1.Targeting more than 1.5 people in rural areas in Katavi Tanzania,there is low awareness,about diseases' out breaks,and personal preventive measures,and the impacts of stress,and depression on health of individuals,The concrete health promotions, and diseases community surveillance through uses of mobile texts and local radio stations to alert,warn,and raising the community awareness on these issues.
2.There are very good cellular net work companies in Tanzania such Hallotell,which offers text messages,up 10000 texts messages per week for 4 usd.with Radio stations you can have 30 minutes broadcasting each day by 60usd
-Providing mobiles phones to 150 village leaders connecting them with our community health officers,who have all data on diseases out break emergencies,from the government sources.
-Enhancing texting charges,heads of villages,and radios,to keep on educating and alerting the communities.
3.raise awareness on the impacts of disease,stress and depression impacts,and that personal prevention is better than cure.
1.There is a low understanding of diseases spreading methods,in most cases catalyzed by bad taboos,such as believing diseases are witch oriented.In countries with low income.
2.There is very poor out reach programs to educate people on diseases,out breaks,and the impact of stress and depression on individuals,such as developing diabetic type 2.
3.There are no sustainable mechanisms on health promotions and community surveillance,and data collection,and uses,analysis of data,and proposing proper interventions by using the collected data.
4.There are no enough funds to put the system on place with a wide coverage,to the remote villages.
5.Upon detecting the out break,there are no proper ways on linkage with health cares provider.
6.There are normally no or very low health education given to the community about diseases, and measures to be taken for preventive purposes at individual level.Much emphasis has been kept on HIV/AIDS.
The the burden of life threatening health conditions such diabetic,autoimmune diseases,mental dis orders, in which stresses,and depressions are active contributing factors are neglected.
Uses,of text messages,local radios,with creating a coordinated system on place,that involves, linkages,public health officer,IT person,communities,Government health system data sources,community health workers,heads,of health facilities,could be a proper solution.It can cover up to 30 mill people.In developing countries in Africa up 80% of people live in rural.
1.Procuring mobile phones to the villages chairmen,wards leaders,head of institutes,such as primary and secondary schools,colleges, and religious and local communities leaders.Incapacitating text messages at least 4000 text messages per week per each leader.
2.Having a public health Thro officer,who works closely with IT manager ,on sending text messages to the villages,and community heads,and these leaders send text messages to their people,and encourages a third part messages distribution upon reaching to the villages.
Public health officer works closely with Regional,medical doctors,Districts medical officers,Regional data manager,data managers of health facilities.He will be responsible also to create short text messages for health promotion topics,warning,and alerting about diseases out break.
He shares these in formations to the IT manager who in turn send to the target peoples in massive,can send up to 10000 text messages in 2 hours.
3.Working with local radio stations by paying annual fees,and uses the radio sessions effectively in
-Warning and alerting people about diseases out break,and general preventives measures at personal level
-Provides education on the impacts of stress,depression,and how to protect themselves.
4.Performing supportive supervisions,and mentor ship to the community leaders.Government community health workers.
5.Creating a web site,and encourages,health workers,community health workers,to review updates,on diseases out breaks and other topics.
Targeting 1.5 million people,villages in the two region of Katavi and Kigoma,peasants,small business people,students pupils.
There are no enough and impactful initiatives at pace to reach these people through health promotions and community surveillance.It is a big country with more than 80% people living in villages,and some places no roads,the villages are scattered and with limit access to basic services.
Uses of mobile phones,Local ways in well programmed manner could be the only solution to archive the goals.Through direct visitation,discussions,questioners,observations,Calling villages chairpersons,and reviewing studies carried in some villages.Community engagement and provisions of feedback.
-Reaching them in a manner of health promotion and surveillance at lowest coast,non physical approaching.
-Having a well define program on which short,and well understood text messages,with relevant topics are sent in wide coverage
-Weekly radio session on discussion regarding the best topics,in well elaborated manner,for warning ,alerting,educating on preventive measures at personal level,in covid 19,impacts,of stresses,depressions,lioness,and how to avoid and handle these conditions in finding the ways out.
The radio,covers all the target population.
-Sharing the well translated the community surveillance data,and educate on how to be at safe side with the pandemic and other health problems.
- Strengthen disease surveillance, early warning predictive systems, and other data systems to detect, slow, or halt future disease outbreaks.
-all problems in this given populations are due to,no or little out reach program in health promotions and community diseases ,Taboos,ignorance,villages scattered,poor infrastructures upon reaching, ignorance,low income.
-The best technology to reach the population is via mobiles,phones,radio,through health education,warning and alert about the pandemic.The best thing the country has very good cellular net work coverage at very low costs.
Hiring Radio stations session,could= 60Usd per hour
Buying mobile phones 30 usd per unit
Dealing with data manger in local health facilities,and incapacitating them with communications allowances.Having a competent IT manger who can send massive text messages, as per need.
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea.
Our organization has taken much initiatives, on this areas for needy assessment.We have varieties of concepts on how we can impose proper interventions in relation to the addressed problems.
The idea we want to implement is new, very useful and we are sure it will make us reach our target indicators.
- A new application of an existing technology
-Easily accessible
-It has very wide coverage in population point of view.
-It can operate at low cost and very sustainable.
-It is easy to make concrete evaluation and at low cost.
-Many people uses mobile phones,and those who have no will be reached via RADIO sessions in their local languages.
-Easy monitoring,
-It provides accurate information to its beneficiaries.
-The widen part of lake Tanganyika in DR Congo and Tanzania >90% of residents speak Swahili.A language of choice in daily activities.
-The program can cover up to 3 mill people.
-Composed by well trained active team with experience in this type of projects.
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Low-Income
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 10. Reduced Inequality
- 15. Life on Land
- Tanzania
- Congo, Dem. Rep.
- Tanzania
-1.5 MILL
-Expected to serve 25 mill
- for 5 years
It will affect and bring positive impact to all ages.
-Through evaluating on what has been done.
-Putting on place community engagement and accountability
-Having a feedback mechanism from the community.
-Assessing the raised awareness of community on health promotions issues,preventive measures at personal level with covid 19
- Nonprofit
10 full time staff
15 part time Community Health workers
The team is composed of experienced medical doctors,nurses,project and data managers.
They have more than 6 years in project management in refugees,operations and mega health projects within the preventive,and curatives services.
-Timely delivering of services through supportive supervision and mentor ship.
-Commitment and accountability
-Team work oriented
- 75% diplomatic and more than 95% communicative.
-Covering the 1.5 million people on the program and perform monitoring and evaluation,quarterly.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
-preventive services,health education program via radio sessions and mobile phones approaches.
-Charges,and community surveillance services.
-Communications allowances,posters,capacity buildings at community and facility level.
-Monitoring and evaluation
-supportive supervisions
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development, etc.)
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. expanding client base)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
-The project area is of much demand for the project following the survey done for the need assessment.
-More than 80% of residents live in rural areas where reaching is not much possible.This create a room for digital out reach programs.
-It targets the natives of two Country Tanzanians and People of Congo who reside on both sides of lake Tanganyika.
-It has clear project methods to attain its target indicators in the suggestive interventions approaches.
-The government facilities are ready to cooperate with our organization.
-There are many positive impact among which more than 86% are lives savings.
-The project will raise awareness in pandemic prevention from,personal preventive measures to the community level.
-The organization has well experience finance Team for proper and effective financial supervision.
-The services are provided for free this will ensure maximum availability of beneficiaries.
-The fund will be used to expand and bring more services as per population need,regarding the project proposal.
-Reaching our beneficiaries via mobiles phones distribution and radio session through community education,in health issues,economic issues.etc
-Having a number of 40 refugees who will be community health workers following our routinely activities in refugees communities.
-Facilitating them communications allowances,capacity building.
-Monitoring and evaluations
-Program promotion at community level through meeting,seminars where we reach a good number physically.
-Project administrative coast which must be less 25% of the total fund.
-Procurement of mouth phones,Id cards and beeps.
-Stationary ransom for our routinely activities.
-Strengthening refugees community leaders to carry out target goals.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
-Putting an active health promotions and community surveillance in three refugees camps in Tanzania Nyarugus,Nduta and Mtendeli camps.
-Ensuring maximum coverage of health educations,to the refugees community.
-Providing PPE to the health capabilities
-Facilitating placing of hygiene centers in required places in the communities.
-Provisions of masks and sanitizers to the most vulnerable people.
-Construction of 3 isolation centers for covid- 19 patients,equipping,staffing,and proper management for the identified cases in collaboration with The government.
-Provisions of essential drugs,for emergencies such noninflammatory drugs ,supplementation and infusions.
-Equipping the facilities with oxygen concentrating machines.
-Reaching our beneficiaries via mobiles phones distribution and radio session through community education,in health issues,economic issues.etc
-Having a number of 40 refugees who will be community health workers following our routinely activities in refugees communities.
-Facilitating them communications allowances,capacity building.
-Monitoring and evaluations
-Program promotion at community level through meeting,seminars where we reach a good number physically.
-Project administrative coast which must be less 25% of the total fund.
-Procurement of mouth phones,Id cards and beeps.
-Stationary ransom for our routinely activities.
-Strengthening refugees community leaders to carry out target goals.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Tabora is a region in Tanzania with with 2291623 Residents as per 2012 census.It has 7 Districts 1.Nzega,2.Igunga .Kaliua 4.Urambo 5.Uyui 6.Sikonge,the largest District. 7 Tabora Urban.
It has high HIV prevalence rate which 9.5%, with poor coverage in preventive programs at community level,There is low awareness in Reproductive child Health.There are high maternal and new born deaths with poor health system to cope with emergencies.
Ho we are qualified.
-We have taken a study and identified there areas and facilities with high demand of our services,there are few or no facilities and no health promotion,and community surveillance program at place.
-We have qualified staff in project management for mega projects,and medium size scale projects in general.
-We always operate basing the accepted standards,by WHO and our Ministry of Health.
-We have negotiated with the health regional and national authorities on how we can work together.
-Targeting the child bearing age,vulnerable groups and the communities in general we will be providing,
-Health educations,on HIV/reproductive child health,Hepatitis B and Covid 19 via radio session and mobile phones.
-Preventing Mother to child transmission by supporting 2 antenatal clinics in each district.
-community level counseling Testing and linkages.
-Patients follow up via mobile phones to ensure maximum adherence with Antiretrolviral medications and viral road tests
-Strengthening community surveillance system through data collections uses and analysis and uses of data for interventions
-Supporting health facilities with drugs for opportunistic infections which are always out of stock.
-Supporting the poor HIV patients with treatment cost which they cannot afford.
-Condoms distributions,
-Supporting on obstetric emergencies capacity building,family planning education on safe,long lasting methods to the communities.
-Testing hepatitis B at community level and linking to facilities for further management.
-Educating the community on covid 19 and removing the misunderstanding,teaching on personal preventive measures,both via mobile phones and radio sessions.
-In our health promotions program we will be transporting the covid identified linking them to the respective facilities,through our emergency prepared team.
- Provision of masks,and hygienic sanitation to the special group,for example. orphans,disabled, and in prisons.
-reaching the unreachable like prisons,isolated societies,through health educations.
-Supporting the newborn with HIV with nutritional supplement in 2 health facilities in each Districts.
-Educating the community on volunteering male circumcision
-On job trainings and supportive supervisions.
-Having 2 medical doctors,15 community health worker,and 5 nurses for,3 drivers project implementations.
-Supporting our 4s vehicle with fuel and maintenance for one year, a project duration.
-Monitoring and evaluations
-Communities engagement and accountability,with a feed back mechanism
-20% of funds supporting the administrative costs.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
- No