We collect, digitize and develop teachers' prepared courses in a fully-functioning educational apps for primary and secondary education.
Chad has the highest ratio of students per textbook, according to UNESCO
and the National Report on the Development of Education in Chad. Apart
from the programs designed by the NCC, the National Curriculum Center,
created in 2003, there are very few textbooks for teachers and pupils in
primary and secondary education.
the TchadEducationPlus project consists on collecting, digitizing primary and secondary courses from private best schools and develop them in a fully-functioning educational apps for needy public primary and general secondary schools and distribute them free of charge through Bluetooth and Xender in order to reduce the educational divide for approximately 3millions teachers and students throughout the country of Chad.
- Supportive ecosystems for educators
Our solution is a new application of an existing technology and process for solving the lack of textbook and electricity for students and teachers by mobile phone and digital. We use Android Magazine Application Maker and caliber - E-book management to develop course contents in application and e-book for mobile phones for undeserved primary and secondary public schools free of charge. This is an innovative solution in Africa and particularly in sub-Saharan countries.
Technology is integral in our solution because from the course digitalization to the development of course application and e-book, we use computers, programs and softwares. We use web site to host course application and e-book to download, mini SD card to copy data to distribute among mobile phones through Xender and Bluetooth as internet is so restrictive here.
Our solution’s goal over the next 12 months is to extend our solution to all the second cycle of the public secondary school in Chad which means more than 1 million students and teachers. During these holidays, after the success of the pilot project at small scale with the level four of the public secondary school, UNICEF CHAD decides to support the large scale project covering the second cycle of the secondary public school that will be launched at the next school beginning.
Our vision over the next three to five years to grow and scale our solution to affect the lives of more people is to develop open quality course applications and e-books for both the primary and secondary school in Chad where the ratio of school book per students is high. We envision partnering with educational department of Chad to develop official textbooks and courses into open applications and e-book. As the government has the powerful communication structure, we will use it for the large diffusion of the project.
- Adolescent
- Male
- Female
- Urban
- Rural
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Chad
- Chad
In order to reach our beneficiaries, we communicate about our products through medias: Chadian National Television, Chadian National Radio, FM Liberte, FM Oxygene, News Papers and by SMS through two mobile networks: AIRTEL and MILLICOM that are partners of UNICEF Chad. U-Report sent 23 000 SMS to its young members with the link of the project’s website where they can download course applications and e-book (PDF) free of charge. Mini card SD with course application and e-book are distributed to schools to allow the easy access to contents through Xender and Bluetooth.
The population targeting with the pilot project is students and teachers of level four of the secondary of Chad. We are currently serving more than 20 000 people. Learning on mobile phone can solve 4 majors’ problems: the absence of electricity (light), the lack of texts books, the courses of quality for undeserved community and the disturbance of academic calendar by strikes.
The project will allow teachers and educators to have at their disposal best contents, to better their course preparation and teaching as the great deal of teachers is non-skilled.
In 12 months, due to the success of the pilot project, UNICEF CHAD agreed to support the extension of the project to all the secondary. The targeting population will be 800 000 students and teachers. In 3 years, as our country has difficulty to solve the lack of textbooks, we hope to collaborate with Chadian educational authorities to develop national textbooks into mobile application and e-book as open resource to free the access to contents of quality to all as mobile phone is in expansion due to its cheap price and also expand the project to the primary.
- Non-Profit
- 20+
- 1-2 years
My team and I have those following skills that enable us to attract the different resources needed to succeed and make an impact: infography, web development, project management, pedagogy, psychology of education, didactic, teaching skills in different course, communication, civil engineering, video and sound editing and ITC skills. Above all, my team and I have motivation and passion to solve the major challenge that hinders our country’s education, the lack of textbooks for teachers and students.
Our organization is a nonprofit. Our revenue model is based on financial partnership and grant funds
We are applying to Solve to be connected with financial and technomogical resources that can help us solve the major challenge that hinders education in our country, the lack of textbooks for students and teachers, better our solution and advance our work by sharing experiences and lead it to the next level.
Untill now, we have just one financial partner that is UNICEF CHAD. That limits the extension of the project to the primary school and to the mid-level of the secondary; and to the whole country. As android phones or tablets are expensive, we remark the expansion of cheap non android mobile phones without PDF reader that can only read text. Solve can help us have access to financial resources to extend our project and to innovators that can help us find a program that allow to read text and image on those cheap mobile phones.
- Technology Mentorship
- Media Visibility and Exposure
- Grant Funding
- Other (Please Explain Below)