Disenfranchment of common people from financial services in the developing world.
Services such as long-term loans, revolving credit, insurance and investment are not available to the medium and lower income class.
The platform is based on the natural data and money flow construct in the society of which the entry point is spend. It is very difficult and unnatural for individuals to deliberately save in economies of high inflation and economicalconflicting government policies such as found in most African countries. The solution enables individuals to save money as they spend and contribute this savings in a model that will provide personal capital funds for business and other economic endeavours such as education e.t.c.
The benefits are many.
1. It is easy.
2. Low cost.
3. Drive the country economic growth through spend from savings rather than spend through debt.
4. Diversified income across the socio-economic class.
5. More competition within the economy.
6. Diversified investments which will reduce terrorism and other criminal acts.