Voluntary Efforts for Rural Developments
COVID-19 HIV/AIDS, TB, CHOLERA, TYPHOID, DYSENTERY, DIARRHEA are Health Security Threats which by all means require availability of clean water.
Scarcity of Clean Water is one crucial problem which has always exacerbated spread and lack of Control for these serious diseases. Lack of clean water is also barrier in control of emerging pandemics and makes rural people prone and vulnerable to communicable diseases and poor hygiene especially in the case of vulnerable people living with Albinism (Albinos). It reduces Standards of Education, increases Human Rights Abuses, hampers Economic Progress etc.
This project will increase sustainable supply of Clean Water in the rural communities by improving Well Water Supply Technologies. The Strategy is Replacing the Old Borehole Manual Hand Pump Technologies with the New Renewable Solar Energy Driven Pump Technologies.
Supplying Clean Water will improve Community Hygiene, eliminate waterborne diseases, improve micro-economic productive activities and improve education and school attendance.
The rural people in Nyakalado are dependent on old Traditional Manual Borehole Hand Pump Technologies which frequently break down due to tear and wear friction during pumping to get water. The pumps which require repeated repairs and maintenance frequently, leave people without clean water for long periods especially during drought periods. In the process, they resort to unprotected Open Shallow Hand Dug Traditional Wells which they share with their livestock and wild life. The animals step, defecate, urinate, leave saliva and mucus in the same well water for the women, girls and children to wait to fetch into their containers for home use without boiling. In rural India, Kenya, Venezuela etc. where water supplies are critical, some rural people depend on unprotected polluted open shallow pond/river water sources which women girls and children fetch for home use.
4,830 rural indigenous people in Nyakalado, Kadot, Tororo communities face water shortages and potential risks of waterborne diseases.
Poorly constructed Borehole Wells may require over pumping day long to discharge little water. A Renewable Solar Energy Borehole Well will discharge 20Litres of water in 2-3Minutes but the Manual Hand Pumps may discharge 20Liters in 10-15 Minutes yet over 800 rural people share one borehole well daily
This Solution is to Install Renewable Solar Energy Panels for Borehole Pumps fitted with a Reservoir Pressure Tank at the side. Water will be collected into the Tank and dispensed into containers by attached Water Tap. This improved Renewable Solar Energy Pump Technologies to avail water, will replace the Old Traditional Manual Borehole Hand Pumps. The new Solar-Powered Borehole Well Pumps are innovative and provide a transformation, scale able and can protect children’s rights to access clean water. The Technologies are hey are easy to operate by even little children, can give a lot of water to many people in a short time, will ensure sustainable water supplies and are durable without frequent breakdowns with assurance from the suppliers.
There is abundance of sun energy here which will make solar pumping systems an ideal long-term solution to improving water systems by use of Solar Energy Panels. Besides, the operation, maintenance, and repairs—require little to no labor. The solar powered water systems are also significantly more cost-effective than Traditional Manual Hand Water Pumping Systems.
DAVIS & SHIRTLIFF LTD., a UK Water and Solar Energy Pumps Suppliers working in Uganda, have given us 25 years guarantee/warranty period for their Renewable Energy Pumps.
Voluntary Efforts for Rural Development wants launch 8 Borehole Renewable Solar Energy Pump Well Technology water systems to provide 4,830 rural people in Nyakalado, Patients in the rural Health Center Grade IV with many of the patients from Kadot–Sub-County and beyond, Two Primary Schools each with at least 900 little children.
Availing water will reduce the Injustices and Abuse of Rights that women, girls and children face on the way to and from far away water points, will eliminate communicable Diarrhea, Typhoid, Cholera and improve Hygiene. Rural Children have first to avail water for family use before proceeding to school early in the morning. At School they are still directed to go and search for water to enable school cooks to prepare lunch time meal/porridge for them before they go into class to take up their lessons. This lowers children’s standards of education and causes some girls either to abandon their homes or drop out of school in the early stages of education. Lack of clean water undermines girls’ Menstrual Hygiene and makes them suffer. While they are at school, they require constant supply of water for their Sanitation. Without water, the girls will abscond school for lack of Menstrual Hygiene caused by lack of water. Lack of clean water reduces the number of girl children attending school while water encourages many girls to attend school.
Lack of Clean Water disables Economic Activity and increases Poverty Conditions in households. Women and other people will remain unable to engage in any economic activities to sustain themselves. Rural people need clean water to process their Garden Produce Harvests, Process Foods for sell to reduce poverty levels.
Poor Health, HIV/AIDS, COVID-19, TB. Dysentery, Diarrhea, Typhoid and Skin diseases and other chronic diseases require constant supply of water. When we have Clean Water supplies these diseases could be reduced in the communities.
Cultural Norms and Beliefs like religions, traditions, patriarchy (a system of society or in households in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it), very critically depend on the availability of water provided by women in their welfare for them to live as subordinate to men in which cases, women are obliged to have water supplied in their households.
Most often, Water Supplies is very critical in the Rural Communities most especially for 1950 little children in day attendance in the Rural Primary Schools which have manual boreholes suffer.
The communities and the schools are remote from town, with no Electricity Lighting /Energy supplies, no upgraded road networks, one small ill stocked Grade IV Health Center, Two very far apart Primary Schools and NO Clean Water supply systems
Voluntary Efforts for Rural Development in collaboration with local partners and communities, will launch training and awareness campaigns in the communities to ensure people will understand the different uses of water- water for livestock, for crop irrigation and making organic manures for Agriculture, for making bricks, for Human Consumption. We are counseling people on Women, Girls and Children Rights because we are Human Rights Defenders. We are Training the local people to maintain the water systems and Water Quality.
- Strengthen disease surveillance, early warning predictive systems, and other data systems to detect, slow, or halt future disease outbreaks.
Lack of clean water renders rural people very vulnerable to Typhoid, Diarrhea, Cholera. Control of COVID-19, HIV/AIDS Pandemics, TB efforts require a lot of clean water. Livestock foot/mouth diseases require water.
Providing Renewable Solar Energy Borehole Pumps will sustain the supply of clean water for a warranty period of 25 years during which period people’s heath is secure.
Rural populations, two rural Primary Schools and Health Centre which are frequently affected by lack of water are the direct beneficiaries of this Primary Health dimension. It is truly unbelievable for a health Center to run successfully without clean water.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community.
There is assurance that for 25 years rural water supplies will be sustained in the rural communities compared to the frequent breakdowns which disrupt sustainable water supplies. This assurance will be guaranteed by the companies installing the water pump Technologies at Nyakalado and Osukuru communities in Tororo, Eastern Uganda benefiting from the use of Renewable Solar Energy Borehole Well Pump supplied and installed by Davis and Shirtliff Uganda Limited.
For over 5 years now, part of Nyakalado community with over 1720 or 290 households has been using the facility. Osukuru with 145 households with at least 740 households have not had water interruption shortages.
It is for the reason of water supply durability that we chose to change the Technologies and replicate or roll out the facility installation to other remote areas.
- A new application of an existing technology
The New Renewable Solar Energy Driven Borehole Pump Technologies are more durable, need no effort to pump the water but the water dispensing is by matter of switching on the water dispensing tap and provide much water output. With the new Technologies, 20 litres could be filled in 2-3 Minutes therefore serving very many women, girls and children in a very short time.The suppliers of this Solar Pump Systems have given 25 years guarantee/warranty of using without break. The system will access little children to clean water without barriers.
The Old Borehole Manual Hand Pump Technologies need a lot of effort by women, girls and children to get water or even fail to get the water, are fragile and break down very frequently because of pumping friction wear and tear to get water, require constant repairs and maintenance costs which the rural people may not afford very promptly in order to to have water. The water output may also be very low 10 -15 Minutes to fill a 20 Litre container.
The Solar Energy Systems which are secure and easy to operate are new Technologies to the communities. They are innovative to the mainly illiterate populations which are eager and relieved from constant shortages of water. Primary Schools with many children which are obliged to prepare lunch time porridge for children will have constant water supply at least for 25 years without break. The prompt supply to small Grade 4 Health Unit Patients without break will be an innovation.
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Crowd Sourced Service / Social Networks
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural
- Poor
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- Uganda
The current number 4,830
IN the next 5 years over 8,000
- Organize rural community meetings to Educate, Sensitize and cause Awareness about COVID-19, HIV/AIDS Train people in personal hand wash & menstrual hygiene. The rural people are able to talk and teach their children on HAND Washing Hygiene after Toilet and as means to prevent COVID-19 and to be safe from pathogens
- The rural people have learnt about New Solar Energy Systems. Every family now uses a Solar Lantern for lighting because they heard about Solar Energy which is clean instead of fuel Candle or Wax Candle which are destructive to life.
- Two Primary Schools and surrounding community people are desperately in need for clean water. We will replace Two Traditional Manual Borehole Well Hand Pumps at the schools with Renewable Solar Energy Pumps. These Solar Energy Powered Pumps are durable, easy to operate even by little children and give a lot of water in short time. The School Managements could also provide maximum protection to the New Borehole Well Pumps. This could become topics of discussions in the communities
- Train two youths to Repair and Rehabilitate Water Source Facilities. This will ensure constant water supply when the facilities are well maintained by the two community water facility Technicians.
- Waste water from the borehole wells will be useful downstream to fill a Reservoir/Dam for livestock drinking, will provide water for vegetable growers, provide water for brick makers and clay molders, for tree nurseries, to feed the wetlands and forest areas for protecting environment and Climate Change as trees are developed.
- Nonprofit
Full Time working people 8
Part Time workers 4
Volunteer Staff in 6 Communities 12
Contractors for Underground Water
Experts (Laboratory) 2
Voluntary Efforts for Rural Developments Team will engage Davis and Shirtliff to do the Technical work and accomplish. Davis &Shirtliff is an international organization working in Uganda and capable of delivering this water project. We must receive Certificate of work completion signed and approved by the Ministry of Local Government and Department of Underground Water Services with Certificate of Human Consumption Clean Water. Tororo Uganda District (Local Government) is Overseer of all community projects implemented by Local NGOs and CBO. We will therefore work with them to ensure that Davis & Shirtliff will accomplish the project successfully. We will inform you that we have done good work approved by the Local Government You will as well receive their compliment notes.
The community here must also be involved in delivering and transparency of the Project finances and providing unskilled labour.
We will be obliged to mobilize community people in every site, people who use the water facility and many other beneficiaries to the water projects to form such communities as;
- Solar Pumps / Facility Security Committee–
- Facility User fees committee:
- Water Quality Committee:
- Community Water Education Committees:
Voluntary Efforts for Rural Development Mission is improving rural lives by working with women, girls, children and other most vulnerable people like people with disabilities and the elderly. We are Human Rights Defenders in the rural communities and therefore our Solutions are Human Centered with excellent values to collaborate, interact and evaluate community problems with integrity, equal dignity considerations and respect for Human Rights. Our Team is Built and Trained on the basis of compassion and commitments to serve humanity with diverse and inclusive approaches to all people irrespective of Gender. For example We provide clean water to all, we promote organic Agriculture to benefit all,we promote all rural little children's education, our Programs will Promote and Promote Environment to improve Climate Change/ reduce challenges to benefit.
Team Knowledge Sharing. The Communities require a lot of sensitization and education meetings before we implement a Project like water sources. Therefore before we Repair and Rehabilitate the existing Borehole Wells with Manual Hand Pumps our teams must meet community leaders, the beneficiaries and educate, sensitize them on the new Technologies, their operations,advantages and benefits with very frequent Monitoring Programs to keep the facilities functional.
The rural Teams who will be composed of Women, girls and children who most frequently fetch water from the Borehole Wells, will be made aware on how to use and sustain the new Solar Pumping Technologies including an old open Community well on which we will also fix a Renewable Solar Energy Pump.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
We are glad to be associated with Solve because we want to :
Receive access to funding in grants and investments, including through prizes
Join a class of impressive peers that act as trusted support group, offering inspiration and guidance to rural groups
Join a powerful network of impact-minded leaders across sectors, with dedicated spaces to meet year-round and during Solve’s flagship events
Access mentor ship, coaching, and strategic advice from experts, as well as the Solve and MIT networks.
Receive monitoring and evaluation support to build an impact measurement practice.
Gain exposure in the media and at conferences.
Access relevant in-kind resources such as software licenses and legal services from Solve Member and partner organizations.
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
1) Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
Voluntary Efforts for Rural Development is a small organization with little budgets struggling with constraints to find solutions which will improve rural livelihoods. Financial Strength is the blood stream of charitable non-profit work for poor communities. We implement / invest on community infrastructure needs with difficulties and usually require Financial support to do work. In this project, for the rural people to get water, we need financial support to purchase pumps and accessories, transport and all associated costs.
Engaging or hiring professional Accountants to do work will require financial support which we shall solicit from donors.
2) Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
We have only two office computers which which we share to do work.We need sufficient software for data analysis. We need a Camera and other ware to develop our web. This is the reason do not have sufficient information.
Solve Members.
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- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
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Voluntary Efforts for Rural Development implements projects which are Human Rights Centered. Our Mission is to improve rural livelihoods by working with Women, Girls and Children.
In our region, women, girls and children are the poorest and most vulnerable members in households yet they have to provide clean water, food, clothing, shelter for other members in the family.
Women, girls, children are responsible for availing clean water. During prolonged droughts, they travel long distances from home in search for water and during the process, their rights are abused or they are assaulted, raped and defiled. Having Renewable Solar Energy Technology to Supply water could be a sustainable solution even during dry seasons when most water points dry out. Most Rural Women have no education levels and need to be supported and helped to raise their incomes through small scale investments like:
Beekeeping in which they require good Technology to make Bee Hives; Organic African Vegetable, Mushroom Growing, Growing Fruits and Trees will require Training and Irrigation Technologies,the Technologies to Prepare Compost Manures for the vegetables, mushrooms and fruits in the nurseries; Local Kruolker Chicken keeping will require us to have Chicken feed processing, incubation and hatcheries center Technologies for women Rearing Piggery requires feeds Technologies.
These are Short Term Projects which improve women's lives in the communities with Technologies and require Technologies to support.
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