Speed Spot Fertilizer Applicator for Small Holder Farmers.
- Pre-Seed
The Applicator will be used to apply solid fertilizers in maize fields as a new technology against the traditional means of using hands and bottle tops an activity mostly done by women and girls in the family.
The fertilizer applicator will replace the traditional way of applying fertilizers in maize fields, an activity mostly done by women and girls in the family. It will reduce the amount of time spent conducting the operation and also reduce the number of people performing the same operation. the time saved will be used on other activities which will lead to the farmers performing other operations better and more efficiently.
if scaled up this technology will enable more farmers perform their farm operations efficiently and cost-effectively leading to improved productivity and increased volumes sold.
The solution solves the problem of protracted time taken and number of women and girls involved in applying fertilizers in maize fields
The theory of change will include improved productivity as a result of reduced time taken to perform the action of applying fertilizer which is usually labor-intensive. the labor so saved will be used by the family members to perform other activities more cost-effectively.
Increased productivity and incomes from more volumes yielded and sold. the women and girls in the family will also become more economically viable members because they will be able to participate more actively in more family activities.
Track volumes of produce harvested. - increased productivity
Track time spent on performing activities and the number of people involved. - improved participation of women and girls
Track changes in the standard of living among target communities - Improved quality of life
- Child
- Adult
- Low-income economies (< $1005 GNI)
- Female
- Rural
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Middle East and North Africa
- Agricultural technology
The applicator is a first level technology from the traditional method of using hands and bottle tops.
The applicator is meant to reduce the time spent on this activity and make these farmers more economically productive.
The applicator is affordable, labour-saving and user friendly. It is designed and made locally targeting a customer segment that needs it most.
The applicator is a hands-on implement directly responsible for reducing the amount of time taken to undertake and agricultural activity. it is expected to reduce work done by more 800,000 women and girls in Zambia alone.
They implement will be produced and sold to the farming families at an affordable fee. It will be released to farmers through nation wide farmer organisations at a fast coverage rate.
- 6-8 (Demonstration)
- Zambia
Sourcing financial and technical support from partner organisations and the donor community; accessing loans from financial institutions and sales of applicators to different customer segments withing the country and the sub region.
The introduction of liquid fertilizers which may not need technology and failure to create enough sensitisation due to lack of enough finances.
- 3 years
- We have already developed a pilot.
- 3-6 months
- Technology Access
- Income Generation
- Lifelong Learning
- Food Production
- Resilient Design
So that Solve can help us mobilise the required funds and also help link us to lifelong support partners and clients across the third world.
National Technology Business Centre, Farmer Organisations, MIT
producers of other hand drills and ox-drawn fertilizer applicators.