down to engineering consulting for CCM-CCA field project to equitable extent as prioritized by client's inclination to selective targets of 17SDG2030 UN Agenda Goals.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Racial equity or environmental justice is key program of TWREEC research and development as evident from our participation in WKKF 2021 international competition on 'Racial Equity 2030'. Racial discrimination is not only USA black & white but prevails in every country in scores of shapes within and across human races. Inclusion of refugees in restoring or supplementing terrestrial ecosystems can resolve multiple world problems in larger interest of humanity and the earth planet.
Temporary and permanent refuge is historical reality of the earth planet. Each refuge ultimately renders socioeconomic and environmental impacts within, across and peripherals of unpleasant displacements. TWREEC terrestrial ecosystem proposed to MIT Solve has strong edge of availing and reciprocally serving refugee camp sites and communities for 17SDG2030 UN Agenda Goals, REDD+, LULUCF actions, and food security linked to the proposal. Climate-smart food security edge is so impressive that it introduces new methods and techniques for cultivation at sites otherwise considered unfit by traditional and ultramodern agriculture.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Humanity and the earth planet are two fundamental spheres of TWREEC but from socioeconomic, environmental and climate change techno-engineering angle of projection. Humanity presence is for the past 2 million while first complex civilization dates back to 4000 years on the billions year old earth. Presence of humanity has been dynamically progressing but broke all ancient records during 18th century industrial revolution. Power of modern sciences brought about industrial revolution which in turn further empowered science and technology in all walks of world life and activity. Humanity comprising of communities welcomed the industrial revolution because it served every community and individual inhabitant of the world directly or indirectly for life comforts. Unexpectedly, ENV.20th warned industrialism that it is unkindly handing natural resources and their transformations for quality life. A few listened for practical actions while majority ignored despite not disagreeing. Subsequent to Paris Climate Accord 2015 need for smart, safe and sustainable communities has been first time realized during the 21st century. World population is dominated by poor, helpless, oppressed, and unhealthy communities totally ignorant what is going around. Scientific fraction of world communities is negligible and also not of caliber of the developed world. TWREEC is strongly engaged in 17SDG2030 UN Agenda has advantageous edge of understand plight of Third World communities due to its hailing and struggling amongst these communities. Advanced world sincerely believes it has thorough insight of developing world communities while it is wrong. Case is not much different with international institutions vested with assignment of development and welfare. Suffering people can hardly express their concern even to relevant education governmental authorities. SDG -1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11 and 15 in line with PA2015, and racialequity2030 are being addressed by TWREEC and this prize winning shall certainly promote our CCM-CCA cause.
REDD+, LULUCF actions linked to de-carbonizing of cold GHG emitting socioeconomic sectors would be required even if entire world system is switched to renewable enery. Moreover, sustainable food security is remarkably linked to the proposal. Climate-smart food security edge is so impressive that it introduces new methods and techniques for cultivation at sites otherwise considered unfit by traditional and ultramodern agriculture.
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Workplace security has advanced further from occupational HSE which is fairly certified by ISO in every country. 17SDG2030 demand carbon footprint reduction in every walk of life while ServiceNow Prize correlates to carporate snubbing of carbon footprint. Major international organization are streamlining their functions for de-carbonization of global economy through CCM-CCA performance. Task varies from organization-to-organization and so are claims of carbon footprint reduction on real time basis.
SDG-13 of the UN Agenda Goals of P2015 lays stresses on de-carbonization of the world which is due right of the workforce in accordance with SDG-8, 5, 12, 3 and 15. However it is complex function of socioeconomic and environmental equity so far victim of modern development and ultramodern ENV.20th. However under the obligations of global warming intrigued climate change ultramodern ENV.20th is as outdated as modern development. Behavior change has never been advocated by ENV.20th but is compulsory under ENV.21st knowledge and know-how. Enterprises in public, semi-government, and private sector are internationally deficient in ENV.21st awareness and so are the human resources responsible for their successful performance. TWREEC alongside workplace occupational HSE is expert in de-carbonization not only in office work but at outstations and field exercises. Our comprehension in techno-scientific, occupational HSE, and CCM-CCA qualifies us for ServiceNow Prize.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution

Founder Director - TWREEC, Pakistan