At Generous Individual Values and Equality Foundation (GIVEF), we are bridging the digital divide and promoting the inclusion of children 6-19 years of age and other individuals from low socio-economic households. This is consistent with our broad intervention program which provides care, education, empowerment and social inclusion of people from vulnerable Communities. We believe that teaching this category of children computer programming skills, social entrepreneurship, will provide tangible empowerment, the opportunity for creative engagement in Nsambwe “B” village in Mukono District Community problem solving as well as access to participate in the burgeoning economy of the technology space.
Generous Individual Values and Equality Center for Positive Empowerment-Nsambwe has supported the training of 24 children in the last 3 months in its pilot phase in Nsambwe Zone B, Mukono District. We are scaling the number to 200 by end of 2021. This will include rehabilitated homeless children, Children from vulnerable homesteads and their mothers/caregivers.
Ultimately, we anticipate that the project will:
- Give rehabilitated children and other children from low economic backgrounds the opportunity to gain elementary computer science education thereby improving their proficiency for any future career and entrepreneurship development.
- Empower children who have specialized computer programming interest with basic coding and software development skills and incorporate them into a program that ensures advanced learning, mentoring and work opportunities,
- Stimulate curiosity and thinking about how to use technology for creative problem solving. (We intend that the children are enabled to build simple technology products for education and entertainment industry. In the long term, trainees will help meet some of the technology needs for our mass digital literacy project across Mukono District.
- Give children the opportunity to generate and develop relevant work of the future project ideas in a collaborative learning environment. This also aids the continuing process of rehabilitation and social re-integration and Inclusion for all.
- Improve the overall intellectual development of the children as they gain the ability to think as well as process and communicate ideas in an organized and logical way following the programming logic which involves sequential instructions for achieving specific actions and solutions.
The area under the local council (L.C. 1) Mr. SSekkito Gerald where our offices are, is lacking access to ICT equipments and solutions to the village and the surrounding areas of Kikuba Nkima, Nkonkyi, Kasangalabi, Nsanvu, Kirangira, Ntawo, Namubiru, Nyenje, Buddugala, Nakabago, Bajjo and Nasutti. These areas experience the very huge problem when it comes to information system and you find that there are many victims of cyberbully, inappropriate data collection, among others. The few projects you can see in these areas related to ICT are libraries for music and Video graphies of which the operators or the owners tend to have little or no skills at all. In these areas I have mentioned above, have different technical skills they are handling like Hair dressing, Automotive engineering, Fashion designing among others on certificate levels. This contributes to under development in ICT sector. the Biggest percentage of the population in these areas are the Youth who needs an advancement in ICT integrations being 60% of the population females and 40% males who are still schooling and others school dropout. Lack of ICT training Centers in these areas is the major cause of exposure to potentially harmful content and online sexual abuse and exploitation among the youths in this region. From this matter, we identified the need to have an ICT training Institute in Nsambwe Village in the names of BANNANSAMBWE COMPUTER TRAINING INSTITUTE (B.C.T.I.) to wards the end of 2019 until date to embark on ICT developments within the region to solve the problems listed above. However, we lack enough facilities, to cover up this region by offering ICT services to these communities.
- Enable access to quality learning experiences in low-connectivity settings—including imaginative play, collaborative projects, and hands-on experiments.
The project is very important as it will build capacity of local people to prepare, mitigate and learn how to use Internet services. It helps in taking action to build safety and resilience, and reduce future hazard impacts of online risks. The project will ensure that there is continuous flow of school activities at B.C.T.I as many hands-on training programs will be held. The project will further introduce new sustainable development programs. With the implementation of the project, the community will serve for other equally important development issues as the Institute will offer permanent home for research and other developments.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community.
The I.C.T sector in the region faces myriad challenges, there remains a pressing need for enhanced institutional and human resource capacity in the sector. This includes increased capacity for project management, policy research and advocacy.
Importantly, there is a need to build the capacity of the sector’s Hands-on programs to respond to the ongoing and emerging challenges that continue to impact the sector’s ability to function effectively.
The face of the sector’s leadership, is made up of both mature stalwarts who run GIVE Foundation that have been in existence for over 3 years and new leaders that are managing growing organization in new sectors.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Women & Girls
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 10. Reduced Inequality
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- Uganda
- Kenya
- Rwanda
- Tanzania
Currently, we are serving over 50 people both the students and the other community members who accesses the center.
Generous Individual Values and Equality Center for Positive Empowerment-Nsambwe has supported the training of 24 children in the last 3 months in its pilot phase in Nsambwe Zone B, Mukono District. We are scaling the number to 200 by end of 2021. This will include rehabilitated homeless children, Children from vulnerable homesteads and their mothers/caregivers.
And by the end of 2022, we shall have covered population of about 500 persons .
By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and
quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including
- Nonprofit
On the solution team, Five (5) members work full-time, then other Five (5) members work part-time and three (3) other workers. And at the moment we don't have contractors.
The GIVEF (Generous Individual Values and Equality Foundation) have the following organs categorized in the following ways;-
- The General Assembly
- The Board of Directors
- Country Director
- The Executive Director
- Deputy Executive Director Project
- Project / programme coordinator
- Accounts Department
- Human resource manager
For purposes of expansion of the organization, the needed personnel for a given department will be recruited by the General Assembly and formally approved by the BOD’s.
Powers, Duties and Functions of the Secretariat
The powers, duties and functions of the Executive Committee at the foundation does the following ;-
- To respect and promote the interests of the organization as provided for in the constitution.
- Preparing the bye-laws of GIVEF for approval by the B.O.D
- Implementing policy decisions of the GIVEF and acting on its behalf between its meetings.
- Preparing the annual reports for the consideration by the BOD.
- Dealing with any other matters not reserved to the B.O.D.
a) The C.E.O. provide the overall leadership of the organization on behalf of the B.O.D and performs the following duties;
- He is the Directorate of the organization’s activities both internal and external in a given country and the flag bearer of the organization.
- He is the reporting person to from all the organization’s employees.
b) The Executive Director provide visionary leadership, oversight and direction to the organization through the establishment of management systems that will ensure the realization of GIVEF mission, vision and objectives. He is be answerable to the Director and B.O.D.
Perspectives for Social Inclusion, self-reliance and employability of young people Improved.
The main goal of the project is to improve the preparedness of people to respond to Information Technology development Integration through Hands-on training measures in Nsambwe B Village and the surrounding communities in Mukono District in order to reduce inappropriate collection, use and sharing of data.
Among other specific objectives of the project include:
1. To construct a well-equipped computer laboratory.
2. To come up with Hands-on training measures suited to Nsambwe community.
3. To promote hygiene and sanitation.
4. To purchase 2 acres of land for expansion of the project in Mukono District.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
GIVEF was founded in Uganda with purpose of creating, coordinating and engaging a network of local citizens into a web of community development activities with purpose of and creating a pipeline of support for low-income poor children, youth and women.
Eastern and central Uganda is a highly populated region with an estimated 6 million people. The area is characterized by very low demographic indices in terms of human development as a result of inadequate social services relations to health and education. This furthered by household, youth, women and child. A recent research conducted 2011 by the ministry of gender and social development indicates the area as one of the poorest regions in Uganda, it’s much attributed to poor infrastructure, poor education, poverty and HIV/AIDS. It’s upon this back ground that GENEROUS INDIVIDUAL VALUES AND EQUALITY FOUNDATION (GIVEF) was founded to focus bring together like minded organizations, individuals and companies to join hands to uplift social welfare of majority youth, children and women through better education, health economic empowerment.
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development, etc.)
- Business model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Legal or Regulatory Matters
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. expanding client base)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
GIVEF aspires to identify children that are in desperate need and require immediate help or action, we seek to establish and facilitate foster care system and create O.V.C’s support framework and strengthen community ownership by establishing community owned support centers through partnerships with schools in which we will channel our support.
Education Campaign
In this campaign, we strive our best to provide the best in class performers and laying out a strong foundation for the future leaders right from Nursery section to higher institution of learning. In Nursery section and Primary we are looking at providing support to Orphans and Vulnerable children through access to good educational standards, accommodation, Health facilities, water supply, food and Clothing. For this campaign, we need more support to establish a number of Educational facilities well-structured and of a higher standards for the children in the communities’ country wide.
Women Empowerment
Women’s contribution to economic development in Africa today in terms of food security, child development and household welfare is undisputed, they relentlessly take the biggest share of domestic responsibility and support to children. They are however undermined by rigid culture in most communities, physical abilities, they have little access to economically productive assets and little dominance to over their rights. GIVEF projects focus on economic and rights empowerment, increase their ability to participate in decision making processes through rights promotion and engagement into income generating activities. This significantly improves on their capacity and permanency to contributing child development and domestic responsibility.
I would like to partner up with MIT faculty and Solve Members to help me and my team to solve community problems and to accomplish our mission and objectives by transforming community lives for a bright future.
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Our approach is to use Direct Access to Reading Tool (DART) as a new method to development of reading, writing and speech, The way we learned to speak, listen, and converse as a model. Children may have been taught the words, but they learned to speak on their own in informal environments. We guide and correct them, but they speak because it is what everyone does. We plan to apply a speech model for reading and writing. Three year old children are playing games with i Phones. Do we really want to bring them to school to learn how to hold a pencil? Children can be introduced to reading and writing on a keyboard and later, when their manual dexterity improves, they can be taught to use a pencil.
Elementary education mean primary pupil searching for the information on the web site, downloading files into Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel programs, and can produce reports including graphs and tables among others. We expect that by the end of the training program when the trainees are in the position to work out.
This system of the DART will be of the great importance as follows.
- The system will be accessible all students from remote areas.
- It will also be used to provide teaching materials and professional developments to the teachers.
- It will be a well-developed data collection and reporting capacity center for the program.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
The grant support would assist us to successfully empower and carry out capacity building / skills training of poor rural women and extend a revolving fund to these poor rural women in the poorest and remote parts of our country to enable them start or improve on their micro-enterprises/income generating micro-projects. As a measure to assist and to empower the impoverished rural women, the functional literacy / entrepreneurial skills and revolving fund program will enable them to become self-reliant and generate incomes for their households. The women would run their own individual micro-projects and would enjoy the fruits of their own labour. Our capacity building and empowerment project will help at lease 100 poor rural women have their self employed activities grow.
GIVE Foundation will promote ICT in agriculture through the use of computers and smart phones. The entry point will be the selected schools by involving pupils and parent communities around the school and later to the neighboring communities. GIVE Foundation will promote the use of ICT in agriculture through project staffs who shall be provided with computers and smartphones to provide efficient production inputs and services to improve farmers’ production and marketing by reducing time and other resources associated with searching for agricultural related and market information by farmers while at the same time providing employment to the youth in agriculture.
- E-payments – farmers will be able to make payments of agricultural inputs using mobile money services through their phones which reduces on transportation costs.
- Farmer profiling – village agents are provided with smartphones which they use to capture farmers’ records with whom they work with e.g. location, production information, number of acres, inputs demand, information that is updated every season. This information gives confidence to the financial institutions to lend money to the farmer as they are able to see his track record and progress.
- Ezy-extension – GIVE Foundation will work together with agricultural input suppliers to facilitate farmers’ access to inputs while paying for them online using a simple program on their mobile phones.
- Input linkages – Staff will create demand for genuine inputs form gr input supplier which face plates linkages between farmers and suppliers.
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Our approach is to use Direct Access to Reading Tool (DART) as a new method to development of reading, writing and speech, The way we learned to speak, listen, and converse as a model. Children may have been taught the words, but they learned to speak on their own in informal environments. We guide and correct them, but they speak because it is what everyone does. We plan to apply a speech model for reading and writing. Three year old children are playing games with i Phones. Do we really want to bring them to school to learn how to hold a pencil? Children can be introduced to reading and writing on a keyboard and later, when their manual dexterity improves, they can be taught to use a pencil.
Elementary education mean primary pupil searching for the information on the web site, downloading files into Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel programs, and can produce reports including graphs and tables among others. We expect that by the end of the training program when the trainees are in the position to work out.
This system of the DART will be of the great importance as follows.
- The system will be accessible all students from remote areas.
- It will also be used to provide teaching materials and professional developments to the teachers.
- It will be a well-developed data collection and reporting capacity center for the program.