Educational sponsorship for girlchild
In a rural villages , where most people live below the poverty level, girls and women education takes the back seat.Poverty, underdevelopment , mass literacy , ignorance, urban backwardness and conservatism cause a majority of girls in villages to be deprivedof their basic rights to education . Various other social problems such as child marriage, trafficking and discrimination leads towards the undermining of girls rights to education.Limited access to education means many are stuck in a cycle of poverty.
Women and Girls are often treated as a second class citizens in our society. They have no access to contribute to community development and it is perceived that the only place they can best perform is in their husbands house and in the kitchen. They are forced to marry at a tender age because of religion, cultural and traditional beliefs. These barbaric attitudes towards female children must stop.
Dabre Family Services International aims to educate the uneducated ones, for them to realize that pushing a girl child to marriage is not the solution to the acute poverty we are facing . Rather educating them to a higher level for them to be gainfully employed and earn a good living, will subsequently solve their problems.
In a rural villages , where most people live below the poverty level, girls and women education takes the back seat.Poverty, underdevelopment , mass literacy , ignorance, urban backwardness and conservatism cause a majority of girls in villages to be deprived of their basic rights to education . Various other social problems such as child marriage, trafficking and discrimination leads towards the undermining of girls rights to education.Limited access to education means many are stuck in a cycle of poverty.
Women and Girls are often treated as a second class citizens in our society. They have no access to contribute to community development and it is perceived that the only place they can best perform is in their husbands house and in the kitchen. They are forced to marry at a tender age because of religion, cultural and traditional beliefs. These barbaric attitudes towards female children must stop.
Dabre Family Services International aims to educate the uneducated ones, for them to realize that pushing a girl child to marriage is not the solution to the acute poverty we are facing . Rather educating them to a higher level for them to be gainfully employed and earn a good living, will subsequently solve their problems.
Increase the number of the rate of girls education from the campaigns or villages
Provide scholastic and other training materials to vulnerable and underprivileged girls.
Improve the nutritional, sanitary and hygiene practices of these vulnerable girls.
Eliminate the phenomenon of early and forced marriage , commercial sex activities, child domestic labor and others immoral activities.
Increase capacity in job creation and income generation.
Promote more cohesive considerate and creative individuals/ societies with equal opportunities and rights for all.
Increase net enrollment
Improve attendance/participation.
Increase student-girls achievements
Improve grade progression/completion rate.
The aim target groups are the most vulnerable and underprivileged girls in rural communities in Zonse district.Initially, a total of 250 girls aged of 4 to 18 years shall directly benefit from the program for the first year, 500 second year and 750 3rd year.
- Increase the engagement of learners in remote, hybrid, and physical environments, including strategies and tools for parental support, peer interaction, and guided independent work.
DFSI will do more than built and operate a facility.We propose to follow a holistic approach and establish a long term relationship and partnership between us , the schools and communities until the envisaged changes happen and local capacities are strengthened so that benefits of the project continues long term after DFSI involvement ends.It is in line with this philosophy that teachers capacity development interventions will be followed by classrooms visits and one on one support to help teachers masters and successfully apply the news teaching approaches and techniques. The project will also offer more sustainable way of helping children from destitute families continue their education by providing them with the opportunity to work in the school garden .
The beneficiaries communities members will be mobilized and sensitized about the need to contribute positively towards the education of the vulnerable girls child's . A community management committee will be set up to which all beneficiary members will be required to contribute a substantial community fee quarterly there in putting up a trust for the long term education of these girls even after the end of the project.
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea.
The story of DFSI started with a girl called Alimata . She lives in one village name PONGA. Despite limited access to education, Alimata Gorda excels at school. However,all her hard work looks in vain when , at the tender of 12 , her uncle want to force her into early marriage. They betrothed her to a man who will take responsibility for her after marriage. Alimata is still in school and in senior high school. She is passionate about continuing her education. Alimata situation raises a lot of issues with some of her teachers. Those teachers gather and report the issue to the authorities in order to rescue her. Courageously, Alimata manages to avoid marriage and she continues her education.
Unfortunately, Alimata bad experiences still happening to a lot of innocent girls in rural communities of Burkina Faso. Everybody thought nothing could be done about it, because of cultural and religious acceptance. So Alimata , as a young as she is , inspired and motivated many people in this area.Grateful for the interventions of the teachers and the authorities, Alimata , at age 16 and still a student herself, becomes an advocate for girls child education. She believes that for the world to be at peace , women need to be educated to a higher level.Women have been denied the privilege of education and it's high time to advance female education, in our part of the world, females are still marginalized and struggling to have a position in a human race .
In May 2013, during one of my duty as data agent collector, Alimata was so happy to share her story and make me promise to do everything in my power to help marginalized or underprivileged girls through their education. The aim of this project is to prevent similar situations that can happens to others young girls in their communities.DFSI , originally set up as reading club to help mobilize young girls and to educate them on their rights, now has activities that go well beyond just reading.
- A new technology
Dabre Family Services International aims to educate the uneducated ones, for them to realize that pushing a girl child to marriage is not the solution to the acute poverty we are facing . Rather educating them to a higher level for them to be gainfully employed and earn a good living, will subsequently solve their problems.
- Internet of Things
- Women & Girls
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Rural
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequality
- 14. Life Below Water
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Burkina Faso
- Côte d'Ivoire
- Burkina Faso
- Nonprofit
Number of paid staff: 15
Number of volunteers:5
Number of board members: 3
DFSI is managed by passionate, motivated and experienced people who have decided to work together to defend the same value and interests for marginalized and vulnerable communities in Burkina Faso
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
The mission of DFSI is to improve the lives of disadvantaged or vulnerable children through access education which is one of its programs.Its strategies include:providing infrastructures such as schools construction, libraries, and educational materials;enabling access to improved learning by continuously upgrading pedagogical and classroom management skills;reducing health risks by building latrines and providing access to safe and adequate water ; and ,lowering poverty levels by facilitating skills training and income generating opportunities for destitute children.To achieve its missions, DFSI follows a holistic and community driven approach, invest in long term outcomes rather than in short term outputs , builds on communities strengths and resources, closely works with a range of partners that share its missions and values, focuses on measuring outcomes and continuously learning from its own experiences and those of others.
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. expanding client base)
organizations , NOGS and governments
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because I already taught children in my country and I have learned a lot of things.
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- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
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- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution