International Emergency Protocol
The problem: is how to overcome Pandemic diseases.
What is the solution: international strict measures and legislation.
Who it will affect lives: it will reduce significantly morbidity, mortality and reduce stress.
The problem that the world still wondering around when there is epidemic or pandemic diseases. No unique trusted resource of information, no globale international high qualified center handle the problem. No legislation prevent possible international fraud, irrelivant miss leading information or and business carried out by media or companies regarding such disasters of pandemics.
To eliminate and significantly reduce buzzard outcome from pandemic. Our international efforts should be in unique, systematic, organized, prepared and initiative at any spots in the globe at any time eruption of disasters such epidemic and pandemics.
The solution should be as follow;
- Exesting of international law prevent countries an companies to take the issue irresponsible manner or as business issues.
- Evolving unique international health system, software and health records.
- Unify health legislation, procedures in disasters and emergencies.
- Involvement of WHO as leader ship with sophisticated tools of Lab. Facilities and systems.
- Involvement of UN-SC in applying international health law globally and assure all measures has been taken at national levels.
One of important recent international emergency is pandemic of COVID-19. Pandemic
diseases occur as result of uncontrolled epidemic erupted in particular community or areas.
Such devastating diseases could has major impact on morbidity, mortality and economy. Prompt
measures where needed at all levels of authorities, starting from medical doctor & paramedical
staff observer up to national and international authorities. This example need disciplines,
delineate procedures and particular steps. To face such crisis effectively we should take proper
measures inform of well preparation & organization to reduced minimum depilating
Avoiding epidemic and pandemic crisis are nearly impossible. It should be considered one of
natural crisis similar to that hurricane, volcano and earth quacks. Accepting its consequences in
similar manner, deescalating poplar stress, blaming authorities and reduce stress over medical
& governmental authorities.
Compete pandemics crises need to establish proper systematic measures and should be taken
seriously to reach aim of eliminating completely defined pathogen and avoiding unexpected high
rate of mortality and morbidity.
My expectation in 100 years that the world will be unified at level of legislation under
international control. Governments at national level will have minimal role of organization and
followup providing just reports for international authorities which will be formulated in legislation
and disciplines. The main power will be in hand of finance and automated intelligence
companies. The main recommendation will be produced by such companies and forwarded to
international community. Now, Its the proper time to start with first step at level of health.
1- Problem recognition:
* International communication between health authorities should be evolved and stabilized.
Unifying health legislation is a major issues. It should include other related health problems
concerning humanities and legal human rights. Basic international health legislation should be
addressed and accepted by internationally communities, issued and to be applied through (UN
security Council).
* Medical system/ software and medical records should be unified globally. The system should
have ability to be recognize, archive, provide statistic as well as ability to raise alerts to proper
authorities locally and internationally. Feasibility and data protection of medical records may be
secured at high level with ability to quick response to any alert raised by any observer at
national level. Raising possible mass population crises alert, threat or any community existing
hazard should be possible and has ability to recorded in the system globally. Such alerts may
include; poisoning, toxicity, radiation, epidemic, critical pathogen, chemical hazard, etc…
* In case of epidemic and pandemic; medical doctors at emergency departments, infectious
disease, ICU, medical department and GPs should have direct access to the system with ability
to raise such question in particular alerting code (e.g. Mass threatened alert- MTA).
* Such MTA leads to immediate automated message delivered to adapted consultant in duty,
hospital and local health authority. It will be recorded and saved at system and accessed
internationally without alarming. Local Mass Threatened Alert Committee MTAC should decide
wether such alter is not significant (alter deactivation) or raise alert/ alarming to local health
authorities & international community. The consultant on duty should take proper evaluation of
the situation and addressed to proper committee. Qualified consultant has full authority to
deactivate such alert or forward its detail to proper committee within 3-6 hours. Mass
Threatened Alert Committee - MTAC) should consist of Qualified Consultants from;
( infectious department, medical emergency, radiation physician, forensic medicine, Laboratory
and histopathology, pharmacy and Medical director) of the institute or referring hospital in the
region. The team committee may be expanded according to hospital capacity and needs.
* MTAC should consider specific protocol and verification procedure
- Referral consultant should be involved in communicating chatting group of MTA.
- The committee should schedule meeting within 12hr (face to-face or on spot).
- The outcome report of meeting should be precise and concise and delineate as follow*
• Alert Grade -I
• Alert Grade -II
• Alert Grade -II
- MTA grade I: minor threat and should be notifying local health authority. Local measures &
management should be flowed accordingly.
- MTA grade II; Moderate and should notify health authorities include local health ministry of
country and probably WHO. National measures should be taken accordingly. Help from WHO
may be needed and WHO should be alerted through the system and respond to such event
- MTA grade III: (Pathogen that may spread internationally) National and international health
authorities should be informed officially. It include; Health ministry, WHO, local government.
International, UN Security Council. Automatic system alert and alarming are raised to all
mentioned authority. Strict follow up by specific steam in these authorities should be ensure to
receiving flow data and statistics to go to further steps.
(Epidemic/ pandemic, radiation, chemical, mass distraction weapons should be considered
Grade III)
2- Pathogen identification
- Proper tools and laboratories should be recognized and assigned prior occurrence of any
such events.
- International community such as WHO should have superior quality of Laboratories or coordinate with assigned companies.
- Team, Hospitals, Laboratories; should be registered officially on national and international
authorities & should be revised and updated every 6 months.
- WHO should owner its up to date intellectual Laboratories highly sophisticated intelligence
machines and highly qualified staff.
- Emergency team, tools and laboratories should be always ready for any erupted emergencies
- WHO should communicate and follow with MTAC for speciments collections and sent it to
adapted and nearest registered laboratories within 12hr. Identification of pathogen should
formulated and scientific report should be provided within 24hr from receiving the speciment.
Detailed information and report should be provided to; WHO & Local authority. Both of them
should work to identify the proper companies, Laboratories & tools assigned and registered to
overcome such pathogen in urgent way.
- Ordinary & primary steps for any crises should be followed such as avoiding areas, closing
roads & regions, providing facilities to affected people using specified budget. (urgent steps
for any crisis)
- International testing tools, laboratories, companies; should provide primary advices and
recommendation within 1-3 days with subsequent auditing and continue communications
between WHO and local authorities. Final report include testing material for identification of
pathogen and recommendation should be ready within one week. Such test should be
provided and authorized by WHO.
- Smaller groups from WHO with Lab. or Company tool team with final report,
recommendation, tool identifications should visit the affected area where screening should be
followed. Risk group identified & risk area should be underwent according to the referred
- Official letter form WHO should be forwarded to UN security council and global national
health authorities with detailed condition.
- Follow up and updating recommendation should be continue from (lab team, tool companies,
WHO team and local authorities) All recommendation should be revised and announced
through WHO and local authorities. There should be no any conflict. Any conflict should be
audited according by WHO for verifications. Other global health authorities should stay
following & updating through WHO and heath global systems
- Providing resolutions in form of recommendation, treatment and vaccination in term of time
should be as short as possible. In viral crisis where vaccines traditionally may take one year
time to be produced, researches should shorten such period to Max. of three months. Such
research should start promptly under WHO guid and responsibility.
- The major goal should be targeted is identification of critical ill patient & lethal high risk
patients. Measures should be taken to recognized major symptoms, sign and lab changes.
Final assessment should address clearly evolving stages of disease from minimal-mildmoderate- to -critiacally ill patients.
- Follow up people at risk group and minimally ill patients should be in clear manner in form of
communication through soft war application, community or government communication tooles
or local authorities emergency access. It should be available 24hr responding too questions
where automated instruction should be prepared within soft ware after receiving primary
complete report from WHO.
- Mild-moderate- severe cases should be identified by such program in identity number and
location. Statistics and report should be provided in system every 24hrs
- MILD CASES: should be admitted in particular camps or strictly followed up at home with
software in particular categories. Statistics and report should be provided every 12hrs.
- MODERATE CASES: should be admitted in adapted & recognized hospital for such events.
Statistics and report should be provided each 6hrs to the system.
- SEVER/CRITICAL CASES: need ICU, report and audit provided every 3hrs.
Proper national budget for emergency crisis should be identified according to number of
population. Such budget should be recognized by WHO, registered and maintained. It should be
secured budget monitored every 6month by international authorities such as WHO and UN-SC.
It should be in accumulative manner locally and internationally according to increases in
population and country development. Specific lands for camping and hospital reconstruction
should be recognized by each country for each region and national authorities should register it
in WHO system and at international community. Such lands and spaces should be always kept
free , not occupied by any one and should be protected internationally form UN-SC.
Camp preparation, Lab facilities, team continued to be in training and education & auditing.
Updating intelligence software are needed at national and international levels and should be
applicable for any nation.
WHO should recognize the proper international companied adapted for quick hospital
reconstruction and camping with high temporal rate of performance using intellectual, artificial
intelligence and robots facilities. Such facility should be reachable in at least 3 days on spot
globally. Temporal farm should not excess one week for reconstruction of needed camping and
hospitals. Such challenges should be competed by artificial intelligence.
Such huge facilities provided needs proper emergency qualified and trained team. Emergency &
Crisis Safety Team (ECST) It should be consistent with;
* Medical Emergency Team
* Statistics & Auditing Team
* Finance Team
* Management Team
* Reconstructive Team
* Transportation Team
* Governor & Relation Team
Each team has its sub-divisions such as Medical Emergency Team may contain Post-Mortum
Emergency Team, Pathogen Identification Emergency Team, Vaccination Emergency Team
The capacity of prepared facilities should be calculated according to population and may adapt
50% of population divided in equal distribution in different categories (Minor-Mild-ModerateSever cases).
Reconstructing new cities and managing new lands could utilize new spaces such as
Underground/ undersea/ multiple layer sunny protective camps when spaces are not availbale.
- Post mortum identification of pathogen and cause of death should be recognized as early as
possible with quicker test. Development of such test would be exist within 2-4weeks by lab.
- The test should be applied to all death during crisis. (No exclusion)
- Statistics should be provided at daily bases to health authorities and every week to
international authority.
- Researches & auditing should be continue (Post-Mortum Research & Audit Team) to identify
possible links and cause of death.
- Recommendation should be provided in weekly bases.
- Post mortum certification should be standardized, unique and same formate usage
- Any measures and recommendation should be analyze carefully for any collateral side effect.
These may include; eruption of other diseases and illness such as depilating immunity, stress,
psychological effects of isolation, starvation, economic crisis, finance of families and lack of
- Artificial intelligence should be able to adapt registered worker in categories. Possibility of
evolving new robot assisted reconstructed cities will accommodate and accomudate
temporarily each worker in its place in short period according to their registered certification,
qualification, previous work. Such evolved city may be modified accordingly, governed and
monitored by local authority and supervised and audited by international community.
- Auditing measures and recommendations according to collateral adverse effects such as
social distance and isolation may be of overuse and exaggerated.
- Collecting data, receiving, analyzing, auditing all informations provided from emergency
teams, assigned companies and local authorities
- Monitoring performance of assigned team and collaboration of local authorities.
- Assure availability of finances, land, companies, transport ion, camping and medical
development of researches/ recommendations/ hospitalizations.
- Standardize guid line, recommendations and measures internationally.
- Team-Time-Challenge is the role to compete quick measures.
- Normalize population measures should be applied as soon as possible.
- Avoid following measures as less as possible;
* No social distance should be applied
* No isolation for any human been to die alone.
* No economic or touristic restriction.
* No work should be stopped.
* Closing border strategy may be applied in non infected areas/ countries and should be with
defined period with ability to cover daily expenses internally.
- Massive records of mortality at sudden may not associated with lack of facilities when
disaster occur. And we should not blame governments or the system if its bound our
- Our aim is to reduce morbidity and mortality as possible as we can and may not be avoided
- Proposal law and regulation should be formulated by WHO and provided to UN-SC to be
approved. It should involve;
! ! * International measures and co-operation in natural crisis.
! ! * Obligate local authorities to follow international measures and roles
! ! * Obligate national governments to take actions and preparation measures
recognized internationally
! ! * Obligate certain developmental medical science to be followed by WHO
! ! * Approval of all international measures include testing, monitoring and
treatments of disaster such as pandemic with no business or interest should be applied.
! ! * Registration of international, national teams and facilities.
! ! * Provide international software record connected internationally with health
authorities and national teams.
! ! * Develop system of communication, transportation and legislation with UN-SC
! ! * Identifying clear concise and precise way of statistics and standardize it
internationally to be used globally and by local authorities.
! ! * Team should be well trained and every 6 month alert trial should be exercised if
no alter has been done.
Number/ percentage/ mortality rate/ morbidity/ stages/ vaccination/ testing/ consequences and
all information should be unified in one system governed by international community and should
be accessed by all health authorities and population globally.
Expectation should be addressed in scientific way where opinion of experts should be analyzed
carefully considering each aspect with clear answer.
In such COVID-19 pandemic application of social distance, mask, closing borders and
lockdown business has major impact on economy globally and on people directly. It exert social
finance problems. Many public indicator has been changed; e.g. mental psychological
alterations, rate of divorce% and home violence, road insults. Others are not monitored properly
efficacy of internet education, working, meeting etc.. Other un clear problems such as poverty
related starvation and diseases not studies and analyzed properly. Many ill patient died just
because cannot reach medial facilities in proper time attributes to COVID-19 regulation and
measures. It build obstacles in access for transportation, delay or entry to many facilities or to
their cure center, medication and treatment (Mortality & morbidity rate increases). Such cases
has not been studied & may be intentionally ignored during pandemic. Comparably many
countries has rate of death from road traffic accident in young population exceeds rate of
COVID-19 mortality. Strict implementation of COVID-19 measures where applied in aggressive
way and irrespective of people wiliness while RTA has been completely ignored. Such conflict
lead to lack of trust. Beside may scientist will raise issue of personality rather than threaten
community. Some communities they are will to confront risk of pandemic rather than die from
starvation where governmental help never reach to them. International community may keep
free line to those wham to take personal risk. For example during complete lockdown regulation,
government may not punish people willing to take risk by go outdoor once they register in soft
war by them self to take risk. Such people may be punished by exemption from medical
survives for 14 days rather than other stressing there finance where may be critical at that time.
On other hand, continuing implementation of social distance and masks on population may
prevent developing mass immunity, particularly for those whom previously infected or
vaccinated. If vaccination have not be administered to 70% of global population in shot period
before another significant virus mutation occurs, will lead to return to zero sate again. In
COVID-19 we may observed that new mutation of viruses within 6-12 months cannot be
overcomes the delay in vaccination time (time of production and time of administration). In such
case we are not reducing rate of mortality per infected numbers. Merely we are delaying their
deaths + achieving draw back of social and economic crisis by applying unnecessary lockdown
and social distances.
Discovery of vaccine should not be secret issue and should not be kind of business for various
company. International law should prohibit and address that clearly . Discovery of vaccine in
short period and administered in short period should be in lesser than 6 moths and governed by
WHO. WHO should share expenses for international budget. Equity distribution with priority to
highly infected areas should be ensure. If this cannot be achieved within three to 6 months
duration, the social measures and lockdown, closing business may not be effective at long run.
Developing mass immunity is the key for virus elimination and should be the target goal for any
measures in such pandemic.
Dr. Emad Hasan Mokhtar Alghriw
My apology for any english language in accuracy (It has been written directly by my self)
- Equip last-mile primary healthcare providers with the necessary tools and knowledge to detect disease outbreaks quickly and respond to them effectively.
The solution nearly addresses majority of aligned issues. It covers all aspects of natural disasters globally include pandemic.
It gives solution how international community will react against threat all over the world irrespective of time, place and race.
Such measures should be ready prior occur of any disaster and should be shared, participated and committed by all nations.
- Scale: A sustainable enterprise working in several communities or countries that is looking to scale significantly, focusing on increased efficiency.
The stages needs at least 5 years to be completed. My international measures and agreement will not reach easily. But we should start soon with well formulated planned strategy and specified stages to fulfill the goal. Starting from producing international health legislation untill application of all needed measures to national and international community irrespective of their governments.
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
The solution my be obvious to all when going to mentioned. But no body formulate it. All waiting some body to do. So Solve may provide formulated international project with rectified steps to reach optimum international measures and legislations using artificial intelligence in health system communication globally.
It would be successful era in Humanities
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- Internet of Things
- Materials Science
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 10. Reduced Inequality
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 16. Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Bahrain
- Bahrain
Its international measures should be applied for global population.
Such measures and legislations may take 5 years to be fulfilled concomitant with artificial intelligence developments of health system.
No progress.
Its should be started globally by major companies.
- Nonprofit
Three people
Has been provided by documents.
Will be built with MIT Solve.
No comment
IT companies
Financial and international cooperation
Need to be rectified
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Its dealing with health solution of major disasters
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Its dealing with health solution of major disasters
- Yes
Its dealing with health solution of major disasters
