Africa lacks premedical-condition wellness services, resulting in Africans suffering from costly and otherwise preventable illness like diabetes and hypertension. Furthermore Africans under care lack continuity of care in between doctor/clinic visits, resulting in patients developing complications that could otherwise have been prevented. In short, healthcare is reactive and is essentially driven by complication as opposed to proactive wellness activities.
Already scarce health facilities are overwhelmed as they have to deal with complications continuously. This also results in cases reporting to basic health care centres with conditions requiring referrals. Patients with chronic conditions also lack timely prompts to return to clinic for drug changes or management and are only prompted by worsening conditions. In some cases this represents a delay of between 10-40 years.
Our solution is a digital wellness account for individuals. With the digital wellness account an individual can access online wellness self assessments, like happiness score, financial wellness score, depression score, diabetes and hypertension risk score. The digital wellness accounts with be connected to remote monitoring devices like activity tracker, glucometer and blood pressure machine. Individuals will also be able to access remote wellness coaching and care coordination, with the wellness coach or clinician using reports on the digital platform.
The digital platform will be algorithm driven and will be able to notify account holder and a wellness coach on the need to seek help or take corrective action. For example to warn against extended non-active periods or out of control blood sugars/blood pressures or trends. This will promote wellness and prevent complications. For example it may take up to 40 years of uncontrolled blood sugar for someone to blind as a complication of diabetes.
The world over, the health care industry is based on a patient reporting to a clinic/health centre with complain, making it a complication based reward system. With our solution we will change reactive health care into proactive wellness care, more about health and less about sickness.