As we prepare students to be engaged and active members of society, our older methodologies and focus on traditional education are not satisfying our current needs. Students, educators, and communities alike are looking for ways to prepare students to take on the issues of the future.
Socrademy, a competency-based approach to validating student learning through purposeful activities, is positioned to do just that. A 3-pronged approach to innovative educational solutions, Socrademy combines in person and virtual challenges to the worlds problems and partners educators, students, and mentors together to validate learning through the 5 C's competency based model. The results are a personalized learning experience where grades are reflective a a students knowledge, skills, and dispositions so that we may provide opportunities for both enrichment and remediation where needed.
Looking towards the future, the Socrademy platform and the 5 C's competency-based assessment method have the potential to provide learning opportunities that are truly preparing students for the future that they enter while also validating the model at scale; providing an opportunity for districts and communities to adopt the Classroom as a Service, (CL.a.a.S) model to mitigate the risks associated with individual R&D efforts while capitalizing on the collaborative networked nature of the system.