In our society, we see elder people and disabilities have to take medicines regularly for their health. 89% of people older than 65 take at least one medication and 46% take about 5 medications. Taking medicines is also important for them. They would like to live independently like other normal people and not to become an encumbrance for family members. It is needed to take medicines periodically and not to take wrong pills. So, we think to solve that problem for older people and disabilities firstly.
Our product contains two parts. One is the device in which the pills will be filled according to the prescriptions and another is the mobile application to set the schedule (day, frequency, and duration and start time) for taking pills.
The used components for device:
1. Controller
2. Bluetooth Module
3. Servo Motor
4. Speaker and LED bulb
5. Real Time Clock
6. Power Supply
When the set time is on, our device will notify by sound and light. The sound and light will continue until the user takes the pills from the device. The pill cups will turn round one time when it is time to take pill. For blind, they can hear the sound but for deaf, they can see the light. The user can set the schedule from a place where can be connected by Bluetooth. After the set time is over, the pill cups will return to their default place. Then, it also notifies to the user’s phone by ringing to put the pills into the device again.
Every adult has his own job. So, they cannot always remind their old parents to take medicines periodically. Parents also don’t want their children busy for them. Our product, however can help them now. It is believable, punctual, flexible and portable. Then it will cost about $40 and so it is cheap. We think that our product can be used by any types of people. It is very convenient for hospitals because when the nurses cannot always take care the patients for taking pills, it can help them. Moreover, it is useful for the nursing homes. Our product can be replaced for some place where human beings are used. It can solve one of healthcare problems.
We have future plans to extend the device. Now, we are using Bluetooth device to connect the mobile phone application. Later, we have planned to connect the application from anywhere. Then, we will manage user data to store in the cloud by using cloud computing intended to look back the schedule. We have plan to extend the vibrated bracelet. It will alarm by vibration especially for deaf. If the users are far away from the device, they cannot hear or see. Wearing the bracelet will let them know wherever they reach.
‘We Let You know that Your Pills are Ready for You.’