Integrated Digital Platform for Schools
Primary and secondary schools' operations are adversely impacted during lockdowns and health crisis, resulting into delay in children's education, increasing dropout possibility due vulnerability to crime, exploitation and abuse.
To address these issues, we are proposing an Integrated Digital Platform that embedded mobile app with audio track and books with digital AI pen to host students lessons, and social media platforms, multifunctional website and online forms to facilitate online classes. This enable schools transition smoothly from traditional classrooms to online classes without disrupting children's education enabling students to continue their education readily from home during lockdowns.
Globally, when adapted by national level, the platform will facilitate the development and delivery of quality education and equitable classroom for children (K -12 grade) irrespective of their location or economic status. It can be tailored to any community because up to 80% of the system works offline and it use less energy.
According to UNESCO Institute for statistics data 2020, nearly 1.3 billion students were stuck at home after their school year was disrupted globally. More than 70% of these students were citizens of developing countries. Up to 80% of students in primary and secondary schools in Africa were affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic. According to UNICEF Liberia COVID-19 situation report (published June 6 2020), 1.4M childern in Liberian schools (K- 12) stop learning as a result of the abrupt closure of schools. These abrupt closure escalate the already growing educational challenges of overage childern, overcrowded classes and poor quality education in Liberia.Aborting childern's learning process during lockdown or health crisis make them vulnerable to crime, exploitations, abuse, teenage pregnancy and drug. About 4 in 10 of students (K -12) may not continue school immediately or up to a semester when school reopen and, 1 in 10 drop from school permenently. These numbers significantly increase illiteracy among youths who are likely to end up are bottom of the social economic ladder.
Primary and secondary schools close during lockdown and health crisis due to the inability to transition to digital and online classes that adequately serve the needs of children in K-12.
To resolve the issue of delay in childern's education and mitigate the adverse effects of schools' closure during health crisis or lockdowns, we are developing digital books and mobile app with AI talking pen and audio track that can substitute teachers in presenting the lessons to students offline. And the creation of a multifunctional website for each school to facilitate commitments, feedbacks and live visual online classes for teachers and students to interact and respond to commitments, take test and to clarify students doubt.
Our solutions benefits young childern, teenager and adolescent between the ages of 3 and 19 who are in pre primary, primary and secondary schools whose schools are excluded form being integrated into online learning platform, their education suspended during lockdowns and health crisis, and are required to wait until lockdowns are lifted and health crisis subsided. It also benefits teachers and schools' administrators whose salaries and benefits are withheld due to closure of schools.
We engage teachers, administrators, educational stakeholders and policymakers in developing and validating lessons, speech development for books' AI reading pen, app's audio track and for the design of the multifunctional website. We invite volunteer childern with parent's consent when testing the products to validate children's ability to comprehend the vocabularies, interpretation of lesson's objectives and instructions meaningful to perform task as enshrined in the lessons. This enable us publish lessons that embedded the value of quality inclusive education for children.
The proposed solutions will ensure that every child have access to equitable quality education and learning environment. It prepare schools to transition from traditional classrooms to online classes (vice versa) without disrupting children's education. It improves the quality of instructions and quality education by involving all stakeholders in developing standardized consolidated lessons and instructional materials.
- Increase the engagement of learners in remote, hybrid, and physical environments, including strategies and tools for parental support, peer interaction, and guided independent work.
The problem, our proposed solution and primary beneficiary populations are aligned with the goals of the challenge of Equitable Classroom. Our proposed solution close the gap between school operations and healthy lifestyle during lockdowns and covers the education needs of children (K-12). We are delicated to developing the potential of children as they grow to form part of the human resources in their adult years. The targeted populations are school going children. Integrated Digital Platform for schools is an option to motivate children to continues schooling and support schools' operations in developing students to reach their full potential.
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model.
The concept of the innovation is complete. We have few copies of the books on test in schools. The design of the app and website is are in process. We are getting view from user of the books to aid us in making improvements. We will need to hold a National educational stakeholders conference/ webinars to develop the first lessons that will prepare us for the launch of the pilot.
- A new application of an existing technology
The solution is innovative, we are making use of multiple ICT, AI and digital technologies to enable schools (primary and secondary) transition and operate effectively without disrupting children's education during lockdown and health. The solution customize social media platforms such as:
Zoom- to facilitate real-time visual class sessions.
Type Form and Google Form- to facilitate exams, quizzes and assignments.
Facebook and WhatsApp- to facilitate class schedules, discussion, and response to comments and inquiries.
Weebly, World Press and website hosting platforms - to build schools' multifunctional website and create customised email address for students and teachers - which will be used to coordinate and facilitate students and teachers access to the platform and activities.
A Mobile App/software with Aduio track to host soft copies of students lessons on mobile phones, which function offline.
Books with Digital AI Pen to host hard copies of students lesson.
These technologies are customize to provide cost effective solution for schools operations and provide an ideal learning environment for children's education.
The solution provide up to 80% of the service delivery using technology that are functional offline and 20% that are functional online. The AI pen is built with rechargeable lithium's battery that store energy for up to 12 hours (under intense use).
One AI Pen has the memory ability to read and complete instructions for up to 100 books in a set.
The Mobile app has the ability to hold up to 3 classes lessons.
- Audiovisual Media
- Crowd Sourced Service / Social Networks
- Manufacturing Technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Women & Girls
- Children & Adolescents
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 4. Quality Education
- 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequality
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Liberia
- Liberia
Currently the solution benefits 18 schools ( 5 primary, 8 Jr. High, 5 High schools) and 1,099 students ( 302 primary, 497 Jr. High and 293 Senior High students.
In year one we expect to serve 100 schools (K-12) and up to 49,000 students.
In five years we expect to expand our impact to at least West Africa serving at least 20.5M children in 103K schools.
February 10 - August 15 MVP (digital Book & Mobile App) developed and tested.
May - August 30, 2021, logistics arrangement with government, school, educational and humanitarian organizations concluded.
September 1 - October 30, recruitment of participants for national educational stakeholders webinar. lessons develop and published.
November 1, 2021- August 30, 2022, about 49, 000 students in 100 primary and secondary schools in Liberia use the platform.
3. September 2022 - June 2023 all primary and secondary schools Liberia have the system set up to serve 1.7M students and available for replication and adaptions to any country.
By the end of 2023, the solution shall be scale to provide resilient school environment for children's education during lockdown or health crisis. This will strengthen institutions capacity achieved the SDGs 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, and 17 by 2030.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
There 17 stsffs on our team: 5 Full time members who provide general administration of team, 8 contractors responsible for developing the Mobile App and the AI Pen for the book and 5 part-time staffs responsible to conduct survey, publicity and marketing.
Our team comprise of administrator, educators, software and hardware engineers who are committed to improving the quality of education to improve underserved populations economic and political inclusion by advancing their access to quality education. The team has been working together for the last two years providing other humanitarian and educational programs in Liberia.
We include the people we serve by engaging them into through survey and interviews. We also involved them at the development of the solution to enable us solve the problems from the root. Most of our solutions for the last two years have been building the capacity of schools administrators and teachers to improve the quality of education. All our programs have been running on school campuses which give them ownership of the project.
Being a citizens of Liberia a developing country where were acquired our education, we understand the the challenges face by the education system.
The our team (SET - Liberia) mission is to advance the development of education in Liberia. We respect and embrace diversity and empower every school to provide good learning opportunities and environment for every child to learn regardless of their colour, creed, nationality political or religious affiliation. We provide equal opportunity for all qualified applicants/schools to receive consideration for employment or to benefit form our programs
Our Core Value:
We always stand for:
- Transparency in our work and all that we do.
- Fidelity and selflessness to ensure you get what you deserve.
- Morality: bringing to your door step what you do not know and giving you what you do not have but need.
- Serving Humility above all else.
- We share MIT’s shared values of excellence, community, equity, belonging, openness, integrity, and mutual respect.
- Organizations (B2B)
We applying to MIT Solve to present a solution that we feel will solve the problems of disruption of children education cause by abrupt closure of schools due to lockdowns measures and health crisis. We will appreciate if Solve give us a feedback on this application.
We apply to Solve to broaden our contacts and get evaluation of the our concept.
If we are fortunate to be selected as a Solver team we will want for the MIT Faculty to work with us to convince our government to adopt the innovation. And for MIT to mentorship and coarching for scale up. We will want the MIT Faculty to partner with us and to link us to partnerships that aligned with our core values and business model which will enable us to expand our impact to more people sustainably. We will appreciate the visibility of MIT Initiative in our organisation.
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development, etc.)
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Legal or Regulatory Matters
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
Human Capital: we will appreciate MIT Faculty and expertise in building our organisation structure and board. We will appreciate getting more talented young people in Education, technology and business to join our team in achieving our goals.
Financial: we will appreciate getting trained in good financial practice and setting up our accounting system and financial procedures.
Legal : we will appreciate mentorship and consultancy services from MIT Solve Faculty in making and entering contract, license, franchise, royalties copyright infringement, government partnerships other legal issues of concern.
Monitoring and evaluation: we will always want to make the positive impact and reach more people sustainably in providing lasting solutions to the problem, therefore we will be grateful for MIT Solve Faculty to do the monitoring and evaluation of our work so as to receive authentic feedback that can help improve service delivery and impact. We will need support in others area as need arrise from time to time.
We would like to partner with the MIT Faculty and initiative to broaden our visibility and platforms.
We will want to partner with Solve members whose work aligned with ours to share knowledge and expertise or collaborate to implement and expand our activities.
We will want to partner with UN agencies, others nonprofits and social enterprises whose work aligned with ours expand our impact to less fortunate and vulnerable populations. We want partnerships that will sponsor the development and implementation of innovative solutions that improve education and livelihood of developing countries.
We will want to partner with ICT companies such as Samsung, Techno, Apple, Dell or HP to produce mobile phone, tablet/pad and servers computers that affordable fir children and school use. Lonestar Cell mtn, Orange and Liberteco to provide affordable data package that will be able students have to internet for during the academic year.
We will want to partner with government to adopt the system in their country and to sponsor the national webinars/ conferences to develop students lessons that align with the core curriculum.
And with schools to provide services to students so that every child regardless of their economic status or locations have access to the platform.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Our solution which can be tailored to any region will enable students (K-12) have access to quality education and prepare schools to transition from the traditional classroom to online classes (vice versa) without disrupting children's education. It provide a safe learning environment for childern to continue school during lockdown and health crisis without compromising prevention measures or lockdown protocol.
The solution embedded online platform for students to interact with their teachers in real-time. The mobile app and the books function offline and can be used alternatively. It is unique to any community with the following conditions:
1. For communities that have stable electricity supply, high digital literacy, access to digital divices, affordable and stable internet connectivity the Mobile app will be unique for students to access their lessons.
2. For communities that have limited access to electricity, limited number of people who are digital literate, limited access internet connectivity the books with AI pen will be fitted for students to access their lessons. The system is built to enable primary and secondary students anywhere to have access to equitable classrooms. The solutions embedded as part of the lessons development, the core curriculum of the country and involves educational stakeholders, institutions and policymakers of the country to develop, validate and adapt a standardized lessons for each class (K-12). The solution embedded teacher professional development through training and participation stakeholders conferences.
Our team will use the prize to organise the National Webinars/Conference to develop the lessons and published it.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Our solution which can be tailored to any region will enable students (K-12) have access to quality education and prepare schools to transition from the traditional classroom to online classes (vice versa) without disrupting children's education. It provide a safe learning environment for childern to continue school during lockdown civil crisis and health crisis without compromising prevention measures or lockdown protocol.
The solution embedded online platform for students to interact with their teachers in real-time. The mobile app and the books function offline and can be used alternatively. Thee solution will provide the opportunity for childern in Refugees Camp to have access to education from their home country. It enable refugees' schools to provide quality education to children. The system embedded the core curriculum in developing lessons and involves teachers, stakeholders and policymakers of their home country. It will foster Refugee Inclusion by providing equitable and quality education which will advance their economic, financial, and political inclusion.
The prize will be used to support refugees schools.
We will use the fund to expand our impact to children in refugees camp by supplying them with the necessary devices to access their education. We will use the fund to setup the solution for refugees schools and to paid for internet connectivity and subscription fees for website and social media platforms connected to the solution.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Our solution which can be tailored to any region will enable students (K-12) have access to quality education and prepare schools to be able to transition from the traditional classroom to online classes (vice versa) without disrupting children's education. It provide a safe learning environment for childern to continue school during lockdown and health crisis without compromising prevention measures or lockdown protocol.
The solution embedded online platform for students to interact with their teachers in real-time. The mobile app and the books function offline and can be used alternatively. It is unique to any community with the following conditions:
1. For communities that have stable electricity supply, high digital literacy, access to digital divices, affordable and stable internet connectivity the Mobile app will be unique for students to access their lessons.
2. For communities that have limited access to electricity, limited number of people who are digital literate, limited access internet connectivity the books with AI pen will be fitted for students to access their lessons. The system is built to enable primary and secondary students anywhere to have access to equitable classrooms. The solutions embedded as part of the lessons development, the core curriculum of the country and involves educational stakeholders, institutions and policymakers of the country to develop, validate and adapt a standardized lessons for each class (K-12). The solution embedded teacher professional development through training and participation stakeholders conferences.
Our team will use the prize to organise the National Webinars/Conference to develop the lessons and published it.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Our solution which can be tailored to any region will enable students (K-12) have access to quality education and prepare schools to be able to transition from the traditional classroom to online classes (vice versa) without disrupting children's education. It provide a safe learning environment for childern to continue school during lockdown and health crisis without compromising prevention measures or lockdown protocol.
The solution online platform enable for students to interact with their teachers in real-time. The mobile app and the books function offline and can be used alternatively. It is unique to any community with the following conditions: The solution enable girl children primary and secondary students anywhere to have access to equitable education. The solutions embedded as part of the lessons development, the core curriculum of the country and involves educational stakeholders, institutions and policymakers of the country to develop, validate and adapt a standardized lessons for each class (K-12).
We will use the prize to extend of work of Vodafone Americas Foundation by setting up the solution for an all girl school and to paid for internet connectivity and subscription fees for website and social media platforms connected to the solution for the school. We will use the fund to provide devices to the girls (students) in the school and other selected vulnerable schools.
AI is a core components of the solution. The AI reading pen for the books and audio track for the mobile app serve as substitute for the teachers to teach children their lessons from the comfort of their home.
The solution enable students (K-12) have access to unlimited quality institutions and quality education. It enables schools to transition from the traditional classroom to online classes (vice versa) without disrupting children's education. It provide a safe learning environment for childern to continue school during lockdown and health crisis without compromising prevention measures or lockdown protocol.
The solution embedded online platform for students to interact with their teachers in real-time. The mobile app and the books function offline and can be used alternatively.
The solutions embedded as part of the lessons development, the core curriculum of the country and involves educational stakeholders, institutions and policymakers of the country to develop, validate and adopt a standardized lessons for each class (K-12).
Our team will use the prize to foster the Patrick J. McGovern foundation core values by supplying less fortunate children whose parent cannot afford to pay their bills with the necessary devices to access their education. We will use the fund to setup the solution for vulnerable schools and to paid for internet connectivity and subscription fees for website and social media platforms connected to the solution.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
AI is a core components of the solution. The AI reading pen for the books and audio track for the mobile app serve as substitute for the teachers to teach children their lessons from the comfort of their home.
The solution enable students (K-12) have access to unlimited quality institutions and quality education. It enables schools to transition from the traditional classroom to online classes (vice versa) without disrupting children's education. It provide a safe learning environment for childern to continue school during lockdown and health crisis without compromising prevention measures or lockdown protocol.
The solution embedded online platform for students to interact with their teachers in real-time. The mobile app and the books function offline and can be used alternatively.
The solutions embedded as part of the lessons development, the core curriculum of the country and involves educational stakeholders, institutions and policymakers of the country to develop, validate and adopt a standardized lessons for each class (K-12).
Our team will use the prize to foster the Patrick J. McGovern foundation core values by supplying less fortunate children whose parent cannot afford to pay their bills with the necessary devices to access their education. We will use the fund to setup the solution for vulnerable schools and to paid for internet connectivity and subscription fees for website and social media platforms connected to the solution.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Our solution can be tailored to any country and it is a sustainable solutions to abrupt closure of schools during lockdown or health crisis. With the AI reading pen for the books and audio track for the mobile app serving as substitute for the teachers to teach children their lessons from the comfort of their homes, students get unlimited access to quality institutions and education in a safe and equitable environment. It enable schools to transition from the traditional classroom to online classes (vice versa) continue school without disrupting children's education or compromising prevention measures or lockdown protocol during lockdown and health crisis.
The solution embedded online platform for students to interact with their teachers in real-time. The mobile app and the books function offline and can be used alternatively.
1. The solutions embedded as part of the lessons development, the core curriculum of the country and involves educational stakeholders, institutions and policymakers to develop, validate and adopt a standardized lessons for each class (K-12).
Our team will use the prize to foster GSR core values by supplying less fortunate children whose parent cannot afford to pay their education with the necessary devices to access their education. We will use the fund to setup the solution for vulnerable schools and to paid for internet connectivity and subscription fees for website and social media platforms connected to the solution.t

Executive Director