Pathogens and Biological Degradation
The Study I suggest is the usage of biological stimulating circuitry to first eliminate pathogens, and allow the same biological stimulating circuitry to help the infected patient’s own body recover from the infection physically. The biological stimulating circuitry I propose does not work from electricity nor a battery. The biological stimulating circuitry works by generating charges through the usage of 1e-38V (Equivalent to a single Proton and Electron elementary charges.). The Proton and Electron elementary charges accumulate in a biological stimulating circuitry or multiple biological stimulating circuitries placed on the patient’s epidermis and are then infused back into the patient at different epidermis locations allowing enhanced biological functionality and a byproduct of pathogen infection elimination. The thing about the following enhanced biological functionality is that hormones are secreted and the patient hypothetically generates both biological matter to treat pathogens and disorders.
During the time it took for a vaccine to be found for the COVID-19 Pandemic; One thing mentioned was that ‘dead or inactive versions of the virus had to be used to create a vaccine and it is true in all pathogenic infections cases’. Why doesn’t that work or wasn’t a solution during the pandemic? There is also a question of whether viruses are living or nonliving, hence I can hypothesize they are un-killable in the body unless harsh methods are used. I can’t guarantee the proposed solution to eradicate an infection will truly happen by using the proposed biological stimulating circuitry, but since 2008, many prototypes, of crude biological stimulating circuitry have been made and used, and even those allow some enhanced biological functionality when used as suggested, and eradication of pathogens occur. However, the same infection can occur over and again. Fully functional prototypes would function better. To this day, crude biological stimulating circuitry is the only form factor BPTMD used in gaining hands-on data and study performed on the biological stimulating circuitries. See Figure 3 (Website Figure 19); Graphic Data Output of what may be energy generated by a low-grade biological stimulating circuitry (Website; Figure 20).
The biological stimulating circuitry is called a Braithwaite Particle Trap Medical Device (BPTMD). A fully fabricated BPTMD would be a microchip about 2/3 of an inch squared and even though it generates high voltages from 1e-38V (Equivalent to a single Proton and Electron elementary charges.), those high voltages can be lowered to about 0.0000000100% to 0.00000500%, and allowing charge accumulation to occur at very low resistances. The Charges Accumulation Potential of a BPTMD is the biological treatment. Without the Charge Accumulation Potentiality, only zero charges exist. Batteries and electricity do not allow those charges existing in a safe matter due to looping charges hence the charges do not exist. The free charges used and generated into higher amplitudes by a BPTMD then cannot be understood as being electricity. It is a great migration of stored electronvolts. See Figures 1 and 2 (Website Figures 17 & 18) "VTA [Voltage Threshold Amplitude]" and the differences in the amplification or accumulation in electronvolts allowed by the VTAs.
Proton and Electron elementary charges accumulate in a BPTMD or multiple BPTMDs allowing enhanced biological functionality. It is hypothetically possible to enhance all biological functionalities with a single BPTMD placed at the right position.
The Biological Researching community, drug companies. hospitals and patients are served by the solution and its study.
- Strengthen disease surveillance, early warning predictive systems, and other data systems to detect, slow, or halt future disease outbreaks.
My solution would allow detection, slowing, or halting of future disease outbreaks. If it isn't a disease or disorder, the BPTMD cannot solve the biological problem, and most likely the problem is imagined or great physical injury. An under-researched or hardly explored field of study by employing BPTMD.
Even if the solution is administered to only a few patients, it is likely that the data and gained biological matters in the study will help many other patients not belonging to the BPTMD experimental group.
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea.
My Technological Development stage is a "Concept" because research data was only generated from me, a few associates, friends, and family. None of the data is on paper.
- A new technology
I have seen other researchers attempt to use such medical treatments in the medical field. Thus far everyone suggests it is about using electricity in small doses of electrical current or they use electromagnetism employing little or no current between active pads. Both methods cause prolong biological disorders or they force the brains to be responsive to no stimulation allowing biology to feed off of itself.
I had a lot of time to think of my next move into a drug-dominated field of study... I would not have succeeded in getting a research grant even if I had suggested this study to RFP in past COVID-19 solicitations. What I could have tried was a Request for Proposals solicitations employed in seeking out proposals to combat exposure to radiation. That was a topic of the same Request for Proposals solicitations at that time. The innovative solution to combat exposure to radioactive elements is “The Charges Accumulation Potential of a BPTMD is the biological treatment. Without the Charge Accumulation Potentiality, only zero charges exist.”. In the case of treating radiation sickness, I hypothesize, the none zero charges would either repel or extract the ionized extra charges or replace holes by depositing charges.
- Biomimicry
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- Materials Science
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 4. Quality Education
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 14. Life Below Water
- 15. Life on Land
- United States
- United States
At the moment I am limited to helping myself, my family, my friends, and associates. The rest of Earth is my next goal.
I have hopes that the easiest path in the usage of the medical device will prevail where the byproduct of vaccines for pathogens, and treatments to physical disorders will be available.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
I, Sherman W. Braithwaite is the only member of my team.
The BPTMD Project concerns the usage of elementary charges. It stems from the field of electronics, electrical, physics, chemistry, biology, genetics, and theoretical sciences operating in all scientific fields mentioned. In my lifetime I have studied all of the fields in a minor fashion and not the extensive manner except electronics. The theoretical notion that the project also involves genetic manipulation concerns the hypothesis that biological makeup is genetic in structure, so any form of energy that seamlessly influences biology reluctantly passes through strands of DNA allowing that to happen. I can add a lot to the table in biological research of medicine just by getting this useful tool into the mainstream of the research field. My extensive skills in the matter are irrelevant.
My goal was never to build a team. My goal was to incorporate the Industrial Revolution into my corporation. Each separate part, or what I chose to be a separate part while fabricating a complete prototype was to be fabricated by a different manufacturing entity. It cannot be the same way while fabricating a microchip. A single manufacturing corporation has to be used. In case fabricated parts are a relevant step in manufacturing a prototype, I would personally assemble the fabricated pieces into a whole prototype. My next plan in the prototyping of the IP after assembly or the prototype is received, would be to arrange submission of the prototype to the funding agency, with data used in the fabricating progress to allow repetitive fabrication and repetitive energy generation.
I still feel strongly, that is how my projects should be managed. After that, licenses are drawn up between the funding agency and the property owner to fabricate enough products to supply a begging market.
In the first place, I would have gained profit from the R&D of the prototype. Then I will have received a profit from the products licensed to be manufactured, and royalties from sales made by the funding agency.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
I am applying to Solve because my projects are old and diverse yet they are one. I started out by trying to open a market for the BPTMD in 2012. Since my many rejections and failures, I mainly worked with the BPT project. I am often motivated to follow either of the project's formats. I found a new opportunity to present one so I am trying once again.
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. expanding client base)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
Not necessary, all options are revealed.
After funding for R&D is met, I would keep my options open concerning whom I should partner with.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
The BPTMD project "...directly [addresses] the health and well-being of people in the US.".
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
The BPTMD project "...advance the economic, financial, and political inclusion of refugees.". Health is the door to progression into many things in life.
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Aside from the BPTMD project; The BPT project allows the generation of renewable energy. The accumulation of such energy coupled with the power sources’ VTA (90KV to 100KV) allows a variety of low decibel bandwidth to be used in a sensory enhancement scheme that would allow AI to be seamlessly aware of its environment allowing traversal and accuracy more defined and greatly more possible.
- Yes
The BPTMD Project
A study in developing new medications to treat or cure pathogens and disorders of pathogen infections in biology.
The Study I suggest is the usage of biological stimulating circuitry to first eliminate pathogens, and allow the same biological stimulating circuitry to help the infected patient’s own body recover from the infection physically. The biological stimulating circuitry I propose does not work from electricity nor a battery. The biological stimulating circuitry works by generating charges through the usage of 1e-38V (Equivalent to a single Proton and Electron elementary charges.). The Proton and Electron elementary charges accumulate in a biological stimulating circuitry or multiple biological stimulating circuitries placed on the patient’s epidermis and are then infused back into the patient at different epidermis locations allowing enhanced biological functionality and a byproduct of pathogen infection elimination. The thing about the following enhanced biological functionality is that hormones are secreted and the patient hypothetically generates both biological matter to treat pathogens and disorders.
The study isn't limited to eradicating a strain of pathogen.
COO/President (AEWCAC)