The Science Field
Disadvantage is not as simple as it was once assumed to be. While Science is only one component of STEM education, knowledge of Science impacts deeply the study of mathematics, technology, and engineering. Turning to educational achievement, Royal Science is pleased to present this proposal for your review to address the challenge of education inequality and provide a solution: The Science Field. The Science Field is a technology-based solution that ensures that all primary and secondary school learners have access to quality, safe, and equitable learning environments. Equitable classrooms reflect inclusivity teaching practices that build superlative experiences for all students. provide equitable learning experiences for all students. The Science Field implements classroom practices that include building relationships with students that foster community, as well as providing opportunities that level the playing field, so all students have equal access in the learning process to become critical thinkers.
Royal Science presents The Science Field: When Science throws you a curveball, Science though the dilemma and knock it out of the park! Bibb County Public School has over 500 at risk students with a rating “below performance” on the Georgia Milestone Test for Science and reading performance at least two years behind their current grade level. The objective of the Science Field program is to bridge the gaps of academic deficit in Science with research-based strategies and physical conditioning to increase student mastery of content in Science on the Georgia Milestone Test while improving the student’s overall mental and physical condition.
Students in high-poverty communities continue to have less access to core academic services that increase student outcomes. Core services that have a significant influence on instructional quality and student performance are systematically unavailable to students in low-income schools relative to students in higher-income schools. These critical services include early childhood education, quality teachers, and exposure to rigorous curriculum. Funding must be at the start of every conversation around equity. For, funding is a central component to providing a high-quality education and often leads to improved educational and health outcomes.
The Science Field will provide in-person high-quality education to poor performers on the Georgia Milestones and self-reported low physical activity (less than150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity, or both each week) and have seen dramatic improvements with 70% of the students increasing their Science scores and ratings by 25% or more and one to two grade levels. In addition, 45% of students increased their wellness activities by participating in moderate-intensity aerobic activity for 150 minutes 3 times per week. The Science Field project provides students with access to assistive Science systems, hands-on and virtual laboratory explorations along with training and differentiated instruction from classroom teachers and athletic baseball coaches. The progress reporting measurements will be a 30% increase in students that are more engaging in STEM-Science, 25% increase in student school attendance, 15% increase of Science IQ, 15% increase in Science Test preparation, 15% increase in Science Literacy and Comprehension, 15% increase in Sports and Motor Skills Performance and 15% reduction of childhood and adolescent obesity. The Science Field will provide an innovative, interactive strategies for parental support, increase access to tertiary education and enable access to quality learning experiences in low-connectivity settings
I would like to raise to your awareness the rise in educational inequality. Education is a gateway for opportunity for it is a pathway to progress through which students acquire the skills, knowledge, experiences and develop their intrinsic and extrinsic talents. Career readiness and preparedness are essential tools to obtain good jobs and prosperous futures. Nonetheless the United States education system is unequal. Students from minority backgrounds, immigrant origins, and economically disadvantaged families leave school earlier, receive fewer degrees and certificates, exhibit lower academic skills, and have lower positive health outcomes than their more privileged peers.
As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, so do the risks we face. The COVID-19 pandemic has not stopped at national borders. It has affected people regardless of nationality, level of education, income, or gender. But the same has not been true for its consequences, which have hit the most vulnerable hardest. Education is no exception. Students from privileged backgrounds, supported by their parents and eager and able to learn, could find their way past closed school doors to alternative learning opportunities. Those from disadvantaged backgrounds often remained shut out when their schools shut down. This crisis has exposed the many inadequacies and inequities in our education systems from access to the broadband and computers needed for online education, and the supportive environments needed to focus on learning, up to the misalignment between resources and needs.
Equitable classrooms reflect inclusivity teaching practices that build superlative experiences for all students. provide equitable learning experiences for all students. The Science Field implements classroom practices that include building relationships with students that foster community, as well as providing opportunities that level the playing field, so all students have equal access in the learning process to become critical thinkers.
The Science Field will provide an innovative, interactive curriculum that will:
- Increase the engagement of learners in remote (Roster +), hybrid (The Science Field Resource Room, and physical environments (The Science Field), including strategies and tools for parental support, peer interaction, and guided independent work to increase access to tertiary education.
- Enable access to quality learning experiences in low-connectivity settings—including imaginative play, collaborative projects, and hands-on experiments.
- Ensure the physical safety and mental health of learners through peer support activities that build self-worth and encourage Science exploration. Support educators to adapt their pedagogy, facilitate personalized instruction, and communicate with students and their families in remote and hybrid settings through the proven science-based methodology in the Woodrow Wilson National Teaching Fellowship Foundation that supports, and prepares pedagogy in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM
The Science Field has provided an analysis of the $850,000 budget proposal and I offer this simple mathematical logic: $1,770/week/ $7,083/month/ $85,000/year X 10 communities served= $850,000+ (Plus=higher educational expectations, better access to high quality instruction, and other benefits, ultimately leading to greater educational achievement and attainment, college graduates are three times more likely to vote than Americans without a high school degree and prolonging the cycle for the next generation). A one-year increase in average years of schooling for dropouts would reduce murder and assault by almost 30%, motor vehicle theft by 20%, arson by 13%, and burglary and larceny by about 6%. The cost of not funding high quality programs: high school dropout earns about $260,000 less over a lifetime, annual losses exceed $50 billion in federal and state income taxes, health-related losses estimated at $58 billion, or nearly $100,000 per drop-out, and life expectancy shorten by 9.2 years. Bottom line: High-Quality Education Matters.
The Science Field addresses educational inequality in relevance to ethnicity. A central paradigm in the sociology of education has been the relationship between educational inequality and societal stratification. Society is meritocratic and fair competition for society's resources is necessary for upward mobility. Equal opportunities to compete for these resources should be available to all persons of a society regardless of their social origin, social backgrounds, or socioeconomic status.
“Community disadvantage" is used to denote the complex cluster of factors that make it difficult for people living in certain areas to achieve positive life outcomes. Community disadvantage emerges out of the interplay between the characteristics of the residents in a community (e.g., employment, education levels, drug and alcohol use) and, over and above this, the effects of the social and environmental context in which they exist (Edwards, 2015; Vinson, 2017). The Science Field implements classroom practices that include building relationships with students that foster community, as well as providing opportunities that level the playing field, so all students have equal access in the learning process to become critical thinkers. Families who live in Macon Bibb County faces serious challenges, including poverty, crime, unemployment, and low educational attainment. The Macon Bibb County “Unionville” neighborhood has one of the ten highest child poverty rates in Georgia (2017 US Census). Close to 40% of high school students in the Bibb County School District and the feeder schools drop out of school and have an absentee record of 5 or more days. In consequence, there are more than 500 at-risk Science students who received a below performance or beginning learner rating on the Georgia Milestone Test.
The Science Field target area for this proposal is to increase the performance on the Science Georgia Milestone and Science Literacy by 15% for all participating students through rigorous curriculum and physical training. The statistics above gave hindsight to information describing poverty rates and economic problems that are faced by students in the Macon Bibb County School District and this proposal is designed to directly create an academic toolbox for at-risk youth opportunities to take a stand against poverty. For, The Science Field does directly target student achievement in Science education, early education, healthy families, and sports training by providing a positive learning environment in a community that is just as enriched in advantages (social cohesion, social participation, civic participation, cultural diversity, the development of identity, and personal empowerment) opposed to the disadvantages unearthed in real time issues (poverty, lack of educational resources, and no and/or underemployment, poor health outcomes, and little to none physical activity.)
Needs Assessment
Despite general gains in STEM-Science learning in the United States (NAEP, 2017) and successful STEM progress for students in many of the STEM reform efforts, (MSP Impact Report, 2018), researchers have noticed critical gaps in conceptual understanding of core Science concepts and processes in students. These misconceptions cause significant problems for students as they progress through school, decreasing their ability to scaffold and connect to new Science knowledge. By high school, achievement scores drop dramatically, and the gap in test scores between mainstream and culturally diverse at-risk students can be as much as 30 points (NAEP, 2017), thus leaving an arterial wound of an “academic deficit.”
The Science Field is an innovative research-based science curriculum that provides supplemental hands-on Science content reinforcement throughout the academic school year to help students learn significant Science content that results in closing the persistent achievement gap for under-represented minority and low-income students in Science that has potentially significant national value to Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. As standardized test takes a national platform on State and Local ratings, it becomes increasing imperative that educators address the achievement gap and mastery of Science content and concepts to increase the quality of service and programming to support students to build their capacity of studying in STEM fields (college) and eventually entering the national STEM workforce (career ready).
The Science Field will partner with the Bibb County Public School District, Macon-Bibb County Parks and Recreation Department, Washington Memorial Library, Macon-Bibb County Health Department, Macon-Bibb County Sherriff and Fire Department, Educational Talent Search, Georgia Science Alliance, Atlanta Braves Coalition, Mercer University and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in an effort to improve students Science test scores and ratings through effective researched-based teaching strategies grounded in The State of Georgia Department of Education’s Standards of Excellence approach to problem solving through obtaining, communicating, and evaluating Science phenomena. The Georgia Standards of Excellence are designed to continue the student investigations of the life sciences that began in grades K-8 and provide students the necessary skills to be proficient in biology and physical science by focusing on the identification of patterns, processes, and relationships of living organisms. These standards include more abstract concepts such as the interdependence of organisms, the relationship of matter, energy, and organization in living systems, the behavior of organisms, and biological evolution. Students investigate biological concepts through experiences in laboratories and field work using the process of inquiry. Therefore, based on these concepts, the Science Field will be able to assess both formative and summative, students’ knowledge of Science framework(s) and choose instructional moves that build upon student’s existing knowledge.
Addressing Student Achievement:
Cultural responsiveness is not a practice; it is what informs our practice that drives better teaching choices for eliciting, engaging, motivating, supporting, and expanding the intellectual capacity of all of our students to become critical thinkers (Hammond, 2014). The Science Field is goal-orientated to build pathways in our classrooms to make learning accessible for all students. The Science Field thrives on differentiation as being an avenue to provide education equity to all students. Thus, responding to students’ needs, guided by a variety of classroom practices that include but are not limited to flexible grouping, ongoing Science formative assessment and adjustment, and/or respectful tasks in accordance to student’s readiness, interests, and learning profiles.
The Science Field will incorporate tutoring and academic enrichment activities that support student achievement in the classroom, and help students meet proficiencies required by Bibb County School District and the Georgia Department of Education. The Georgia Department of Education has established a promotion policy requiring that students in 3rd grade, 5th grade, 8th grade, High School Biology Regular or Honors and Physical Science Regular or Honor must pass the Georgia Milestone Test to be eligible for promotion to the next grade level. All students in the program will receive differentiated rigorous enrichment; however, student ratings that yield the classification of “Beginning Learner” or “Does Not Meet Grade Level Requirements” will receive additional Science coaching. Equitable classroom coaching practices will involve creating specialized differences in curricular experiences, creating multiple options for knowledge acquisition, sense making, and product creation. In addition, will formal knowledge checks, the Science Field will perform bi-monthly off-field (walk-throughs) to participants’ schools, home, and community activities (games, academic bowl, street-play and etc.) due to COVID-19 pandemic the visits will be requested for permission at the property owner’s discretion, but will remain at random for quality assurance. The Science Field will invest and implement wrap-around for all families served.
Goals & Objectives: Equitable Classrooms
Overarching Goal: Increase the engagement of learners in remote, hybrid, and physical environments, including strategies and tools for parental support, peer interaction, and guided independent work. The Science Field for this proposal is increase the performance on the Georgia Science Milestone and High School End-of-Course testing by 15% for all participating students through rigorous curriculum and physical training to reduce the education achievement gap for under-represented minority and low-income students and childhood and adolescence obesity.
Goal One: Enable access to quality learning experiences in low-connectivity settings—including imaginative play, collaborative projects, and hands-on experiments.
Students who participate in the Science Field will increase their test scores by 15% on the Georgia Science Milestone and High School End-of-Course test.
Student Achievement Objective A: To enable at risk students to improve their Science skills to the point where they can succeed in school and develop the social skills that will prepare them for high school and post-secondary education.
Student Achievement Objective B: To provide an innovate positive learning environment for at risk Science students to have access rigorous exploratory Science curriculum through the use of assistive Science technology, Science textbooks, laboratory exploration, other Science classroom materials, Social Science practices and The Science Field Resource Room.
Student Achievement Objective C: To increase student engagement and interest in Science course to decrease the truancy rate, thus decreasing the drop-out rate and increasing graduation rate.
Goal Two: Ensure the physical safety and mental health of learners—for example, through tools for crisis support, reporting violence, and mitigating cyberbullying.
Students who participate in the Science Field on-field skill development drills will improve their physical and social health by 15% based on guidelines from the CDC Healthy People 2020 initiative.
Student Achievement Objective A: To support the physical and mental abilities through baseball skills and character development promote human growth and development of the inner lives of students through Science gaining a sense of self-worth and community.
Student Achievement Objective B: To increase the proportion of adolescents who meet current Federal physical activity guidelines for aerobic physical activity.
Student Achievement Objective C: Increase the proportion of adolescents who meet current Federal physical activity guidelines for aerobic physical activity and muscle-strengthening activity.
Goal Three: Support teachers to adapt their pedagogy, facilitate personalized instruction, and communicate with students and their families in remote and hybrid settings.
Students who participate in extension activities in The Science Field Resource Room will improve their academic achievement.
Student Achievement Objective A: The average daily attendance, grades and school behavior for students who utilize The Science Field Resource Room for a minimum of one semester will demonstrate improvement greater than the whole school data for the same indicators for they are taking an extra initiative to improve their Science grades, scores, and ratings.
Student Achievement Objective B: Students involved in tutoring activities for a minimum of six months will demonstrate academic improvement of 0.5 grade level, utilizing instruments such as the Georgia Milestone Test High School End-of-Course Test and The Science Field Pre-season/Post-season Measurement.
Goal Four: The Science Field provides reinforcement Science support and wrap around service in collaboration with community partner will engage in a community-wide initiative will improve student attitudes and lower their risk for substance abuse and involvement with the juvenile justice system.
Prevention Objective A: To provide embedded programs such as conflict resolution (DNA/RNA-What is my African me?), peer mentoring (Biology-Mimicking), violence/substance abuse prevention (Chemistry-Chemical and Physical Changes) and academic enrichment will be provided.
Prevention Objective B: To provide early education programs for elementary students helping them obtain social, emotional, intellectual, motor, and gross motor skills.
Prevention Objective C: To provide a prevention programs for elementary-high schools students helping them obtain social, emotional, intellectual, motor, and gross motor skills.
- Enable access to quality learning experiences in low-connectivity settings—including imaginative play, collaborative projects, and hands-on experiments.
“Community disadvantage" is the complex cluster of factors that make it difficult for people living in certain areas to achieve positive life outcomes. Community disadvantage emerges out of the interplay between the characteristics of the residents in a community (e.g., employment, education levels, drug and alcohol use). The Science Field relentlessly implements best practices in "Unionville" high-crime, high poverty neighborhood to give equal access in the learning process for those students to have the ability to thrive and to become critical thinkers. The “Unionville” neighborhood has one of the ten highest child poverty rates in Georgia (2017 US Census).
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in one or, ideally, several communities, which is poised for further growth.
During the last school year 2020, I piloted The Science Field project with a sample group of 20 students with poor performance on the High School Science End-of –Course test and self-reported low physical activity (less than 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity, both, each week) and have seen dramatic improvements with 70% of the students increasing their Science scores and ratings by 25% or more and one to two grade levels. In addition, 45% of students increased their wellness activities by participating in moderate-intensity aerobic activity for 150 minutes 3 times per week.
The progress reporting measurements:30% increase in students that are more engaging in STEM-Science, 25% increase in student school attendance,15% increase of Science IQ, 15% increase in Science Test preparation,15% increase in Science Literacy and Comprehension,15% increase in Sports and Motor Skills Performance and 15% reduction of childhood and adolescent obesity.
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
The Science Field addresses Priorities 1-4 by providing core of differentiated instruction is flexibility in content, process, and product based on student strengths, needs, and learning styles. Priorities 1-4 are addressed in 1. Content is what we teach; 2. Process; 3. Product; which, includes how we teach and how students learn, and the product is the way our students demonstrate what they have learned. The activities we provide for student learning must address differing student abilities, learning styles. The Science Field will integrate Science and baseball in standards-based instruction for 100 at risk Science students K-12th grades (25 Cub Scouts-Elementary school students-1st base, 25 Tiger Scouts Middle school students- 2nd base, 25 Minor Leaguers High School 9th-11th graders- 3rd base and 25 Major Leaguers High School 12th graders-Home base) all instructional course material, laboratory exploration, and baseball skill development will performed on the baseball field (classroom).
The Science Field will provide an innovative, interactive curriculum that will:
- Increase the engagement of learners in remote (Roster +), hybrid (The Science Field Resource Room, and physical environments (The Science Field, to increase access to tertiary education.
- Enable access to quality learning experiences in low-connectivity settings including imaginative play, collaborative projects, and hands-on experiments.
- Ensure the physical safety and mental health of learners through peer support activities that build self-worth and encourage Science exploration.
- Support educators to adapt their pedagogy, instruction, and communicate with students and their families in remote and hybrid settings through the proven science-based methodology in STEM
- Audiovisual Media
- Behavioral Technology
- Imaging and Sensor Technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality
- Women & Girls
- Children & Adolescents
- Rural
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 4. Quality Education
- 10. Reduced Inequality
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 15. Life on Land
- 16. Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- United States
- United States
The Science Field implements classroom practices that include building relationships with students that foster community, as well as providing opportunities that level the playing field, so all students have equal access in the learning process to become critical thinkers. Families who live in Macon Bibb County faces serious challenges, including poverty, crime, unemployment, and low educational attainment. The Macon Bibb County “Unionville” neighborhood has one of the ten highest child poverty rates in Georgia (2017 US Census). Close to 40% of high school students in the Bibb County School District and the feeder schools drop out of school and have an absentee record of 5 or more days. In consequence, there are more than 500 at-risk Science students who received a below performance or beginning learner rating on the Georgia Milestone Test. The Science Field target area for this proposal is to increase the performance on the Science Georgia Milestone and Science Literacy by 15% for all participating students through rigorous curriculum and physical training.
We have seen measurable success with 15 currently enrolled students for Mini Camps and we are now seeking to expand The Science Field project will directly and meaningfully affect the needs of 20% (100) of the at-risk Science students in the Bibb County School District in grades K-12th grade YEAR 1; 30% (150) YEARS 2-3; and 50% (250) YEARS 4-5; provided there is continuing funding availability and resources for our program students.
The Science Field Planning and Evaluation Team will provide a year-end evaluation for each of the project. These reports are in addition to the quarterly reports that will be prepared and submitted by the Project Coordinator to the Grants Management Team.
The average daily attendance, grades and school behavior for students who utilize The Science Field Resource Room for a minimum of one semester will demonstrate improvement greater than the whole school data for the same indicators for they are taking an extra initiative to improve their Science grades, scores, and ratings.
Students involved in tutoring activities for a minimum of six months will demonstrate academic improvement of 0.5 grade level, Georgia Milestone Test and The Science Field Pre-season/Post-season Measurement.
The year-end reports will provide a detailed analytic comparison of all program activities, including student post-test scores in content areas, grades, attendance, and academic achievement. The reports will also evaluate how well the program has met the proposed objectives. All programs and activities will be examined, and recommendations will be made for program modifications, as necessary. In general, the evaluation will examine how the program impacted the school, community, and classroom.
The quarterly reports will allow parents, community residents, students, school staff, LPS administration, and others to receive feedback on the success of the project and develop strategies to adjust address issues and problems. They will outline attendance in the programs, interim assessment data for students and adults, comments from program participants, and observations by the coordinator and other staff.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
Royal Science is Sole Proprietorship, Small, Service-Disabled Veteran, Minority, Women-Owned, Economically Disadvantaged, HUBZone Business located in Macon, Georgia since 2018. I am a home-based, family organized business with a wealth of community resources and supportive services. I have 5 FTE, including myself and 2 PTE and 25 contract employees (reserve).
Royal Science was founded in 2018 by United States Army Veteran, Georgia Woodrow Wilson Fellow Science Educator Shekita Maxwell in Macon (Bibb County), Georgia. Educator Maxwell’s vision for this community oriented educational small business emerged when she was cultivating innovative curriculum to meet the Georgia Science Standards of Excellence. Honoring the idealism that all students can learn and achieve academic success, Maxwell revolutionized the way the standards were delivered by using a platform of differentiated educational instruction that was similar to her hand-on military training that was both mentally and physically engaging and offered this style of training to her Biology, Chemistry, and Forensic Science students in and outside of the classroom setting, public location and athletic fields.
Royal Science Mission Statement: We endeavor to cultivate a Talented Tenth of Science Innovators to ensure the royal road to success for disadvantaged and underserved at-risk youth and young adults to obtain an excellent Science education.
Vision Statement: To lead the charge to entrust that minority leadership has a significant impact upon major science academic success and innovation.
Christian Scientist and Scholar, Maxwell has 20 years of experience in the Science field and training curriculum and over 15 years of experience in Educational , Athletic and Career Planning. The most important achievements for Royal Science include the following:
- Volunteered over 300 hours in after-school, summer enrichment programs and Adult Education-GED
- Provided free Science tutoring and customized Science packages to students
- Facilitated Science and education preparatory training to over 10 nonprofit site hosts.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) is a large focus area for Royal Science. Representation Matters. Diversity is excellent business sense. Diverse leadership teams typically result in more innovation, faster problem solving, better engagement and increased financial performance. Students should be able to engage in a Mentor who resembles their own identity.
Royal Science will maintain a diverse pipeline at every level to further perpetuate itself as an advocate for fair and equal treatment of employees and students with disabilities, minority employees mentorship, role models, and women in senior leadership roles. Royal Science encourages individuals from all walks of life and perspectives to apply for employment; asserting a strong commitment to diversity; and developing employee affinity groups for women, racial and ethnic minorities, and those who identify as LGBTQ.
Royal Science adopted an inclusive workplace model that demonstrates diversity as a priority to include:
- Instituting flexible work schedules and work-from-home options while implementing a robust telecommuting policy
- Strengthening anti-discrimination and harassment policies and ensuring that they contain recent legal requirements
- Forming an inclusion council made up of diverse employees
- Setting up dedicated nursing rooms for mothers that comply with state lactation-accommodation laws.
- Offering onsite day care.
- Opening up a dialogue about gender pay inequality and addressing any disparate pay issues.
- Providing a meditation or prayer room.
- Offer floating holidays to accommodate the religious preferences of all employees
- Adopting diversity programming to honor employees' religious and cultural practices
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
High-Quality Education Matters. The COVID-19 pandemic has not stopped at national borders. It has affected people regardless of nationality, level of education, income, or gender. But the same has not been true for its consequences, which have hit the most vulnerable hardest. Education is no exception. Students from privileged backgrounds, supported by their parents and eager and able to learn, could find their way past closed school doors to alternative learning opportunities. Those from disadvantaged backgrounds often remained shut out when their schools shut down. This pandemic has exposed the many inadequacies and inequities in our education systems from access to supportive services deficits.
Disadvantage is not as simple as it was once assumed to be. While Science is only one component of STEM education, knowledge of Science impacts deeply the study of mathematics, technology, and engineering. Turning to educational achievement, Royal Science is pleased to present this proposal for your review to address the challenge of education inequality and provide a solution: The Science Field. The Science Field is a technology-based solution that ensures that all primary and secondary school learners have access to quality, safe, and equitable learning environments. Equitable classrooms reflect inclusivity teaching practices that build superlative experiences for all students. provide equitable learning experiences for all students. The Science Field implements classroom practices that include building relationships with students that foster community, as well as providing opportunities that level the playing field, so all students have equal access in the learning process to become critical thinkers.
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development, etc.)
- Business model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Legal or Regulatory Matters
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. expanding client base)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
Highlights of Royal Science-offers face-to-face (after-school programs and outreach programs, personal parking garages, private home of clients, public places-libraries or parks), intensive, and innovative that provides early access to tertiary education to K-12, Post-Secondary, Adult Education and Military through intensive tutoring, test preparation, career counseling in Sciences-Biology, Microbiology, Forensic Science, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physical Science, Environmental Science, General Physics, Clinical Laboratory Sciences, Immunology, and Serology; Public Health; Health Science; Military Science and Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Test Preparation; Science Administrative and Business Operations Solutions; Industrial Janitorial-Biological Waste Disposal; Educational, Safety/Health and Wellness Programs; and Student Athletic Training and Athletics-Softball and Baseball.
Royal Science will utilize funding for working capital, business operations center, asset purchases, safety, career development, improving educational and athletic goods and services, growth funding, inventory, Science and Sports literacy, Science and Sports Subscriptions, academic and athletic training, and debt restructuring (refinancing existing business debt not secured-business loans, credit card purchases and equipment leases). Working capital includes business operational expenses, payroll, marketing (events and promotions), information technology and new equipment purchases. In addition, funding will be used for employee benefits, rent, utilities, employee training and skill development, business license(s), broadband upgrades and insurance and other approved operational costs. The supplemental funding from MIT Solve would afford me the opportunity to increase productivity and the functionality of my business by continually evolving and improving my work practices and services to the Macon Bibb County community. Cultural responsiveness and inclusivity are at the forefront of education, on a daily basis.
Students in high-poverty communities continue to have less access to core academic services that increase student outcomes. Core services that have a significant influence on instructional quality and student performance are systematically unavailable to students in low-income schools relative to students in higher-income schools. These critical services include early childhood education, quality teachers, and exposure to rigorous curriculum. Funding must be at the start of every conversation around equity. For, funding is a central component to providing a high-quality education and often leads to improved educational and health outcomes.
Royal Science would like to partner with MIT Solve, the Department of Education, The Department of Education, Mercer University Tift College of Education, Morehouse School of Medicine, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, National Science Foundation, United Way, Communities in Schools, Great Schools, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, American Heart Association, The White House and Young Life to reimage deeper in-person or hybrid activities that ensure each and every student feels seen and heard in their classroom setting. Cultural responsiveness and inclusivity are at the forefront of education. Partnerships with these organizations would fight poverty, disease, and inequity around the world and implement best practices for building an equitable environment in our schools and support action to equitable schools a reality.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
The Science Field: When Science throws you a curveball, Science though the dilemma and knock it out of the park! Bibb County Public School has over 500 at risk students with a rating “below performance” on the Georgia Milestone Test for Science and reading performance at least two years behind their current grade level. The objective of the Science Field program is to bridge the gaps of academic deficit in Science with research-based strategies, integration of technology and physical conditioning to increase student mastery of content in Science on the Georgia Milestone Test while improving the student’s overall mental and physical condition.
The Science Field implements classroom practices that include building relationships with students that foster community, as well as providing opportunities that level the playing field, so all students have equal access in the learning process to become critical thinkers. It affords students from poverty backgrounds access to the same high-level curricular and pedagogical opportunities and high expectations as their wealthy peers.
The Science Field will provide an innovative, interactive curriculum that will:
- Increase the engagement of learners in remote (Roster +), hybrid (The Science Field Resource Room and physical environment (The Science Field) to increase access to tertiary education.
- Enable access to quality learning experiences in low-connectivity settings imaginative play, collaborative projects and experimentation.
- Ensure the physical safety and mental health of learners through peer support activities that build self-worth and Science exploration.
- Support educators to adapt their pedagogy support students and their families in remote and hybrid
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
To address the challenges associated with educational inequalities, The Science Field reform initiatives and mandates have been identified as possible ways of developing, enacting, and implementing sound policies that would bring about effective change in our nation’s youths and
schools. Equity in educational opportunity has relied on creating and maintaining programmatic initiatives designed to ensure effective teaching and learning for all students.
The Science Field is an innovative research-based science curriculum that provides supplemental hands-on Science content reinforcement throughout the academic school year to help students learn significant Science content that results in closing the persistent achievement gap for under-represented minority and low-income students in Science that has potentially significant national value to Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. Poverty has no borders, therefore equitable classrooms have global impacts.
The Science Field will provide:
-Program Quality: Quality of implementation, leadership and accountability are major strategies utilized to promote and secure high
program standards.
-Academically Demanding Curricula: Implement challenging educational activities that are also developmentally appropriate.
-Professional Development: Staff must be prepared to respond to the challenge.
-Increasing Family Involvement
-Individualized Supports: For students who are struggling academically, individualized support may be the difference between falling behind and moving ahead.
-Extended Learning Time: Saturdays and summer courses to provide students
with more learning time.
-Community Involvement: Community participation is essential to the program, reinforcing cultural traditions and knowledge
-Long-Term Supports for Youth: encourage long-term, stable relationships --- -Scholarships and/or Financial Support: offer financial help to students who demonstrate high academic performance.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Disadvantage is not as simple as it was once assumed to be. While Science is only one component of STEM education, knowledge of Science impacts deeply the study of mathematics, technology, and engineering. The Science Field encourages equal opportunities for women to pursue and thrive in STEM careers narrow gender pay gap, enhance women's economic security and ensure a diverse talented workplace. Turning to educational achievement, Royal Science is pleased to present this proposal for your review to address the challenge of education inequality and provide a solution: The Science Field. The Science Field is a technology-based solution that ensures that all primary and secondary school learners have access to quality, safe, and equitable learning environments. Equitable classrooms reflect inclusivity teaching practices that build superlative experiences for all students. provide equitable learning experiences for all students. The Science Field implements classroom practices that include building relationships with students that foster community, as well as providing opportunities that level the playing field, so all students have equal access in the learning process to become critical thinkers.
The Science Field will provide an innovative, interactive curriculum that will:
- Increase the engagement of learners in remote (Roster +), hybrid (The Science Field Resource Room, and physical environments (The Science Field), to increase access to tertiary education.
- Enable access to quality learning experiences in low-connectivity settings—including imaginative play, collaborative projects, and hands-on experiments.
- Ensure the physical safety and mental health of learners through peer support activities that build self-worth and encourage Science exploration.
To address the challenges associated with educational inequalities, The Science Field reform initiatives and mandates have been identified as possible ways of developing, enacting, and implementing sound policies that would bring about effective change in our nation’s youths and schools. Equity in educational opportunity has relied on creating and maintaining programmatic initiatives designed to ensure effective teaching and learning for all students.
The Science Field is an innovative research-based science curriculum that provides supplemental hands-on Science content reinforcement throughout the academic school year to help students learn significant Science content that results in closing the persistent achievement gap for under-represented minority and low-income students in Science that has potentially significant national value to Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. Poverty has no borders, therefore equitable classrooms have global impacts.
The Science Field will provide:
-Program Quality: Quality of implementation, leadership and accountability are major strategies utilized to promote and secure high program standards. -Academically Demanding Curricula: Implement challenging educational activities that are also developmentally appropriate. -Professional Development: Staff must be prepared to respond to the challenge. -Increasing Family Involvement -Individualized Supports: For students who are struggling academically, individualized support may be the difference between falling behind and moving ahead. -Extended Learning Time: Saturdays and summer courses to provide students with more learning time.
-Community Involvement: Community participation is essential to the program, reinforcing cultural traditions and knowledge
-Long-Term Supports for Youth: encourage long-term, stable relationships --- -Scholarships and/or Financial Support: offer financial help to students who demonstrate high academic performance.
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The Science Field is a technology-based solution that ensures that all primary and secondary school learners have access to quality, safe, and equitable learning environments. Equitable classrooms reflect inclusivity teaching practices that build superlative experiences for all students. provide equitable learning experiences for all students. The Science Field implements classroom practices that include building relationships with students that foster community, as well as providing opportunities that level the playing field, so all students have equal access in the learning process to become critical thinkers.
The Science Field will provide an innovative, interactive curriculum that will:
- Increase the engagement of learners in remote (Roster +), hybrid (The Science Field Resource Room, and physical environments (The Science Field), including strategies and tools for parental support, peer interaction, and guided independent work to increase access to tertiary education.
- Enable access to quality learning experiences in low-connectivity settings—including imaginative play, collaborative projects, and hands-on experiments.
- Ensure the physical safety and mental health of learners through peer support activities that build self-worth and encourage Science exploration.
- Support educators to adapt their pedagogy, facilitate personalized instruction, and communicate with students and their families in remote and hybrid settings through the proven science-based methodology in the Woodrow Wilson National Teaching Fellowship Foundation that supports, and prepares pedagogy in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
To address the challenges associated with educational inequalities, The Science Field reform initiatives and mandates have been identified as possible ways of developing, enacting, and implementing sound policies that would bring about effective change in our nation’s youths and schools. Equity in educational opportunity has relied on creating and maintaining programmatic initiatives designed to ensure effective teaching and learning for all students.
The Science Field is an innovative research-based science curriculum that provides supplemental hands-on Science content reinforcement throughout the academic school year to help students learn significant Science content that results in closing the persistent achievement gap for under-represented minority and low-income students in Science that has potentially significant national value to Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. Poverty has no borders, therefore equitable classrooms have global impacts.
The Science Field will provide:
-Program Quality: Quality of implementation, leadership and accountability are major strategies utilized to promote and secure high program standards. -Academically Demanding Curricula: Implement challenging educational activities that are also developmentally appropriate. -Professional Development: Staff must be prepared to respond to the challenge. -Increasing Family Involvement -Individualized Supports: For students who are struggling academically, individualized support may be the difference between falling behind and moving ahead. -Extended Learning Time: Saturdays and summer courses to provide students with more learning time.
-Community Involvement: Community participation is essential to the program, reinforcing cultural traditions and knowledge
-Long-Term Supports for Youth: encourage long-term, stable relationships --- -Scholarships and/or Financial Support: offer financial help to students who demonstrate high academic performance.