Teachers' capacities improvement
The outbreak of corona virus in Nigeria in late March 2021, led to closure of all learning institutions, thus affecting the schooling of boys and girls. crisis-affected boys and girls in North East Nigeria, and Cameroonian refugees in Cross-river states are mostly affected by the schools closure. girls and young women refugees are mostly affected by the schools closure as 65% of them are exposed to unwanted pregnancies, early marriages and negative coping mechanisms as a result of lack of positive livelihood opportunities; while teachers have limited ICT skills , effective pedagogy, psycho-social support as well as capacities to prevent and respond to Covid-19 including PPE. So, is this program providing teachers with quality ICT skills and innovative pedagogical teaching techniques to facilitate catch up community based radio to maintain learning habits and build resilience of refugees girls and young women in Cross-river state, Nigeria.
Schools closure urged Governments to adapt their curricula to alternate learning so as to catch up with curriculum timelines and maintain learning habits of boys and girls. In this respect, Nigeria Federal ministry of education in conjunction with Unicef developed package of optional learning programs, such as radios and TV broadcasting programs; yet under-served and marginalized learners ( Cameroonian refugees) of poor households with limited resources could not afford for data nor internet devices. In addition, limited radio signals coverage in rural areas limited access to programs as well as monitoring attendance.Limited access to electricity supply in rural areas widened digital gaps in access to catch up learning between children of urban areas and those of rural ones. Furthermore, 65% of teachers in rural areas of Cross-rivers lack basic functional capacities in effective pedagogy, Psycho-social support and basic functional ICT skills to facilitate catch up learning programs such as in-persons radios programs .In addition, 50% of assessed teachers in the targeted local Government Areas reported limited access to teaching materials including tablets, lap top among others. So, will " community-based radio program build back the linkages in inclusive access to quality education through teachers capacity building.
Teachers' capacities improvement is a solution that aims at improving teachers' capacities The solution will first assess teachers needs including teaching approaches, then households with schooling girls, boys including young women with schooling needs ;who were negatively affected by covid-19. Then teachers who were affected by Covid-19 with limited new teaching capacities will be provided with teaching materials including tablets, USB flashes for individual remote capacity building. The developed remedial teaching will be uploaded into tablets for capacity building on effective pedagogy, Teaching at the right level (TARL), covid-19 prevention and response and ICT functional skills, sexual exploitation and abuse ( PSEA). Acquisition of remote new teaching pedagogical techniques will enable teachers to facilitate community-based radio learning programs to boys and girls including ICT skills to advert girls and young women negative livelihoods opportunities, unwanted pregnancies, early marriages as well as gender-based violence.
This program targets community-based teachers , boys and girls of secondary schools of rural local Governments areas with teaching and learning needs who were impacted by both school closure and gender-based violence. African Humanitarian Aid International(AHAI) Meal Manager will carry out a gender-sensitive needs assessment in both schools and households to assess teachers' capacity building needs as well as those of learners. According to Joint Needs Assessment carried out by the education sector in October 2020 in North East and Cross-river 55% of teachers in rural areas have limited capacities in ICT skills, 20% of teachers were reported with limited capacities in effective pedagogy while 50% were reported with emotional issues as a result of school closure. Furthermore, the program will target under-served and marginalized poor refugees households of host communities with schooling boys and girls with learning needs. As the matter of fact, Cameroonian refugees are under-served and marginalized as they are not part of Nigeria HRP thus have limited access humanitarian assistance. The outbreak of COVID-19 has exacerbated the gaps in access to services including education. To meet the needs of target beneficiaries, the program will include the beneficiaries from the need assessment, design , program development, implementation as well as monitoring and evaluation. In fact, the program has an in-built mechanism to track beneficiaries perception through display of free- hotlines and suggestion boxes placed in secured areas of the program. In addition, the Meal manager including education stakeholders and African Humanitarian Aid International management Team will carry out joint quarterly monitoring visits to track teachers performance and learners attendance rate. However, quarterly meetings with education stakeholders, teachers, will be carried out for experience sharing and lessons learned; while monthly coordination meetings including education officials, community members, teachers will be held to analyze beneficiaries perceptions and adjust the program accordingly.
- Support teachers to adapt their pedagogy, facilitate personalized instruction, and communicate with students and their families in remote and hybrid settings.
Teachers' capacity building on effective pedagogical techniques including ICT skills to facilitate catch up education programming is critical, as schools systems adapt their curricula to catch up learning programming.In addition building teachers' capacity on ICT is inevitable within the context of covid-19. Thus, community-based rechargeable radio programing is the unique, suitable and contextual alternate education programming for under-served and marginalized rural learners with limited power supply, data, internet devices left out in distanced online radios and TV broadcasting. In fact, this remedial/ catch up program is inclusive, thus filling the gaps of distanced online radios.
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in one or, ideally, several communities, which is poised for further growth.
African Humanitarian Aid International(AHAI) with CERF funds, and in consortium with five (05) international Organizations, including Save the children, Street child, Plan International, and Trans-cultural and psycho-social Organization is currently implementing a catch up/remedial education programing amidst covid-19. the program builds capacities of teachers on contextual, innovative effective pedagogy: teaching at the right level (TARL) and mine risk education so as to facilitate access to quality safe and inclusive education for the under-served and marginalized boys and girls of The North East Nigeria in rehabilitated temporal learning spaces (TLS). With the experience and lessons learned, AHAI will like to expand the community-based learning radio program to Cameroonian refugees of rural host communities of Cross-river state.
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
improving teachers' capacities is very innovative: the program uses tablets to build teachers capacities. in fact, teachers are provided with USB flashes where the capacity building package is uploaded into tablets. The curriculum is conceived for remote individual capacity building. in fact, the program does not require teachers to be grouped in a hall or temporal learning spaces so as to acquire the skills, rather each trainee receives training materials in his tablets. in addition, the training package ( soft copies) are uploaded in the Federal ministry of education platform for ease of access and sustainability. in addition, the program provides teachers with new psycho-social support to deal with their emotions, while a package of prevention and response to covid-19 is also included plus PPE. However, child participation and child safeguarding is also an innovative technique that is mainstreamed into teachers' capacity building so as to protect learners from sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA).
- Audiovisual Media
- Behavioral Technology
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- 4. Quality Education
- Nigeria
- Nigeria
currently the solution serves 10,000 people in a year it shall serve 2,000 and in 5 years 40,000
the indicators to the impact are :
1200 teachers trained
2,000 teachers provide with teaching materials.
5,000 teachers benefited with monthly incentives.
20,000 people reached with awareness campaigns messages on safe go back to schools and gender equality.
10,000 girls and boys provided with learning materials.
10, 000 under-served and marginalized boys and girls provided with scholarships for enrollment.
100 temporal learning spaces constructed/ rehabilitated
- Nonprofit
The actual solution works with: 5 Full staff namely, Education in emergency specialist, Meal manager, logistic/ procurement manager, and PSEA specialist, Finance manager . Plus 1 contractual staff: consultant. 3 part-time ( support staff) : administration officer, and country Director.
African Humanitarian Aid International (AHAI) has a track record in implementation of remedial education amidst Covid-19. The organization is actually implementing a community-based radio program in the North East Nigeria, with crisis-affected Under-served and marginalized internally displaced (IDPs) in Adamawa state. The organization has a gender-sensitive team of well experienced and qualified staff with at least 5 years of both local and international experienced in education in emergency programming. AHAI has a qualified Education in Emergency(EIE) specialist. she has a progressive 7 years experience in the North East , central Africa , west Africa implementing education programs. in addition, AHAI has a qualified Finance manager with 6 years with mastery of international financial policies with vast knowledge with donors procedures, including UN and other donors ( USAID, DFID). In addition, the organization has a good procurement manager with track record of organization and donors procurement policies. he has managed up to five (5) programs involving procurement of close to $ 100, 000 to $ 500,000 each. in addition, the Organization has a good PSEA specialist. she has seven (7) years with several organizations in the capacity of gender-based violence program officer, manager. she has an international experience in child participation and safeguarding. she will ensure capacity building of teachers and SBMCs on protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA) standard principles. The organization also has on board supportive staff: country representative and administration staff who will ensure coordination and supervision of the program.
African Humanitarian Aid International (AHAI) a gender-sensitive team is made up of women and men of vast experience and qualification. The diversity of the organization team is founded on the fact, beneficiaries are different ( male, female, disabled) thus have different needs and require different approaches. In addition, beneficiaries needs vary as per sex, age and gender. So meeting the needs of core recipients necessitates a gender-sensitive team, from needs assessment to monitoring and evaluation. AHAI has a gender sensitive team because, she wants to effectively impact the beneficiaries by meeting their needs as per sex, age and gender.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
AHAI is applying with solve because, we want to raise funds and also have a support from Solve to improve teachers capacities so as to enable under-served and marginalized refugees to access quality inclusive and safe education.
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
The partnership may be needed with national or local organizations for data collection in the areas where AHAI face difficulties. In this case, the local partner shall be equipped in data collection techniques.
In the vent that, partnership is required for the implementation of this program, AHAI will partner with a local organization with field presence and capacities in Cross-river State. The partnership will be based on data collection and third party monitoring where, AHAI staff can not reach.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
I do qualify for this prize because, the solution meets the requirements. i would like to be considered for the funding.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
AHAI do qualify for the funding opportunity because this program is centered on meeting the education needs of Cameroonian refugees, which is in line with ANDAN prize priority.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
African Humanitarian Aid International also qualifies for this opportunity, for this education program aims at giving equal opportunity to both children of urban and rural areas through teachers capacity building improvement. So the program align with GM prize for education core goal.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
AHAI do qualify for this Prize and would like to be considered for funding. in fact, the program is centered on the use of digital technology ( tablets) for teachers capacity building.
No AHAI is not qualify for this opportunity.
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
Education program manager