Local Sterilizer
We believe we share mutual goals of improving well being around the world, which is vital nowadays due to the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. How to sufficiently decrease the spread of infection assuming that the total isolation is not reachable?
We see the solution in assessing the behavior of users and establishing the areas that are the most susceptible for spreading the virus and then providing the tools for decreasing the risk of the spreading of the virus even for relatively tight and long users meetings (the class rooms, restaurants, etc.). We have the solution Local Sterilizer for providing sufficiently safe environment for the local zones with a few people in the relatively stationary positions: class room, restaurant table(s).
By reducing the spread of infections these tools will allow continuation of normal business to the business owner and normal life to the public. It will preserve the modern service economies.
Let us look at COVID-19 pandemic by the eyes of the “users” - people who could potentially get sick.
No doubt the world like to purchase product-service “stay-healthy” or “youdonotgetsick”.
However, the reality of recent events shows that the price users are prepared to pay for this product-service personally quite limited.
The life cycle of the virus is about two weeks, so, if all users globally paid for “youdonotgetsick” by interacting all contacts during 3 weeks (let add a week to be sure) the service will be delivered with guarantee.
But freedom of movement and communications having a large value (price) for real users we are dealing with.
So, because user is not ready to pay this price, there is a need in alternative product-services.
Local Sterilizer provides clean, sterilized airflow inhaled by the customers at the table. At the same time, this airflow displaces the exhaled air from the area above the table, in which there is a risk of airborne pathogenic microorganisms.
We believe in the ability of people to resist threats and find a way out in the most difficult situation.
Even during an epidemic, people should have freedom of communication, and business should continue to work. Our mission is to reduce quarantine restrictions by creating conditions for safe communication of people in restaurants, schools and other places.
- Strengthen disease surveillance, early warning predictive systems, and other data systems to detect, slow, or halt future disease outbreaks.
Businesses are now facing quarantine-related issues and risk of infecting customers. Unlike competing devices that disinfect the premises only in the absence of visitors, we offer local disinfecting devices that reduce the risk of infection for customers while they are at the room.
Local Sterilizer create a virus-free air flow into the inhalation zone and provide a critical reduction the chances of exchanging exhaled and inhaled air masses. Our disinfection devices installed in areas of concentration of groups of people significantly reduce the risk of transmission of infection from a carrier of the virus to people nearby.
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model.
The goal of the current phase is to complete the development and manufacturing of the prototype. After that, we plan to organize testing and control of the technical and functional characteristics of the product in certified laboratories.
1. Confirm the theoretical calculations of the radiation efficiency in the disinfection chamber, perform the appropriate measurements for the prototype.
2. Confirm the theoretical calculations of the movement of air flows, perform control measurements of the flow parameters for the prototype.
3. Confirm the degree of disinfection, conduct appropriate microbiological tests.
- A new technology
Local Sterilizer provides clean, sterilized airflow inhaled by the customers at the table. At the same time, this airflow displaces the exhaled air from the area above the table, in which there is a risk of airborne pathogenic microorganisms.
The original patented device construction has the following advantages:
1. Creates a high level of UVC radiation energy in the air disinfection zone, which greatly reduces the risk of infection of people in the area of the device.
2.The theoretical virus kill rate is 99.9%.
3. Provides optimal distribution of air flow in the direction of customers, supporting the volume of clean disinfected air in the inhalation zone necessary for a person's breathing.
4. Eliminates the exhaled air from the customer's area, which may contain viruses and other pathogenic microorganisms that are dangerous to others.
5. Allows customers to be near the operating device by completely isolating UVC radiation in the disinfection chamber.
- Manufacturing Technology
- Women & Girls
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Urban
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- United States
- United States
Our target customers are restaurant managers and owners.
To calculate the volume of our market, we focus on the total number of restaurants.
In the USA and Canada there are more than 1 million restaurants, in Europe more than 800 thousand.
The potential total market for local disinfection for North American and European restaurants is estimated at more than 14 billion USD.
Due to the current epidemiological situation, we expect an explosive growth in sales of our products on the market.
Our device can also be used in other market segments: educational institutions, cinemas, transport, etc.
Theoretical calculations and computer modeling of air flows have been carried out, which have confirmed the feasibility of the supply/exhaust principle of the Local sterilizer operation. This principle ensures the supply of sterilized air to the breathing zones of visitors and the elimination (extraction) of exhaled air into the sterilization chamber.
Theoretical calculations of a multiple increase in the degree of disinfection due to the use of modern reflective materials and a special shape of the chamber have been carried out.
A preliminary design of the device has been developed, which ensures functioning in accordance with theoretical calculations.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
The company constitutes the 8 experts in lighting development: electrical, optical and mechanical engineers, programmers, designers and business managers.
1. Experience in team building and management can help recruit marketing and sales managers, establish their communications for quick product launch and rapid sales growth.
2. Successful experience in the development and testing of UVC-based devices can help increase the trust of virologists and, subsequently, the market in our product.
3. The previous factors can help you quickly find venture capital investments
Our team includes men and women, citizens of the United States and Russia, in different age categories.
- Organizations (B2B)
We trust that the reputation of MIT Solve will allow us to expand informing about our project and achieve collaboration with virologic laboratories.
We have our calculations and a prototype. However, we need to have independent experts to test the ratio and to provide us with the required scientific expertise regarding the features of Covid-19 that have to be taken into account when designing and manufacturing the described device. This expertise will substantially contribute to the project, and together we might achieve our goals.
We also expect that MIT Solve support will help with the financing of research and the subsequent stages of development of a UVC stylizer.
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
Partnership with MIT Solve will help us to better prepare pitch, business plan and other documents necessary for obtaining financing. We also hope for help in PR events.
We need help in organizing partnerships with virology laboratories for the research.
We are looking for Testing, Dependency testing for base parameters. Our partner will benefit in authorship of scientific works and could commercialize the continuation of research on the use and improvement of respiratory protection, to commercialize (earn) royalties on intellectual property.
Partnership goal is a creation of a qualitatively new breathing protection device from microbial contamination.
MIT specialists to help prepare pitch, business plan and other documents necessary for finding financing.
Virology laboratories for organizing testing of our device.
- Yes
- No