To tomorrow's children: ABC's of Disease
Aniacinamidosis abounds; all humans have insufficient (subclinical) niacin status. Niacin currency is the critical pandemic determinant; B. fragilis (ETBF) is the critical control point (CCP) naturally overlaid - and both compound to represent vulnerability - biosecurity threats for viral exploitation. A fundamental human right must be the availability of high dose niacin supplementation for all. Niacin protects by restoring complete immunocompetence, while reversing the life-long impact of B. fragilis on the human. Immediately, niacin can restore NAD levels, moderate coagulation, balance surfactant and dissolved oxygen, stimulate MCS and repair, modify SIRT1 & PARP-1 & 2,3-IDO & NAMPT, influence redox reactions/oxidation, renew catecholamine and indoleamine levels, impact lung/GI/skin/vasculature - while restoring sleep, significantly improving mood and influencing CNS manifestations (such as observed in COVID-19). Niacin, an equitable form of (metabolic) currency - replenishes and restores all; especially strengthening the poor and disadvantaged. Niacin distribution represents a path from pandemic to continuance.
An emerging factor potentially associated and common to all persons is in relation to NAD+ production which is dependent upon an individual's niacin status. Further, Bacteroidetes dominant colonization of the human host connects those most vulnerable. Is it possible that niacin (NAD+) status, Bacteroides and COVID-19 represent a tripartite relation?
Further analysis alludes to the potential of opportunistic anaerobes within the host biome, common to all persons, possibly decreasing niacin stores and pre-disposing COVID-19 susceptibility and decreasing recovery. As hypothesis, and serving as prototypical example, is the potential role of Enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis (ETBF); it’s impact upon the host, niacin stores (Preiss-Handler Pathway) and interplay in COVID-19.
It is herein, hypothesized and conjectured, that the path from source exposure to spectrum of survival outcomes related to emerging viral entities such as chimeric COVID-19, is based upon niacin (pyridine) status and niacin depleting Exotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis (ETBF). Maintaining and distributing niacin and niacinamide represents a global game changer to prevent: states of acute and chronic morbidity and mortality (biological disaster) and a simple mechanism to prevent unnecessary suffering and impoverishment of soul, emotion and hope. (Truly appreciated, niacin and the technology surrounding the quick production of such and the development of better distribution methods - represent an investment in the biochemical currency of tomorrow).
Viral entities such as chimeric coronavirus ‘manipulations’ conferring its virulence potential are ultimately, if not eloquently and simply – predicated (designed, ‘branded’) upon niacin deficiency - within the global population.
Niacin, is a major determinant of human health, immunological function and wellbeing. Broadly, niacin impacts a human's quality and quantity of life hours. As well, on a social level niacin status predicts - the abilities, limitations of contribution and burden potential a person may be perceived (malevolently and maladaptively) to represent in society.
Given the profound implications of niacin on disease prevention and detriment relative lack or lapse in NAD+, global niacin status may be interpreted as representing a personal metabolic vulnerability and immunological - security threat. Without acknowledging niacin status as a critical control point (CCP) to maintaining optimal health, and controlling for such in all humans - deficiency can be utilized as a strategy and staging ground to breach, influence and exploit the human host.
The physical, immunological and mental health status of humans is no singular happenstance, mere coincidence or accident of one's global placement along the human timeline - rather, it is directly and indirectly related to niacin. Perhaps, most importantly, niacin status, can be used as a prototypical standard and index for personal biological fitness; adaptive utility.
That is, judging - a human's burden, potential or (supposed) “worth” - within society, may be an ignorance or bias based on a misunderstanding of the full relation of biological fitness to niacin status. Perhaps, what is lacking in carcass and flesh is due to a lack in cellular niacin store; the most pitiful living human specimens - may likely represent the most niacin deficient, and little more. Members of society most likely discriminated against relative lifestyle choices, certain pathophysiological outcomes (dis-eases, dis-orders), ritualism/addictions - are likely the most NAD+ deficient. Long haul COVID-19 may be indicative of such manifestation - as the acuity, severity and chronicity of one’s suffering may well mirror one’s NAD+ deficit.
The focus of such pursuit is to provide for the underprivileged, elderly, impoverished, 'autoimmune' and of advanced age. For example, outbreaks within institutions and relative particular demographics: countries, regions and limitations of vaccinations regarding transmission - can be positively impacted.
- Strengthen disease surveillance, early warning predictive systems, and other data systems to detect, slow, or halt future disease outbreaks.
Utilization of niacin as an immunological determinant; especially as a future molecule capable of docking with mRNA technology can provide immediate feedback relative who is at risk for various released (pathogenic) agents (including but not limited to viral); especially if overlaid with persons/populations who harbour or have been vaccinated against pathogens such as B. fragilis.
I.e. instead of merely vaccinating, the future can/will provide real-time feedback relative immune status based on pyridine (niacin abundance; Priess-Handler pathway as a circuit) and ligand interaction with mRNA/microRNA molecules to activate signals on individual and population data, etc. Watches, phones, signals, chips that detect NA/NAM/NAD, B. fragilis zwitterionic PSA/redox status/LPS & exotoxin (via Zinc motif) will negate need for maladaptive, resource intensive contact tracing etc.; data delivered and information provided in real time.
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea.
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