The WApp Solution
Based on United Nations Statistics Division population data and analysis by Loomba Foundation in 2018, of the 258 million widows worldwide,over 14.8% of them languish in deep poverty, whereas social and legal protection systems discriminate against them, lifetime earnings and saving restricted.1
- Technological Challenge, illiteracy, ignorance of law, poor networking skills and lack of Community Networking are major detriments contributing to widows downfall. Highly deepening the level of poverty globally, thus the need of developing desirable programmes towards empowerment of widows by initiating community based projects that are acceptable, affordable and sustainable aimed at improving the welfare of widows socially and economically.
The WApp Solution, seeks to provide a solution by means of bringing together widows as a team, provide them with effective professional expertise inform of capacity building, viable connectivity and a working platform for easy monitoring and evaluation of different widows community based projects .
The solution has a potential of directly impacting lives of over 1 million widows in less than 5 years by providing effective working platform across communities and efficiently enhancing widows financial inclusion globally.
1 - Analysis by Loomba Foundation, The Global Widows Report 2015. London.
- Technological Challenge – Lack of technological informative information among widows within our communities is the major hindrance to widows willingness towards development. The most awful scenario being lack of total internet coverage among marginalized and un-reached communities.
- Illiteracy – Lack of formal and informal education among widows within communities highly contributing to high level of poverty among widows.
- Poor Agricultural and Farming Skills – Poor agricultural technical knowledge and skills among widows contributing to poor agricultural practices and farming methods.
- Lack of Micro-enterprise development and/ Management Skills.
- Lack of Community Based Projects - Lack of community based projects that are acceptable, affordable and sustainable aimed at improving the welfare of widows socially and economically.
- Poor Community Networking and Connectivity – Widows have no access to connectivity and/ networking within communities.
- Lack of Community Development Skills – Widows lack community development skills neither community development initiatives.
- Ignorance of Law - High level of ignorance of law on personal widows rights among them is the key challenge that contributed suffering.
- Poor and/ Lack of Widows Safety against Cultural Fundamentalism.
- Poor and/ lack of product marketing skills among widows.
- Widows discrimination within communities.
- Technological Solution – By providing technical technological training inform of capacity building through regular assessment of group performance, assessment of individual use of the available online products and services on the Widows App. Initiating, supporting and providing awareness to the organized widow groups in marginalized and un-reached communities.
- Investment Opportunities – Promoting widows investment skills among group members through training and providing platforms that offer effective investment skills.
- Networking – Linking of widows from different geographical areas and promoting high level of networking among widow groups for accessing and provision of effective and efficient business transformational skills.
- Modern Agricultural Farming Techniques - Provide widows with modern agricultural farming skills through developed app where widows can be able to access farming skills, trainings and consultation.
- Micro-enterprise development – Provision of basic practice to promote micro-enterprises development especially small scale traders and formation widows empowerment initiatives.
- Market Research and Advertisement – Providing market research and advertising platform for widows products and services.
- Literacy - Provision of all forms of adult education for widow empowerment at the community levels and in regard provide counseling services to individuals as well as referral services on health issues, literacy issues, strategic and gender issues.
- Widows Safety and Cultural Fundamentalism – Improvise mechanism to support widows at risk of violence especially after death of their spouses.
- Community Based Projects - Development and initiating community based projects that are acceptable, affordable and sustainable aimed at improving the welfare of widows socially and economically.
- Widow Protection and/ Legal redress – Promote provision of advocacy services by lobbing for the recognition and protection of widows rights in marginalized communities through protection and surveillance apps.
The WApp Solution has one main objective - to promote economic and social welfare development of widows and greater resilience, vulnerable widow groups (esp. child widows ‘silence and unheard’, neglected and displaced widows). Invisibly in statistics, child widows are often denied their inheritance rights, evicted from their homes and in the absence of any social security, they are exploited by others, usually their own family members.
The primary target beneficiaries comprises of widows across the global with focus to local communities in Kenya. They will include:
- Widows and their children living in absolute poverty
- Child widows including orphans and ethnic minorities
- Widows and their children living with HIV/AIDS
- Widows and their children living in slum urban areas
- Marginalized Widows and their children living in rural areas
- Widows whose husbands were killed in conflicts and wars
- Widows who have been rejected with their communities because of their widowhood status.
Address widows plight through;
Financial Inclusion:2
Major impact the WApp Solution will have in widows life within the communities is through implementation of Widows Financial Inclusion Programmes.
Widows financial inclusion occurs when widows have effective access to a range of financial products and services that cater to their multiple business and household needs which are responsive to the socioeconomic and cultural factors that cause financial exclusion in women and men to have different characteristics.
Effective management of financial inclusion will increase the empowerment of widows in different ways including;
- Increase opportunities to earn an income or control assets outside the household.
- Having access to resources on their own account and to the tools that help them to earn a living can increase women’s bargaining power within households and their influence over how money and other resources are used.
- Reduce widows vulnerability, for example, by allowing them to insure against risk or borrow to meet unexpected expenses, such as medical treatments.
Agriculture is the backbone of the world’s economy.
Agricultural development is one of the most powerful tools to end extreme poverty, boost shared prosperity and feed a projected 9.7 billion people by 20503. Growth in the agriculture sector is two to four times more effective4 in raising incomes among the poorest compared to other sectors. Analyses in 2016 found that 65 percent of poor working adults5 made a living through agriculture.
Agriculture is also crucial to economic growth: in 2018, it accounted for 4 percent of global gross domestic product (GDP) and in some developing countries, it can account for more than 25% of GDP6.
The WApp Solution developed apps will enable widows have increased access to agricultural information including consultation services for improved agricultural output.
The challenge of agriculture productivity in emerging markets is best illustrated by the gap between the agricultural labour force and the agriculture sector’s contribution to GDP. In emerging markets around the world (Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Latin America), just under 50% of the labour force is active in agriculture (on average), yet agriculture contributes to only about 10% of GDP.7
Issues and policies affecting Women Entrepreneurship:
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development -OECD notes that;
- There is need to promote the development of women entrepreneur networks because these are major sources of knowledge about women’s entrepreneurship and valuable tools for its development and promotion. Co-operation and partnerships between national and international networks can facilitate entrepreneurial endeavours by women in a global economy.
- Networks are important because our actions are shaped by our social context, consisting of the system of individuals with whom we interact.
Research has shown the importance of social support through role models and close private relationships with people in the small business community5 and through case studies has tried to describe the process leading to new venture creation .6
The individual’s network provides the emotional support, social persuasion and vicarious experience, which are central to whether or not a person engages in entrepreneurship and does so successfully.
Furthermore, the social network provides different useful resources for both the aspiring and practising entrepreneur in the form of instrumental and financial assistance; such as experience, know-how, encouragement, financing and idea generation .7
Major benefits which the WApp solution seek to deliver on the overall objective being;
- Accelerated trade and collaboration nationally and across-borders.
- Increased community development projects for widows. Agricultural and Financial inclusion.
- Increased stability through linkages to legal, policy and social protection mechanisms for widows.
On successful development and implementation of WApp Project, the solution shall serve less affluenced and disadvantaged members of our societies globally impacting lives of;
- Widows - Widows lives will not only be changed but drastically be improved, molded and transformed. Focusing on group and/ individual efforts on investing and utilizing the available services on the Widows App that shall include among others;
- Agricultural Services: Agriculture is the back-born of survival, the App shall provide solution from production to marketing, storage to disposal, selling to consumption, the choice being at the will of widow groups and/ individuals.
- Investment Services: Investment is the key to wealth management; widows will have a chance of learning efficient investing opportunities that will be offered though technical training inform of capacity building.
- Entrepreneurship Services: Entrepreneurship avails excellent doors for self sustainability, upon receiving this durable self-sustaining skills it will be at the widows choice to dive into business(es) of their choice.
- Widows Education Services: The rate of literacy among the widows will highly reduce through forms of adult education that shall be provided for purposes of endorsing widows empowerment within the communities.
- Professionals and Youths – Both professional teams and youths from the community shall too benefit from the community based projects through provision of hired services esp. technical provision of professional expertise inform of training to widow groups, provision of technical and/ casual jobs in modern farming systems, provision of professional services including consultancy services being offered to widow groups.
- Family Members and Extended Family Members to Widows – Orphans and extended family members to widows will directly benefit from initiated programmes as they will directly be involved in supporting implementation of the programmes at a fee or on training perspective thus gaining skills.
- Community Health Workers and/ Data Enumerators – A team of community health workers and/ data enumerators who shall be attached to supporting different groups within the community for technical support and provision of health counseling services shall reap from the Widows App platform as they will be providing services at a fee payable by different groups.
- Community at large – Improved welfare of widows across the society shall not only change the outlook of widows but bring credit to the welfare of our marginalized communities at large. Changing Social status of different people including youths within the community will also contribute to improved security in communities and society at large.
In conclusion, the WApp Solution shall be addressing immediate needs of widows who are primary beneficiaries through;
- Accessing viable internet online services within remote communities with no internet coverage.
- Advertisement of agricultural produce and/ other group services e.g. outside catering services.
- Provide learning platform to enhance widows entrepreneurship skills.
- Support online selling of agricultural produce and/ other group products.
- Provision of investment opportunities and services to widows and/ groups.
- Provision of technical expertise in form of capacity building of widows through in-built information for widows on the App.
- Provision of group health savings to widows and/ groups including family members.
- Access to counseling and guiding services and/ psychiatrist support to young widows.
- Security surveillance for threatened widows within communities and/ group of widows in the society.
- Exchange of ideas, good practices, mutual learning among widows and/ groups.
- Design, implementation and facilitation of access to specialized support services.
- Provision of Advocacy Services – Provide platform for addressing widows rights, safeguarding and reporting widows safety concern(s).
- Disseminate information on violence against widow’s rights.
- Group access to financial and programme reporting skills.
Thus, the WApp solution highly addressing and effectively contributing to community economic development as observed by UN Women that;
- Women economic empowerment is central to realizing women’s rights and gender equality. Widows economic empowerment include their ability to participate equally in existing markets; their access to and control over productive resources, access to decent work, control over their own time, lives and increased voice, agency and meaningful participation in economic decision-making at all levels from the household at community level to international institutions.
- Empowering women in the economy highly closes on gender gaps in the world of work which are key to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 5, to achieve gender equality and Goal 1 on ending poverty, Goal 2 on food security, Goal 3 on ensuring health, Goal 8 on promoting full and productive employment and decent work for all, Goal 9 on industry, innovation and infrastructure and Goal 10 on reducing inequalities.
- Promoting the Economy. When more women work, economies will grow. Widows economic empowerment shall boosts productivity, increases economic diversification and income equality in addition to other positive development outcomes.
- Increasing women educational attainment that contributes to women economic empowerment and more inclusive economic growth. Educating widows, up skilling and re-skilling over the life course – especially to keep pace with rapid technological and digital transformations affecting jobs are critical for widows health and wellbeing, as well as their income-generation opportunities and participation in the formal labour market.
Anticipated WApp Solution Development Summary Outcomes:
- Widows livelihoods improved and they have more productive and stable employment.
- Widows are less likely to be victims of domestic violence
- Widows self-sustainable and taking lead in family decision making
- Widows have better and greater understanding of their personal rights
- Widows views are taken into account in the local development process
- The community’s attitudes toward widows improve and respected
- Widows are able to have greater mobility and freedom of movement.
- Widows voice and bargaining power is increased within and outside the household
- Widows feel more confident in their ability to participate and influence both family and local community decision making.
2 -The World Bank Financial Inclusion - facilitates day-to-day living, and helps families and businesses plan for everything from long-term goals to unexpected emergencies.People are more likely to use other financial services, such as savings, credit, and insurance, start and expand businesses, invest in education or health, manage risk, and weather financial shocks, all of which can improve the overall quality of their lives."
3 - http://datatopics.worldbank.or...
4 -
6 -
7 - Data from The World Bank. Emerging markets include low-income, lower middle-income and upper middle-income economies.
8 - (Hansen, 1995; Matthews & Moser, 1995)
9 - (Birley, 1985; Hansen, 1995; Larson et al., 1993)
10 - (c.f. Lye, 1996; Ramachandran & Rammarayan, 1993)
- Equip everyone, regardless of age, gender, education, location, or ability, with culturally relevant digital literacy skills to enable participation in the digital economy.
The WApp Solution provides reliable infrastructure especially devices and affordable data plans for widows from vulnerable and marginalized populations by linking selected dimension to vulnerable and marginalized population especially in untapped communities to building an inclusive digital economy that will enable them access several digital services and leading a dignified, productive and meaningful life through access of digital services within communities contributing to;
- Provision of widows from marginalized and vulnerable population including refugee communities access to digital infrastructure and safe, affordable opportunities of accessing online services.
- Equiping vulnerable widows including their siblings, regardless of age, education, location, or ability, with culturally relevant digital literacy skills to enable them fully participate in the digital economy.
- Safely and private contribute to digital identity of widows from vulnerable and marginalized population communities.
- Effectively provide a working platform for support towards implementing financial inclusion financial tools that allow widows with small businesses to thrive in the digital economy.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community.
Nambula Buchiro Women Group under guidance of WApp Solution development team is working with widows from Samia - Busia County in Kenya towards effective achievement of widows access to digital solution for purposes improving widows welfare within communities by means of being able to access different informative information on a single platform.
The team is focused on ensuring that widows from vulnerable and marginalized communities are able to access information that will spur them towards economic, social and personal development. Determined to building a platform capable of serving all widows regardless of their educational level, status and/ economic background through the support of community development team and widows self help groups.
The solution address opportunities of enabling widows from different places; communities, villages, countries and regions being able to share information on a single platform effectively supporting one another and highly contributing towards social and economic development.
- A new application of an existing technology
The WApp Solution focus on widows online technological support, monitoring and evaluation of widow community based projects. A solution through which widows from different communities will be able to be reached through a developed Widows App and use of Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD).
Through small managed widows groups of NOT more than seven (7) members, widows will be able to access either online or offline technological support through a developed widows App and use of USSD.The group(s) will be registered upon verification on existence of widow(s) group upon security verification mechanism and registration protocols.
Registered group members will be able to access Widows App service though login link (password & user ID’s verified), services will be accessible from any part of the community globally provided a team has either;
- Smart phone to access Widows App on goggle drive or
- Any mobile phone that can be used to access USSD services.
Both services shall be made available online and offline for purposes of easy access by widows from remote communities. Services offered shall include;
- Agricultural products advertising/ marketing and/ selling
- Financial inclusion
- Legal support and/ advice
- Social welfare services including counselling
- Health services
- Education and/ Training services
- Emergency security support
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Women & Girls
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequality
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
Currently, Numbula Buchiro Women Group comprise of 210 widows operating under (15 widow groups with average of 14 members per group, working in a cluster of 7 members) an umbrella of a community based organization.
The WApp solution targets to pilot the project with the team who we are currently working with.
The WApp solution is expected to serve between 1,000 – 5,000 widows within one year on launching the App and over 1 million widows within five years depending on technical support to widow groups and programme implementation in different regions.
The expected projection is likely to surpass the number because of group enrollment mechanism where existing sub-group(s) will be able to enroll new group(s) to a maximum of three groups capable of monitoring and providing due conscientiousness, thus, increasing the number of members and/ groups.
Depending on predicted/ projected at lower percentage increase of 5% system understanding and/ on the use of technology, there is likelihood of impact on high rate of increase in number of widows and/ widow groups upon understanding the application and benefits of widows App.
Expected increase at 5%
The number is significantly expected to rise on effectual understanding of the App and use by team members and subsequent acknowledgement of the platform by beneficiaries.
Considering 2019 Kenya census data, estimates from statistical report indicates that only Busia County has approximately 233,701 widows, whereas Isiolo, the least populated county in Kenya has over 64,242 widows.(19)
19 - Kenya Population 2019.pdf

1 - To increase widows resilience to sustain a livelihood
Possible Indicators;
· Widows income levels and poverty measures · Widows have a stable and secure financial status · Widows report an increase in self-esteem and capability · Widows have improved education and skills · Widows social linkages, networks and support structures · Widows sexual and reproductive health and rights indicators · Widows are able to manage health shocks without depleting assets
2 - To increase widows opportunities to participate in and stimulate economic growth
Possible Indicators;
· Widows business growth indicators · Widows employed in the formal and informal sectors. · Widows access to markets - locally & regionally · Percentage of businesses owned by widows (formal and informal)
3 - To empower widows and enhance gender equality
Possible Indicators;
· Widows have increased economic independence · Widows have equal opportunities (sector relevant) · Widows decision-making power in the household and community is increased · Female community and political leaders and women with improved leadership skills
4 - To increase widows use of linked services
Possible Indicators;
· Number of widows in widow groups, networking and using communications services · Number of widows using business development services, health services and training
5 - To increase widows welfare as a consequence of greater access, quality and use of financial services
Possible Indicators;
· Percentage of widows who say they feel optimistic, more connected, etc. · Indicators related to reasons for borrowing · Percentage of widows who say they have a more secure financial situation · Percentage of households where widows have more decision-making power
- Nonprofit
We are a team of four (4) supporting widows on designing, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of widows programmes. Working closely with two (2) technical IT lead consultants for Android and iOS Mobile App development and USSD set-up towards provision of WApp Solution to wodows across communities.
The team;
Michael Gerry Agundah as a team leader, has experience of over 10 years in humanitarian field. As an Operation Analyst, CPA Finalist, has working experience with over seven International Non-governmental Organizations including UNHCR with working experience of database software – PROGRESS, accurately and confidentially handling data for persons of concern to UNHCR. Has served in finance and grants management with Save The Children, Mercy Corps, SIF, EGPAF, SUNY/ AHADI Kenya, IIRR, BGRRF
Mrs. Francisca Oguba supporting the team as a Community Development Coordinator. Madam Francisca is the Chairperson of all widow groups operating under Nambula Buchiro Women Organization, a Community Based Organization in Busia County - Kenya. Francisca is a trained teacher by profession with over 25 years working experience; holds undergraduate degree in Education, training and certificates in Gender Equality, HIV/ Aids guiding and counseling.
Collins Lotuk leads the team as Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor with a strong monitoring and evaluation acumen. Advanced Analytical & Computational professional with MSc, BSc Statistics and MSc Geographic Information Systems. Statistical Applications proficiency in R, SPSS, STATA, CSPro, Epi-info, ENA for Nutrition & Food Security Assessment Methodologies, SAS, Spatial Analysis Packages: ArcGIS, QGIS, ERDAS Imagine, GRASS GIS.
Anne Muthoni leads the team as a Community Development Specialist. Ms. Ann is a compassionate and caring psychologist, passionate about safeguarding and promoting the welfare of individuals.
Digital Tailor Agency is the lead Android and iOS Mobile App Developers team of consultant in Kenya with over 15 years in Android and iOS Mobile App development. Have significantly contributed to development of several mobile apps including; LostDocs - document recovery platform, MFARE - matatu booking application, Wac Bajaj - Somalia taxi application
Africa Talking Limited - USSD Provider.
Africa's Talking is a Kenya-based mobile solutions firm integrating reliable two-way USSD functionality across mobile providers in Africa. The firm offers USSD and customized mobile messaging solutions for individuals, businesses, and developers.
Project organization and management
Project Management Team has been established for purpose of project management, have full responsibility and accountability for achieving project deliverables within stipulated time. Project Steering Committee (PSC) comprising of NBWG, representatives from widow groups and other stakeholders, will be set up to provide strategic direction, decision making and reviewing of project progress.
Full time Operations Analyst is designated in Project Management Team. Will be accountable to Project Steering Committee for reporting progress and escalating issues and risks. The Operations Analyst supported by M&E Advisor, Community Development Specialist, lead consultants in livelihood, governance, gender and equality including professionals with expertise in project finance, data management and Community Development support team.
The project highly promote gender balance among the Project Management Team as well as the field teams in the project areas.
Project Operational Team:

The Operations Analyst will be focal person (OiC) to lead project implementation, liaising with project technical support team and interacting with state governments. Community Development Specialist liaising with community facilitation teams. M&E Advisor take lead in ensuring quality assurance and achievement of project deliverable. Data Analyst responsible for effective management of project data, updating and ensuring security of widows data. Administrator support in managing project finances and ensuring efficient administration of project activities.
In every respective project areas, one Community Facilitator Organization (CFO) , Social Workers, team members will be assigned to work directly with widow groups on regular basis. The CFO will institute a field team for cluster of approximately 5 widow groups one which will comprise of a team leader. Technical Support Team will be consulted from time to time for specialized services under the project.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Solve is very significant to WApp Solution for purposes of;
- Facilitation of Partnerships
Solve is an excellent opportunity for building strong network and partnerships within humanitarian operation and developing sector.
- Funding and Fundraising visibility
Solve will significantly enable The WApp Solution meet initial operational cost that include; Android, iOS design and serverside development, App store and google play submission and optimization. Solve Prize Funding is a great opportunity for visibility with potential donors and funding opportunities.
- Technical security support.
Solve presents golden chance of meeting professional and/ technical team in Android and iOS development likely to support in feasible technical support and advise ensuring security risk management likely to affect development of Widows App.
- Technological Security Threats
Solve presents high chances of meeting specialized team capable of providing guideline on policies and procedures necessary for App development, back-ups and security checks ensuring effective monitoring of the use and upgrading of the App.
- Strong mentorship technological support
Solve will significantly enable The WApp Solution team meet technical team and/ partners with implementing IT firm capable of advising on effective technical measures.
- Role Models
Recognition of WApp Solution by Solve team will enable chances of role models in balanced leadership where progressive widows are recognized as role models within communities highly contributing to gender-balance.
- Working platform to most marginalized and vulnerable widows globally
Recognition of WApp Solution by leading to implementation of the programme within communities will contribution to provision of working platform to several widows in marginalized and vulnerable communities.
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development, etc.)
- Business model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
The WApp Solution team will highly appreciate opportunities that contribute to achievement of project goals in the following ares;
- Human capital very imperative to WApp Solution, will highly contribute to development of strong internal and external team of expertise including board members capable of directing, planing and advising the team on most viable technical steps to be followed. Having committed board team is capable of effectively planning for financial sustainability of project implementation, providing guideline and on consultative basis participate in decision making.
- The WApp Solution team will welcome opportunities that will spur the team in managing a strong committed team with combined efforts towards programme strategic development.
- Getting operational partner(s), effectively supporting the team in maintain strong operational network with well branded global media coverage opportunities for reaching out to most vulnerable and marginalized communities. Opportunities will spur implementation of programme among most marginalized and vulnerable widows like Child-Widows Silenced and Unheard.(24)
- The team requires technical support in software development and security of data management that will ensure data authenticity. Effective monitoring of the programme implementation is very essential to programme achievement and will enable team meet it’s goals within required time.
The WApp Team would like to partner with:
1 - GSMA - The GSMA Connected Women Programme works with mobile operators and their partners to address the barriers to women accessing and using mobile internet and mobile money services. To support WApp solution in unlocking significant commercial opportunities for mobile industry and social-economic benefits for widows.
2 - Association for Progressive Communications - APC Women’s Rights Programme (APC WRP) has played a pioneering role in engaging the broader women’s movements in the politics of technology. For effectively networking in vulnerable and marginalized communities globally.
3 - The World Wide Web Foundation - Advance a free and open web ‘for everyone’ for Support in influencing different stakeholders for ensuring that widows can use the web freely and fully for effective social and economic development and
4 - A4AI - The Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI) works to shape the policies and regulations needed to support towards shaping policies and regulation for enabling widows be connected globally.
5 - USAID - Towards connecting the Next Four Billion: Strengthening the Global Response for Universal Internet Access (2017)
6 - IGF Best Practice Forum On Gender - Gender And Access: Towards overcoming Barriers To Enable Women’s Meaningful Internet Access (2016).
7 - UNWOMEN - Towards equitable achievement of widows sustainable development goals as economic empowerment of widows is key to achieving, not only human rights but also attaining Sustainable Development Goals.
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
For implementation of WApp Solution programme towards supporting internally displaced refugee widows in Southern Sudan. Focused on addressing women financial inclusion for self-reliance. South Sudan is the youngest nation in Africa(27) and among the poorest and leastdeveloped countries in the world, ranked 169th out of 188 in the Human Development Index.(28
Refugee Crisis, internal conflict has had a major impact on South Sudan, and has led to the country becoming home to the 3rd largest refugee crisis, behind Afghanistan and Syria.(29) And it is estimated that over 7 million people in Sounth Sudan are in need of humanitarian assistance and in danger of starvation(30),(31) with women being most affected.
27 -
28 - United Nations Development Programme. “Human Development Reports.” Human Development Data (1990-2015) | Human Development Reports,
29 - Morrison-Métois, S. (2017), "Responding to Refugee Crises: Lessons from Evaluations in South Sudan as a Country of Origin", OECD Development Co-operation Working Papers, No. 39, OECD Publishing, Paris,
30 -
31“South Sudan - European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations - European Commission.” Together Against Trafficking in Human Beings, 10 Mar. 2013,
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
For addressing social and economic status of widows from most vulnerable and marginalized communities through training and provision of technical expertise inform of capacity building in Widows Financial Inclusion programme (Wifi Programme)
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
For Introduction and Implementtation of WApp Solution programme among most vulnerable and marginalized communities in Sub Saharan Africa.
Opportunity that will develop most sustainable chances of effectively serving widows within Vodafone operational regions. Development of cordial partnership collaborations between WApp Solution and Vodafone, as of November 2020, Vodafone has owned and operated networks in 22 countries, with partner networks in 48 further
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
For Introduction and Implementation of WApp Solution programme among
vulnerable and marginalized widows within communities that lack the capacity to respond to a global pandemic credit.
