Gallant Institute
" African countries have underdeveloped science, technology, and innovation (STI) institutions and fail to generate and deploy technological innovations for socio-economic growth… They lack human resources to promote STI." Africa's Capacity Report 2017
On the individual, challenges in developing STI are many, broad and interwoven and include:
- poverty
- Privilege and Economic Divide
- Education Apathy
- Gender Gap
- Covid pandemic
- Technology has enabled excellent distance learning, work, and certification opportunities.
- Kenya has five undersea fiber optic cables and laid out miles of Fibre optic cables across the countryside. Kenya has 4g services all over the country and is rolling out 5g network capability.
Gallant Institute focuses on creating Technical Capacity in marginalized people by pooling hardware and networked resources enabling access to:
- multi-literacy online learning,
- certification,
- professional peer discourse,
- and work platforms
thus globally develop underserved communities' ability to participate in interlinked international production lines, earning locally and internationally.
By resolving the Productive Capacities of Africa (the productive resources, entrepreneurial capabilities, and production linkages that together make the ability to produce goods and services), Gallant Institute is creating technical capacity in rural African villages by developing science, technology, and innovation (STI) in people for socio-economic growth.
This solution inadvertently addresses three specific Solve Challenges:
Contributing factors to the problem include.
- Education Apathy "an expression of indifference, lethargy, or disengagement in the classroom environment."
"30% of enrolled don't finish primary school."
"High Class 8 dropouts hurt Kenya in U.N. poverty index"
- Poverty: financial inability to address logistics (including geographical distances, boarding, and upkeep costs)
- Racial Equity: Africans suffer high taxes and duties at acquiring tools.
- Colonialism and Neo-Colonialism:
China's products and labor flood our economy.
- Privilege and Economic Divide (The Dynasty's Vs. Hustlers Narrative):
" British Colonialism Still Dividing Kenya"
"Hustlers vs. dynasties rhetoric becoming unmanageable"
- Failed Government Interventions:
Failed to implement e-learning.
" low-quality teaching in Africa's education and training programs."
- Gender GAP And Covid 19:
'Global gender increases from 99.5 years to 135.6 years due to covid-19".
GALLANT INSTITUTE is a multi-pronged application of multitudes of excellent education resources and paid online work now readily available on the internet to:
- create technical capacity by exposing villagers to free, interactive, step-by-step, Multiliteracy instruction platforms. Such as listed below but Not limited to:
- Enable online certification by providing facilities of a proctored certification center. Pearson_Vue_Test_Centres
Also, open for paid online courses. The options are unlimited
The Library is a computer lab with many workstations, networked with internet access with a firewall installed to safeguard from internal and external attacks—optimizing performance and safety by restricting the kind of content they consume over the network. A workstation consists of a desktop computer, a table, and a seat.
The workshop: allowing skill learners to practice.
Workshop1: has Arduino kits for kids to create an interest in sciences as they learn with practical application also useful for workshop3 foundation courses TinkerCad lesson plans.
Workshop2: has practicing machines for tailoring, carpentry, welding.
Workshop3: kitted with CNC machines for participants of the Autodesk design and production courses
The kindergarten.With internet-connected Amazon_kids_breakproof_Fire_tablets and teachers helping guide kids through their foundation with KhanAcademy_Kids
Actions, Understanding, and Engaging the Community
I have been a resident in the community for ten years, practicing irrigated agriculture and providing the community with borehole water and farm produce. I also serve a neighboring boarding secondary school (2.5km away) with metered piped water. I have confidently interacted with the beneficiaries and observed their pressing needs for ten years.
I started building a school project specifically because I could not find an appropriate school in the neighborhood for my daughters ten years ago. (not yet complete though)
I have consulted in-depth with villagers, and already I have done some structures and acquired some power tools (welding and carpentry) for vocational courses.
As I homeschool my daughters now because of Covid's closure of schools, I have learned and experienced the power of internet learning and wish to extend the same resources to many others.
I also keep learning online to increase my skills and learn how best to understand and serve my community. Courses I am undertaking include, among others:
- MITx course "Business and Impact Planning for Social Enterprises."
- Python programming
- Autodesk's Fusion 360
Gallant Institute strives to impact and improve many lives directly, despite demographic differences:
Helping the beneficiaries develop Critical Thinking, Communication, and Collaboration in Creativity and Innovation. We will achieve:
- Having kids reconnect with the sciences creates curiosity and a passion for learning.
- To have kids able to communicate in other international languages creating trade opportunities in the future.
- To have Africans machine parts to precision,
- To have Africans in Africa design items for machining in Europe, America, and Asia while in Africa.
- To have Africans in the villages instructing computers and machines via programming and coding.
Shifting the community's trajectory by;
- Hopefully, reduce brain drain, and if they move away for work, the community will still benefit from their remittances.
- That the community can also generate income via online work/ freelancing from across borders without moving an inch from the village
- beneficiaries of the project become the role models, beacons of light for others to follow.
- We pre-empt Chinese and Asian entrepreneurs to set up CNC workshops in our market, monopolizing the industry because they caught Africans flatfooted.
- The community reduces overreliance on expatriates.
- e.g., When the Elons' portable covid vaccine printing machines meant for remort places, like Africa, get to Africa, who will operate the machines if we don't start training Africans?
- When the youths can design and fabricate complex and straightforward machines, then the community will be truly transformed by an industrial revolution of their own.
- The use of CNC machines in carpentry and welding will be a giant leap in our cottage industry. Africa will thus not be disadvantaged in trade.
"You'll be paid in the future based on how well you work with robots." Kevin Kelly
Target: Rural communities and Poor communities:
Reason: Education Apathy these communities have developed deep-seated education apathy because of all hurdles before these communities attempt to access competitive education over time. They have become indifferent.
Solution: Gallant Institute will ;
- Improve Educations Perceived value by the student and community
- Counter with External positive stimuli such as free sessions of learning videos projected on wide screens for the community in large to understand what WE ARE DOING and POSSIBILITIES before them.
- accessibility and affordability: those unable to pursue formal education systems established by the government due to poverty (lack of school fees, boarding costs, and upkeep ) can now pursue cheaper education from their neighborhood
- people facing social and personal obligations coupled with the logistics of survival(e.g., early mothers, married women, and breadwinners) can now have part-time education
- Provide Self-paced education with small wins (encouragements) for motivation, such as earning online badges to post on their social media sites ( own bragging rights, which by chance happens to be the institute's marketing).
- Offer Big wins as it is now possible to be certified online!
- People can generate Income/ earnings by doing online jobs (freelancing) in the library! And we will teach them how!
Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave. Frederick Douglass
Target: Preprimary kids:
- unfairly competing against privilege
- inadequate education programs
- poorly delivered education
- no books
- distance to schools
- late exposure to the alphabet (academic learning)
- Solution: Gallant Institute preschool: "It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." Frederick Douglass
- answer: The preschool can scale up and may grow with time into an entire primary school (up to grades 8) and up to secondary school (grades 12), but as a start, these kids are welcome to use the Gallant Library, where the library assistants are appropriately trained teachers of various subjects to help them
- Gallant institute library will have a section exclusively for preschoolers (aged two years) to grade 2 (eight-year-olds) kitted with Amazon_kids_breakproof_Fire_tablets
- Khan Academy Kids is entirely free, forever! We shall work with Khan Academy Kids to inspire a lifetime of learning and discovery with their free, fun educational program for children ages two to seven.
- Khan Academy Kids has Teacher Tools to supercharge learning for Pre-K through 2nd-grade students!
- there are many valuable kids apps and kids books readily accessible on Amazon_kids_breakproof_Fire_tablets
Target: Primary and Secondary School Students unfairly competing against privilege
- inadequate education programs
- poorly delivered education
- no books and school fees
- distance to schools
- with the covid pandemic, privileged others are still learning online as the poor kids stay idle.
Solution: "It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." Frederick Douglass
- Gallant Institute Library will work with Khan Academy to deliver Personalized Learning
- Gallant Institute Library will work with DuoLingo
- Self-paced 'international' language learning
- so that these kids can "Learn a language for free. Forever."
- To assist kids in developing interest and learning electronics, computers, programming, and robotics. Gallant Institute Library will work with TinkerCad with Adruino kits;
- at Gallant Institute, we understand that big problems require daring thinking, even when the solution is as simple as exposing young African minds to technology, allowing young minds to tinker, think, and explore.
- The gallant institute will have
- Tinkercad is a free, easy-to-use app for:
- 3D design,
- electronics,
- and coding.
- Students practice at their own pace
- first filling in gaps in their understanding
- and then accelerating their learning
Khan Academy has Tools to Empower Teachers (Gallant Institute Library Assistants).
With Khan Academy, teachers can:
- identify gaps in their students' understanding,
- tailor instruction,
- and meet the needs of every student.
Tinkercad is applied by teachers, kids, hobbyists, and designers to imagine, design, and make anything!
Target: Gender GAP:
- Bias of obligations
- solution: "Right is of no sex" Frederick Douglass - Women's Rights National Historical Park (U.S. National Park Service) (
- all resources at Gallant Institute are readily available to the womenfolk.
- They will be encouraged to take up courses they can pursue, even on a part-time basis.
- Workshop2 has practicing machines for tailoring, carpentry, and welding.
- Without prejudice, the ladies can pursue any skills they are inclined to, including design and production courses grouped in CNC workshop3 or even pursue coding and or high school certification in the Gallant Institute Library.
- The choices are limitless.
- (note: workshop2 machines are not necessarily under one roof, grouped merely as a description of nature of skill: Physical Hand dexterity )
- "Without a struggle, there can be no progress." Frederick Douglass
Target: School Dropouts:
- Gallant Institute can mitigate 'Whatever' compelling reasons that led to their discontinuation of schooling.
- They can still learn to complete their school curriculum and be certified locally and internationally.
- They can also acquire vocational skills and be certified
- Part-time learning is allowed
"The man who will get up will be helped up, and the man who will not get up will be allowed to stay down." Frederick Douglass
Target: Further Learning:
Many in the villages are educated, even to university degree level, the majority being unemployed and in despair, another good number are teachers in various government schools. All seek to tweak their skills and improve their life chances in business (self-employment) or employment opportunities.
- Gallant Institute Library: offers them the facility to learn new skills or further their skills
- Authorized test center: Gallant Institute will partner with Pearson VUE to Enable online certification by providing facilities of a proctored certification center
Target: Covid Pandemic
Solution :
Gallant Institute is in the village(s); thus, the risk from sources of contamination external to the villages will be slim.
- Social distancing: The workstations (computers in the library and machines in the workshop) shall have adequate space, and only one person will use each at a time. ( others may observe CNC machine operation observing Covids social distance)
- Disinfection: each workstation (computer or machine) will be sprayed and disinfected thoroughly with appropriate recommended chemical solutions
- Personal hygiene and health:
- Gallant Institute shall install handwashing sinks with running water at the entry point, and appropriate places
- security at the entrance will use temperature guns on entrants to protect more users from those with symptoms of fever
- Right of admission: Gallant Institute, with local and national health agencies' guidance, reserves access. To ensure safety for all
- CNC machines Fast and precise cutting and assembly for all kinds of materials making possible and manageable at cottage industries in:
- Carpentry
- Welding
- automotive parts and new designs
- it is now possible to design parts to precision in an African village for machining in Europe.
- CNC machines Fast and precise cutting and assembly for all kinds of materials making possible and manageable at cottage industries in:
Changing Systems
Gallant Institute sees this as part of the changing systems that we need to urgently prepare our constituents to face change with the capability to maximize their advantage.
1. Remort working (working from home/ away from the office)
2. Online self-employment (freelancing)
3. CNC machines. Production and Manufacture Industry going back to small units cottage industry due to precision technology now readily available and manageable with computer skills
"You'll be paid in the future based on how well you work with robots." Kevin Kelly
Other benefits to constituents regarding:
- Poverty:
- Racial Equity.
- Colonialism and Neo-Colonialism:
- Privilege and Economic Divide:
- Systemic injustices
by building the people's technical capacity to innovate. We break the vicious cycle of poverty.
With acquiring technical skills. We can then reduce our over-reliance on expatriates
By Building our technical capacity, we can resist foreign labor, goods, and services from overrunning our markets
Gallant Institute gives online education to poor
This a chance to compete with the privileged; too many that cannot start can now start.
We address such challenges facing the poor, including:
- Distance to examination centers, lack of hardware and software
- Internet connectivity (the cost of data). By pooling internet use, we get the advantage of a business bundle from the provider at about $50 a month.
We shall also serve as a proctoring test center upon partnering with Pearson Vue.
Failed Government Interventions:
Replication and advocacy for change as a change platform for reforms in the national education arena. We will lead the way at affordable e-learning and certification
"We control the first domino that tips"
Other Government Intervention/ Project of Concern
Konza ICT City:
34 km from the Gallant Institute is the Konza ICT city. the newly planned city south of Nairobi envisioned to become Africa's central ICT hub or 'Silicon Savannah' with buffer zones and restricted access businessdailyafrica_ konza-buffer-zone
My people should walk through the buffer zone into the ICT city as the indispensable brains needed.
They should be able to compete with anticipated expatriates for the new opportunities
". The government has established a buffer zone around the project to prevent 'informality,' surrounding villages experience land tenure insecurity and livelihoods. "
Worlds fast Changing Systems to observe include:
- 3D Printed Electrodes Detect COVID-19 Antibodies in Seconds!
- MIT prints solar cells on paper!
- Telepathy now possible! Elon Musks' Neuralink brain chip enables the brain to interface directly with a computer! and
- Portable molecule printers for German COVID-19 vaccine vaccines are now printable! : "mRNA vaccines for genital herpes, influenza, HIV and the coronavirus." "With an mRNA vaccine, you sit at your computer and design what that piece of RNA is going to look like, and then you have a machine that can make that RNA for you relatively easily," Cannon said. "In some ways, we're lucky in 2020 that this compelling technology was ready for prime time because it could be a huge advantage." Says Dr. Drew Weissman, a professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
- Equip everyone, regardless of age, gender, education, location, or ability, with culturally relevant digital literacy skills to enable participation in the digital economy.
Gallant Institute, conveniently placed in settlements/villages, Designed to develop science, technology, and innovation. Exposing minds to available online educational resources. Allowing the underserved to get inspiration, mature, and amplify their innate innovation and practice by tinkering.
EQUITABLE (0nline) CLASSROOMS; All learners access a quality, safe, guided online learning environment,
DIGITAL INCLUSION: Everyone accesses the world's digital economy.
DIGITAL WORKFORCE: Prepare and allow to work the future workforce
2021 ELEVATE PRIZE: Elevating opportunities for all people, issues, and solutions. Building awareness into action to solve by alleviating differences in privilege
ANTIRACIST TECHNOLOGY: Digital knowledge accessibility advances racial equity.
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model.
Gallant Institute is now at prototype development stage. We are still building unfinished structures ten years later
We have raised minimal financing as it's primarily dependent on my savings.
I have installed 4G internet with good speeds. a more extensive package will be needed.
Autodesk has awarded Gallant Girls (now Gallant Institute) several licenses for various software.
I have tested the websites we intend to use extensively by educating my three daughters for the second year. I am also learning several skills online.
I have started purchasing welding and carpentry power tools for the institute; Gallant Institute will acquire more.
Gallant Institute is in Makueni County, 3km from Kajiado County. Makueni and Kajiado are semi-arid regions. Kajiado is predominantly Maasai practicing cattle herding as the mainly Kamba community in Makueni practice rainfed agriculture. Both communities coexist harmoniously and have interacted with Gallant Institute for water and agricultural produce.
- A new application of an existing technology
Gallant Institute's solution is not an entirely new concept. We will rely much more on multiliteracy, comprehensive education content on the internet offered by many competitive institutions.
Kenya has acquired five undersea fiber optical cables. With Fiber optic cables laid across all of Kenya's 46 counties. Moreover, Kenya's leading telco has 4 g services all over the country and is currently rolling out 5g network capability.
Gallant Institute strives to harness all these opportunities and allow marginalized people to have easy and convenient access to online schooling, world-class education, Vocational courses, online work opportunities, and professional online certification.
Pooling internet uses to reduce costs and place these resources amid underserved communities significantly reduces their hurdles. It helps them recover from historical disparities that have caused them to develop Apathy by creating awareness of diligent online education materials.
Discontent with competitive life usually arises because people are subconsciously aware of privilege.
The privilege that others have access to advantages that they can never hope to catch up with without intervention.
The Microsoft founder Bill Gates is 'Afraid' of "two guys in a garage" Next-Disruption.
- Catalytic Gallant Institute provides way more than 'two guys' with very well-kitted workshops (garages)!
Everyone has an innate innovation ability; we only have to nurture learning in science, tinker with the technology (tools and materials), and naturally become Innovators of reckoning.
They will learn to be active and keen at online discussions with academic communities and peers, enabling broader positive impacts from others in this space.
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Audiovisual Media
- Biomimicry
- Crowd Sourced Service / Social Networks
- GIS and Geospatial Technology
- Imaging and Sensor Technology
- Manufacturing Technology
- Materials Science
- Robotics and Drones
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality
- Women & Girls
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 4. Quality Education
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequality
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Kenya
- Kenya
Gallant Institute currently serves five
next year, Gallant Institute will help over 2000 people. We also appreciate that World Problems are as numerous as the solutions; thus, there isn't a guarantee of subsequent (re)financing in a continuum.
Malcolm Gladwell's 10,000 hours to perfection serves as guidance to give a service excellent and reliable that everyone can't get enough of it; this is true for the crafts as it is for academics.
Gallant Institutes' short-term and long-term goals include advocacy for change in national and global approaches to formal/current education format in tandem with technological developments and existing/emerging economic opportunities.
As a prototype that Governments and education authorities worldwide can benchmark and apply widely
The application of the solution is so vast that only working with local and world governments will see this equitable classroom and digital economic inclusion solution adopted in all schools (preschool to k12) and vocational training institutes as a requirement policy.
Supposing Government and MIT Solve engages other gears and implements extensively in four neighboring counties out of 47 counties? With all schools and tertiary institutions giving multiliteracy services to dwellers of Makueni_County=987,653, Machakos_County=1,421,932, Kitui_County=1,136,187, Kajiado_County=1,117,840 about 4,663,612 beneficiaries in the four counties?
Under prevailing circumstances and subject to financing, Gallant Insitute promises to setup up to 5 campuses in ten years in varying communities as we resolve " 'stupidity' constraints," Outliers: Why_Some_People_Succeed,_and_Some_Don't.
Covid Pandemic is a severe disrupter, malicious or not; we have to implement changes else continue losses.
Monitoring & Evaluation of Seven Sustainable Development Goals
Partnerships for The Goals
- Number of partners engaged.
- Amount of money donated or pledged.
- Value of in-kind assistance earned in monetary value.
- Conditions and restrictions partners place.
- Implication/ import of restrictions placed.
Classification of partnerships into:
- Capacity Development
- Finance & Financial inclusion
- Academic
- Science
- Technology
- Trade
- Multi-stakeholder partnerships and voluntary commitments
- Local governments
- National government
- International governments
- International intergovernmental agencies/organizations, e.g., UN/UNESCO
- Gender Equality
- Quality Education
- Decent Work and Economic Growth:
- Industry, Innovation, And Infrastructure
- Reduce inequality within and among countries.
- Sustainable Cities and Communities
Types of Measurements in data collection and analysis:
- Age
- Sex
- Grade/ Qualification
- Tribe
- Race
- Previous & current occupation
- Previous & current residence
- Online Certification courses registered for
- Online degrees registered for
- Number pursuing vocational studies.
- The number that enquires for vocational courses.
- Uptake of CNC Courses (computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacture (CAM))
- Number of kids registered at Preschool.
- The number of kids visiting Gallant Institute for self-paced learning bridging formal education gaps.
- Number of kids participating in the Technology/Innovation space with Arduino/TinkerCad
- tools used in visit, e.g., Khan Academy or Duolingo, etc
- Certifications successfully attained.
- Participation in professional online pear hubs
- Interest and effort at online freelancing opportunities
- Machines/ computers purchased in the staggered purchasing facility.
- Number, type, and field of enterprises subsequently set up by beneficiaries
- Frequency of visits
- time of visits
- duration of visits
- time and frequency of workshop tools use
- progress observed.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
1 full-time staff
4 part-time staff
10 part-time contractors (during construction)
My names are Moses Musau, a civil engineering graduate. I have acquired management experience as a contractor and engineer while working with private investors and religious organizations.
I volunteered free proposals of new school projects under a church umbrella anticipating construction works. I did some construction of the said donor-funded schools but under much duress. My lawyer friend advised that I let go and not litigate against the church.
Within the year, my kids were to begin schooling. Unfortunately, with no competitive preschools at my rural home, I soon couldn't afford fees; it hit me that I've built many schools and can build one at home! Though I've salvaged my situation via grit and my little education, others still face the evil circumstances bedeviling and enforcing poverty.
I learned how disadvantaged our neighborhood is in the education sector as a young man in dire straights.
Covid pandemic replayed and highlighted the challenge again with my kids' online schooling. What about our neighbors?
Being an under-employed resource living in my community, I feel obligated to do something about my community's challenges. I have resolved to do my best to give many a chance in life in the face of gross inequity/inequality.
Gallant Institute leadership believes in a fair chance to everyone from the conception of the school idea through its iterations to the current form. However, we did consider a girls-only secondary school for some time due to limited resources.
Our leaders' commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion has built the online school idea to its current state, given the challenges facing the local Kamba community and neighboring Maasai community are cross-cutting through the demographics.
The Gallant Institutes solution seems to be addressing a universal challenge across the world, including the United States. I take this opportunity to indicate that the concept should apply to the MIT Solves 2021 ANTIRACIST TECHNOLOGY IN THE US challenge with a little bit of tweaking. Unfortunately, due to our limitation in understanding the dynamics and ways of life in the US, we shall not submit/participate. We point out that about every part of Gallant Institute's solution Is American by origin. American communities sidelined by historical Injustices should also be assisted with digital development and tinkering with technology spaces either in schools or public/community halls within the settlements.
Many communities and vast chunks of populations are left out of the digital economic space because the current social setup overlooks underlying requirements to develop digital muscle, such as poverty (survival vs. tools and equipment), apathy and privilege, historical injustices, among others. The same applies to Science, Technology, and Innovation ability.
It is this profound understanding that informs the core of Gallant Institutes' leadership.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Gallant Institute applies to Solve for the chance to win the award(s). The finances (or in-kind) gained will acquire the direly needed equipment listed below:
- computers and software,
- break-proof tablets
- access to professional certification resources and academic online material
- Arduino Kits
- CNC machines
- Assorted teaching aids,
- Workshop tools
- Sewing machines
- Carpentry& welding power tools
- materials to work with (cloth, timber, extra.)
- power Backup Genset
- hire & train professional teachers (library assistants)
- We are installing science, technology, and innovation (STI)
- Creating Productive Capacities of Africa
- enabling cottage industry to flourish in the villages.
- giving people many abilities to participate in the worlds digital economy
Privilege and Economic Divide: (EQUITABLE CLASSROOMS, DIGITAL INCLUSION, and Digital Workforce)
- giving the marginalized people chance to learn and work with the same resources as the privileged
Education Apathy:
- We will have countered this barrier with valid stimuli, a reasonable, achievable opportunity.
- We shall endeavor to broadcast videos of possibilities at congregating points such as water points. Such a watering point is with me (the borehole previously mentioned)
Gender Gap
Many ladies visit and interact with us daily to purchase vegetables and fetch water. We will endeavor to enlighten them of all opportunities now available.
Covid 19:
We help underserved village children avoid losing precious learning hours.
Racial Equity: Africans learn how to interact with other races on equal terms and from informed positions.
Failed Government Interventions:
Gallant Institute is activism from the bottom up, hastening government reforms in the education sector to match the world.
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development, etc.)
- Business model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Legal or Regulatory Matters
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. expanding client base)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
Gallant Institute needs mentorship, partners, and support in the following areas
Human Capital:
we need help specifying, identifying requirements, and hiring and managing professional labor.
Business model:
Gallant Institute is still very raw and will significantly benefit from input from experts to streamline the model.
Gallant Institute has not yet established a financial framework. We don't have policies for running capital, profits, reinvestment, payslips, and taxes. We need urgent guidance.
Legal or Regulatory Matters:
Gallant Institute will essentially work with Creative Commons. Knowledge and skills that many benefactors have availed to the public. There is always a legal fine print that gets overlooked that we need to be alerted and forewarned.
Note: We anticipate people to learn innovation by tinkering; this is disassembly and reassembly, engineering and reverse engineering, and therein lies legal potholes.
Public Relations
Gallant Institute being a new concept to many, needs branding and marketing strategy in the social and global media to be visible and accepted locally, nationally, and globally.
Monitoring & Evaluation
Working with many souls using unlimited products is a daunting challenge. Therefore, gallant Institute will need a versatile data collecting method with powerful algorithms for data analysis and measuring impact.
Product / Service Distribution:
Gallant Institute will be indebted with access to online training and certification resources in MIT's many platforms, including EdX and University Of the People, among others
we need assistance to acquire computer hardware and software, assorted Arduino kits, CNC machines, and various other power tools/ machines
Khanacademy, Duolingo, Arduino: Autodesk design academy, Microsoft Imagine Academy Edx, University of the people :
we request the addition of a parent, teacher, and administrators platform where Gallant Institute can register and monitor the activity of teachers and students; this will help collect essential data to establish the reach and impact of Gallant Institute. It will help us in adjusting and tailoring our services to suit the market
MIT and Solve community
We request help identifying and partnering with a competitive online Garment Design and Tailoring course with certification and help identifying and partner with 3D digital garment design software.
Arduino: help to acquire Arduino kits
Amazon: help to acquire break-proof kids tablets
Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE): help to get computers, laptops, printers/plotters, and tablets,
Microsoft & Autodesk: renewal and addition of education software
Makita, Stanley, Bosch, and Singer various vocational course training require their assorted hand and power tools
Misumi, we need different assorted precision parts for the assembly of CNC machine tables
Schneider Electric varied electrical materials, including servo motors and controllers for CNC machines
Hypertherm. For assistance with plasma-cutting-and-gouging-systems for CNC machines (Plasma is one of the world’s most popular metal cutting methods )
Mechatron GmbH for spindles and control cabinets for CNC machines
Newfangled Solutions for Mach4 software to control CNC machinery,
Myostat motion Control and Galil Motion Controllers for their CNC motion controllers
Pearson Vue: we request to be their examination center
- No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Gallant Institute extends the reach of online academic materials and digital economic space to the disadvantaged/marginalized communities, includes persons in Refugee status/settlement.
The approach of Gallant institute is to develop Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) in every community in an effort at entrenching equity in education and economic inclusion for all.
The refugees get to learn online, digital and vocational skills, tinker, and practice as they learn skills in workshops at Gallant Institute.
Do It Yourself (DIY) videos are great motivators for those with or without interest and can do wonders in getting many proactive to learn practical economic skills.
Gallant Institute will extensively use the DIY youtube videos to motivate many from their despair and apathy.
example "Julius Yego: a Kenyan Nicknamed "Mr. YouTube" because he learned how to throw by watching YouTube videos of javelin athletes; he holds African record and Commonwealth record holder"
Gallant Institute also serves as an extermination center for proctored online professional certification.
Refugee Inclusion in this solution advances refugees' economic, financial, and political position.
The school kids learn STEM EDUCATION with very comprehensive and diligently prepared world-class, self-paced, interactive lessons. Furthermore, teachers and respective parents get informed of each kid's progress in real-time on their phones/ tablets; thus, they can assist them at the bottlenecks.
The same machines are also available for those doing online work.
Gallant Institute gives access to the best online academic material with well-kitted vocational skills workshops and the facilitation for international professional certification within reach of everyone.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Gallant Institute will work with the HP price in developing technical capacity in the villages by applying online Multiliteracy platforms to build Science, Technology, and Innovation in marginalized communities.
Thus, the HP price will help achieve diversity and digital equity in education and digital economic inclusion, thus alleviating the poverty trap across population demographics in villages.
The HP price will enable Gallant Institute to acquire computers and tablets to introduce the previously underserved and marginalized populations to self-paced online learning and acquiring vocational skills to achieve global inclusivity in the world's digital economy.
The HP price through staggered purchasing will facilitate marginalized populations' private ownership of computers, printers, and plotters.
Gallant Institute will use the HP price to stock assorted computers and other IT gizmos necessary for the community members to buy and be independent in their future endeavors.
Working with HP PRice We will use a multipronged approach with Internet connectivity within Gallant Institutes premises connecting computer workstations in the library.
With HP Price, we will endeavor to upskill with Vocational courses in Tailoring, Carpentry, welding fabrication, graphic designs & 3d designing precision parts for CNC machining in advanced 3d industrial techniques.
Proctored Online Examination Centre: with HP Price, it will be possible to allow many people to be internationally and professionally certified and confidently joining online discourse communities
HP Price in Elementary school gives kids a solid head start with trained teachers guiding kids to learn using diligently comprehensive, fun, and self-paced interactive online materials.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Gallant Institute extends the reach of online academic materials and digital economic space to the disadvantaged/ marginalized.
With a disclaimer and without prejudice, these are my observations and musings with much conjecture:
- Women have a more intelligent disposition to business and production
- Women have an innate knack for understanding space and measurements
- Women have a physical tenacity, endurance in the span of concentration
The above traits explain why women incline to tailor vocational courses
- They know business opportunities in garment don't end
- They have observed that the market for garments is unending
- Capital to establish a profitable tailoring shop is small (a sewing machine)
- Moving shop is as easy as porting one sewing machine
- The aptitude required in garment design and fabrication is very high
- It requires an innate understanding of 3d space and measurements.
With such understanding, Gallant Institute includes tailoring as a vocational course. We are stretching their inclinations and innate mental ability to design digital three-dimensional interactive software using computers.
This approach is several folds advantageous as their mathematical and business skills improve, they can easily switch careers to other vocational skill designs. Moreover, thinking and working with computers in virtual three-dimension is the same concept across all engineering fields.
We will partner with companies to offer gift promotions and hire purchase at discounted prices of machines and tools so that the graduates can venture into business with confidence.
They will become Internationally Certified Women in Science, Technology, and Innovation with digital literacy and financial independence.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Gallant Institute will use The AI for Humanity Award to amplify the services by utilizing artificial intelligence and machine learning. We will use these technologies to:
- To learn and teach the community, using unlimited online resources, the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Science, and machine learning.
- Prepare our disadvantaged/ marginalized communities to participate and compete with anticipated expatriates at the new Konza ICT city (‘Africas Silicon Savana’) as well as the world's digital economy.
- We are developing Certified professionals in the villages in Data Science, AI, and Machine Learning.
- Help pick out exceptional talent/intelligence (outliers) for special attention.
- Help pick out bottlenecks on learners for special attention.
We live an interconnected life. Helping the disadvantaged is our strength in a moment of adversity.
Gallant Institute will have installed security cameras (CCTV) all over its premises coupled with the webcams on machines.
We will also login using biometrics and facial recognition of members/clients to deter fraudulent use of resources. With each member accessing accounts/facility with their registered biometrics
About two years ago (2019), I enrolled with Mosh Hamedani, to learn coding in anticipation of helping my students in coding and CNC, when Gallant Institute opens doors.
The AI for Humanity Prize gives me the Impetus to resume my studies at with enthusiasm.
I have now started with Edx's Introduction to Linux, with my final goal is artificial Intelligence and Machine learning of facial expressions.
The AI for Humanity Prize has armed me with a personal goal.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
I adamantly wager and place the future adoption and acceptance of blockchain and bitcoin technology on the development of algebraic skills and logic in the minds of the majority. It is possible by exposing more young minds to the systematic and well-developed khan academy approach to Algebra and logical thinking.
Blockchain technology can then be applied to create a permanent, public ledger system, compiling data on the land registry, sales, logistics, or tracking physical and digital use and payments in all fields.
Gallant Institute's concept of the future of education stands guided by content and delivery of STEM courses by
Khan Academy has self-paced comprehensive and interactive algebra learning from preprimary all through to post highschool.
Algebra is the foundation and core of mathematics, logic, and sciences.
Moreover, khan academy introduces coding and programming skills to young minds.
This one link out of many illustrates how versatile Khan Academy is:
All the teaching and learning resources at khan academy are freely accessible online;
- Technology has enabled excellent distance learning, work, and certification opportunities.
- Kenya has five undersea fiber optic cables with miles of Fibre optic cables, 4g, and 5g network services laid out across the countryside.
The Gallant Institute seeks to apply the GSR Price to pool hardware and network resources focusing on creating Technical Capacity in marginalized people by enabling access to:
- multi-literacy online learning,
- academic certification,
- work platforms
facilitating underserved communities' participation in interlinked international production lines, earning locally and internationally online even with bitcoins.
