Wealthy school districts build atom-based STEAM centers (science-technology-engineering-art-math) for millions of dollars, providing students access to learning that will provide vast opportunity. Our solution is The Virtual Reality STEAM center. It is 10X better than the atom-based version, and includes a campus that is multi-user and immersive. In this metaverse you will find a science lab, cadaver lab, astronomy center, paleontology island, art room, art history center, math lab and a starship. Students don a VR headset and meet their instructor and other students in the STEAM center. Here they hold a human heart in their hand, expand it until it's eight feet tall and step inside. Even more, they curate the world's greatest art and play tour guide for parents in a breathtaking museum. kinesthetic learning meets students where they are. The best part is that the cost: 1/100th of 1% of the atom-based version.
Education inequality stems from the poorest students having poor facilities, lack of access to educational tools and opportunities and inherent learning challenges that may be environmental. A solution is needed that provides better facilities, access to the best teachers in the world and teaching methods that takes into account the kinesthetic nature of many underprivileged students. According to the Center for American Progress, there are nearly 11 million poor and underprivileged students in the United States.
Even more, a student's ability to focus while sitting in a chair may be impacted by nutrition and sleep at home. This lack of concentration or focus creates outcomes that can snowball, as 'boredom' can lead to more disruptive behaviors.
Students attend school in a virtual reality metaverse for a portion of their day. This solves the problem because:
1) A 2020 PWC study showed that VR learning is 3.75x better than classroom learning for knowledge retention. This includes superiority over 2D Webinar classes.
2) Some of America's best teachers are leading live and pre-recorded classes in the STEAM center, making geography irrelevant as students gain access to educators.
3) Students learn by going. Rather than sitting in a chair, they learn actively as they travel around the world visiting sites such as The Great Wall of China, the Redwood Forests of California, volcanoes in Iceland and many more locations.
4) Students learn by doing. Rather than reading about it in a book or watching a video, students dissect an oversize VR animal while floating in space wearing a space suit. Students stand in the courtroom as they study To Kill a Mockingbird, and they build homes for refugees as they learn engineering design.
5) It is deployed at a dramatically lower cost than traditional offerings.
6) Students can enter the VR metaverse while at school or while remote.
The solution serves all global students, but particularly those in school districts who cannot afford expensive equipment or travel budgets.
Global travel has a way of making one seek to achieve greater goals in life, but travel is generally reserved for the middle class or wealthy class. This gives students in all schools the opportunity to learn while traveling the world.
Improved grades and knowledge retention has been demonstrated in 72 studies. Link:
Students gain confidence as they master knowledge. They master knowledge by loving to learn. Students who learn in virtual reality love to learn.
We hired a curriculum specialist and the national finalist for teacher-of-the-year to help create our content. We have deployed it in over 20 schools taking student and teacher feedback into account as we improve it.
- Increase the engagement of learners in remote, hybrid, and physical environments, including strategies and tools for parental support, peer interaction, and guided independent work.
The challenge is to address learning loss post-Covid, and prior to Covid. When a person loves to learn - be it music, or cooking or fishing or basketball - they will give their life to it. Students who are immersed in a virtual reality world with a quality educator and other students love to learn. That love of learning is the first part of solving the challenge.
The second part of solving the challenge is providing affordable solutions. We do that.
Finally, the education has to be accessible. Ours is accessible at home, school, a library or after-school program.
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in one or, ideally, several communities, which is poised for further growth.
We launched our asynchronous solutions in 2017 and our synchronous multi-user campus in the summer of 2020. It has been deployed at Morehouse College (, American High School and many other schools and universities. We have completed over 30 learning environments and 3,000+ learning objects. Even more we have over 200 pre-recorded classes saved in the content library.
- A new technology
We have built the first fully active education campus and metaverse, where virtual reality is not just a solution being used in the classroom, instead it is the classroom.
- Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality
- Children & Adolescents
- Low-Income
- 4. Quality Education
- 10. Reduced Inequality
- 15. Life on Land
- United States