Research has proved that lack of digital inclusion and digital literacy brings poverty, hunger and underdevelopment to the society.
As a result of this,GNAVOI COMPUTER ENGINEERING,an ICT/ITE company is set up to address this social inequality problems by:
- Providing digital inclusion equipment,both software and hardware computers with its services.-
- Organizing seminars,workshops and trainings relating to digital inclusion and computer literacy.
- Curtailing poverty and undevelopment through bridging digital devide in the society.
This program is deployed to be impacting lives in the soceity through community grass-root development;it mosttly focuses on the vulnerables,marginalized people,the indegent farmers who do not have such intellect to market their products.
Therefore,citing of the program from Nigeria communities will spread national to international level as emerging solution for digital inclusion issues facing the world today.
Digital non-inclusion /exclusion is a major concern to the society and growing economies today;this is because 52%of the world population remains unconnected and excluded digitally, and the risk is the devide between those with digital skills and those who struggle to access it are still widen.It can equally be compares to how often the society uses internet and other related digital gadget to prove the level of digital incision participation.
GNAVOI COMPUTER ENGINEERING is an ICT/ITE ecosystem that provides digital incision research,services to bridge the gap in digital devide.This is to say that the problem associate with digital devide and digital exclusion is very wide because it is a global affairs, meaning that even the community where this program is taking off is largely affected in population.
The major causes of this lagging in digital inclusion are:
Poverty- Economic condition reflects on how people use computers,internet and electronics gadgets in the society.
Living in isolated environment- People living in isolated good environments like being in prision,living in delapidated region can deprive one not being digitally included.
Not motivated to develop the skill- If one is not encouraged to learn the skill,as this program does can lead to digital exclusion.
GNAVOI COMPUTER ENGINEERING is an ICT/ITE ecosystem that prioritize digital inclusion research,products and services to bridging the gap in digital devide.It is a company or organization set up to address digital exclusion and illiteracy in the soceity; and this done through:
. Providing digital inclusion equipments and service in both software and hardware computer systems.
. Organizing seminars,workshops and trainings' relating to digital inclusion and computer literacy.
. Curtailing poverty and undevelopment through bridging digital devide gap in the soceity.
The strategy involes production and deployement of innovative technologies and services like:
- Manufacturing and Provision of hardware systems,
- Manufacturing and Provision of software systems,
- Provision of AI and Machines learning studies,
- Reducing poverty and hunger through engaging the public in learning,
- Distribution of digital resources and tools needed for agriculture,health and economic development,
- Establishment of expert team that optimally scale the program through community engagement,
- Upgrading of know-how skills of people to become digital citizens.
All these are also done by engaging participation in community and social learning within our program offshoot, through which the impact are effected on people.
The internet and digital technology is very much at the heart now of how public, economic and social life functions. It has transformed how we work, communicate, consume, learn, entertain and access information and public services.
And while it’s become integral to all aspects of life, the spread of access and use is uneven and many people remain digitally excluded. Those who are excluded can be limited or unable to participate fully in society.
The risk is that the devide between those with digital skills, and those who struggle to overcome barriers to access and use, the growing social and economic gap between those who are connected and those who are not, continues to widen .
How much and how often you use the internet can offer an insight into who could be considered digitally excluded, providing a way to assess how the internet and digital skills impacts on people’s live.
The definition of digital exclusion has changed over the years, from a simple ‘user / non-user’ to exploring different levels of internet use and skills divisions It has also grown to look at more than just internet use.
Broadly defined, digital exclusion is where a section of the population have continuing unequal access and capacity to use Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) that are essential to fully participate in society.
Digital inclusion is about working with communities to address issues of opportunity, access, knowledge and skill in relation to using technology, and in particular, the internet.
Many different terms are used interchangeably – digital inclusion, digital participation, digital capability, digital literacy - but essentially it’s about people being able to use digital technologies, particularly the internet, in ways that enhance their lives and contribute to helping them overcome other disadvantages which they may have.
I identifies steps of digital engagement, ranging from basic use involving communication, intermediate use involving networking, and advanced use involving civic participation.
Digital literacy must be looked at as part of inclusion. Users of the internet can still be digitally excluded because they lack the skills to be able to navigate the digital world.
Who is affected?
Some groups are particularly affected, with a concentration of certain demographics within the digitally excluded.
Their socially isolated tend to have more limited access to, and use of, the internet, devices and online services. The economically disadvantaged also have limited access but are more likely to try and seek out access in places like libraries. Those who fall under both categories suffer most disadvantage and have little or no use at all .Studies show that overall non-users are increasingly older people, less educated, more likely to be unemployed, disabled, and socially isolated
I identified employment status, educational qualification, and age as strong predictors of whether or not a household has internet access.
It is worth noting that all groups are not homogeneous and there can be differences within populations. It’s also important to take into account changing trends over time. People digitally disengaged in the past are different from those now, so approaches to tackling it must be adaptable
Social exclusion
These figures suggest we need to build a better understanding of the relationship between social exclusion and digital technology. There are a number of views here.
Digital participation can be a way to mitigate social exclusion by introducing disadvantaged groups access to the benefits of internet use.
Others suggest that offline social inequalities will translate into online social inequality.For example, access, design and implementation are often not considered from the perspective of those excluded, and so reproduce exisiting barriers and inequalities.
But identifying causality is difficult given how intertwined society and technology now is. Few studies have shown a change in individuals’ social inclusion through a sustained engagement with information and communications technology
The scale of digital exclusion
The number of adults who have either never used the internet or have not used it in the last three months, described as “internet non-users”, has been declining over recent years, but there has been a slowing in the rate of progress in people moving online and gaining basic digital skills.
Why it matters
Access and use of digital devices and the internet are important for helping people stay in touch with friends, learn new things, and access a wide range of entertainment. But it goes much further than that. Digital inclusion is important for social equality, and to ensure equal access to the many benefits the internet offers.
I identifies five areas in which individuals with basic digital skills benefit:
- increased earnings
- higher employ ability
- cheaper shopping
- improved communication
- time saved through online services
What are the barriers?
For a long time policy and practice has seen the key barriers to digital inclusion as:
- The skills gap to use, or means to learn
- A lack of internet and / or device access
- The motivation and confidence to use, understand or engage
The reasons given for not having internet access in the household in 2017 was that they didn’t need it (64%), followed by a lack of skills (20%). 2% also identified a physical or sensorial disability as a reason. Other reasons include having access elsewhere, costs of equipment and access, and privacy / security concerns.
The digital exclusion heat map shows several contributors to digital exclusion, including social factors such as age, education and income, as well as access to fast broadband and 4G connectivity
Understanding these causal factors is key to identifying potential solutions.
Technology changes and develops constantly. Many people can feel left behind and so stop engaging with the digital world. Older people for example can feel that it’s too late in life to start learning, or as they’ve managed without a computer or internet so far see no reason to start. Citizens Advice (showed the numbers of people - around 60% - unable to complete online forms
Many people access the internet without using a computer, often only through a smartphone, so important that content is suitable for access and use on mobile devices.
Design of devices, services and content is also important for digital inclusion. 5% of those not using the internet reported that their disability prevented them from doing so.
For those with disabilities, or older people, this might mean taking sight or hearing problems, or physical dexterity (difficulties using a mouse or keyboard for example) into consideration Complicated presentation of information, colors, size and layout of text, can be off putting, or make websites and services unusable
Motivation is often highlighted as the most significant, persistent and headset to address barrier to inclusion.
They are break down as:
- It’s not for me - People who see no need or benefit to be online.
- I don’t have the right support - either to get online or use the device.
- It’s too complicated - people who lack not just the basic digital skills but also an understanding of how the internet works.
Older people also highlight a concern that the internet could take away social interaction.
Basic digital skills
For a number of years the focus of digital inclusion support has been on helping people develop basic digital skills, which are often used as a framework for improvement and measurement.
I lists five as a measure of digital inclusion:
- managing information - using a search engine to look for information, finding a website visited before or downloading or saving a photo found online
- communicating - sending a personal message via email or online messaging service or carefully making comments and sharing information online
- transacting - buying items or services from a website or buying and installing apps on a device
- problem solving - verifying sources of information online or solving a problem with a device or digital service using online help.
- completing online forms or creating something new from existing online images, music or video
- Equip everyone, regardless of age, gender, education, location, or ability, with culturally relevant digital literacy skills to enable participation in the digital economy.
This program is well aligned with the giving topic or one of the giving topic of the challenge because it address the digital inclusion isues initiated by the united Nation SDG –program to create proactive and reactive response to global concern in reducing danger impact of acute condition that endanger people’s live across geographical regions and international boundaries.
Global digital inclusion is a general program that has no
geographical limit, this is why our program has much to deliver globally, even though it starts from community level, the aim is to provide world class participation in digital inclusion ecosystem.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community.
This program is in pilot stage because it is just had been tested and the result was so impressing.
This stage which comprises research, testing, and development is accurate to our project or program objective to measure success ; the impact of data we received will provide for every furtherance of the program pursuit. We have conducted a responsive research analysis and the data we received is very amazing. This took place at the Eastern Nigeria communities where more than 50 million people live. We tested the solution on the growing ones who gave us a resounding feedbacks and the impact it has on people were encouraging as people are ready to receive self-affordable, digital literacy and digitsl inclsion services.
One of the result we have received in this testing is to develop indigenous researchers ,developers in our information systems who would easily respond to people’s needs whenever required.
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
My solution is innovative because we applied all necessary tools that pertains to innovation management.We have these innovation managerial approach and tools that cultivate our innovation program.These innovation approaches and tools are:
CAPABILITIES-This is an innovation tool outlined by our organization to manage capabilities,creating innovation skills,knowledge and financial capital.
STRUCTURE-This is our organizational structure through which we provide enabling environment for the program to scale or grow.This also involves establishment of management expert team that foster the realization of our program objective.
STRATEGY-This is the plan and program processes put in-place for achieving long-term success.A process of observing the current and next milestone of our program to scale,sustain and succeed in growth.
CULTURE-Here,we observed how things are done in our program
organization.It is a way we process values,working principles,organizing
activities based on the people working with us and people we are
serving for.These outlined innovative approach has not been used or had
less been used compares to our innovation program.
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Big Data
- Crowd Sourced Service / Social Networks
- Internet of Things
- Manufacturing Technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Rural
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- 1. No Poverty
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequality
- Nigeria
- Algeria
- Gabon
- Ghana
- Nigeria
- Sierra Leone
We are serving more than two million people eithin the community and it will reach up to twelve
million in the next one year, just within Nigeria alone ;
.Are the financial, human and material reserves used for this development and intervention
.This is one actions taken or work performed through which inputs such as funds, technical assistance and other types of resources are mobilized to produce specific outputs
.The products and services which result from development intervention may also includes damages resulting from the intervention which are relevant to the achieving outcomes.
.This is likely or achieved short-term and medium-term effects of our intervention outputs
.It can be positive or negative, primary or secondary long term effects produced by development intervention, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended
My solution is seeking to raise funds that should be enough for our scaling program, so below is the assumed funding sources;
Owner contribution: 25 percent – ($500000)
Government/other support: 25 percent – ($500000)
Our sponsor’s fund (Solve Health Security and Pandemic Challenge) 50 percent - ($1000000)
As we expect to receive or raise this funds as grants, we would be yielding returns from the program that will enable us to continue operation and scaling growths.
We hope to be raising all funds when our major sponsored funds are available through this application because this is our major source or hope to finance this impactful project.
All the funds we look for are majorly grants, as this will enable us smoothly and feasibly run the project sustainably.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
Working Team Staff and Contractors are:
Godknows N. Chima
Research & Development
Principal Investigator
Vincent A. Ukpai
Civic Servant (RT)
State Mnistry of Labour
Mrs. Blessing Oko
Local Government Council
Assistant Team Coordinator
IK. Madu
Legal Council
Program legal Adviser
My team is well-positioned to deliver and scale this solution to growth because we have skilled background experienced intellectuals who are derived from various professional disciplines, and are capable of rendering their professional roles to this program. As being listed in previous question, we have team of experts that are made up of high – profile individuals in the society that will brings the intellectual capabilities to run this program or project in reality.
This is to say that they have all it takes to deliver within our program that impact lives of clients, consumer and the society at large through input, representation, agenda implementation. This program is a business fit industry and a going concern that is expected to meet its objective role of establishment in the information technology industry.
The team background has becomes one the founding principle whereby people are impacted through this program.
One of the reasons for using our team approach to provide digital inclusion services is the growing realization that one professional cannot have all necessary skills or knowledge to properly handle client ,participants or consumers complex problems.
The team approach integrates to unique skills and knowledge of enterprenueral and hypothetical expertise to reduce contradictory implementation plans. Our team group will provide and enhance planed knowledge of multiple engagements.
The primary goal of our innovative team is to provide quality product and services or consumer care, however we must recognize what fits into the goals that determines a team that is able to provide quality services;we must also recognizes what fits into the goals that determines a team actions.
The patient or consumer seeks care with specific goals or complain in mind, it is the task of our help to meet their realistic goals and expectations.
Next is that the team units organizational goal that make the information tech. industry a sample of impact driven platform and delivery ecosystem, proving that our team working plan has much to offer within our program's sustainable feasibility.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
We are to receive international mentor-ship for the program evaluation and scaling by applying and working with solve program.
we will receive expert trainings that will enable us develop technologies,building website and organizing data that will lay strong foundation for scaling.
Funding – We need fund to organize and establish the program family through payment of staff personnel’s, building required informative websites and running every development research.
Support from solve challenge fund and mentor-ship ability- Can help us overcome any competition in the field of digital inclusion program.
Our inclusion and participation in the Solve challenge program, orientations and training will bring an eye opening for AI and machine learning development research course and training.
Participating in the solve challenge will make our program be rated internationally; by enabling the community consumers have effective or active trust in our services to them.
The solve is expect to support us with everything they have concerning introduction or establishment of their program to enable us pursue and scale our program objective. We need every course of solve support to develop and gain exposure in pursuit of the social impact.
- Business model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
The followings selected for assistance are:
* Business Model- This is a process of structuring and restructuring that we need from solve program that establishes the scaling objective of our program thorough selection and participation.
* Financial- Partnering with us in providing proper accounting record and practice pitching to potential investors.
* Public Relation- Public branding of our program is important because it will redeem the public image of our organization,services, products and program we offers.This is to say that solve can link us to higher influential bodies or platforms like UN ,UNESCO,WHO,WOLD BANK etc for excellence performance and scaling.
* Technology- Helping us in the area of technology development excellence
Based on the proposed plan, the following organizations are worked with:
- International Association of Network Providers.
- International Association of Software and Hardware system Developers.
- International Standard Organization(ISO).
- International Association of Digital Marketing Organization (IMA).
- World Health Organization
-National Ministry of Communication Industry.
- ICT/ITE Research Organizations.
- Digital Inclusionl Associations .
- Online /Offline Digital Inclussion Publications.
Solve Organization (Our current intending Sponsor).
- Grant Funding Organizations.
We aims to partner with these organizations to enable us succeed and scaled.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
My solution is a multi-cultural, multi-racial, multi-gender and multi-age bracket program that support the development and advancement of information technology, innovation in learning, good informed health, well-being ,palliative of moral and financial support, reinstate of social displaced lives ,and quality of life for any body in the society, no matter the place,culture, gender and races of people.
It is a program meant to serve everybody globally in remote and digitized process;finding its development from community grass-root level means that it will foster for any one, notwithstanding the background.
For this reason, this program or solution is qualified to receive any available support funding from any kind and source.
The services we render encompasses every sort of innovative of social entrepreneurship and capacity building program that are meant to support humanity.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
My solution is a multi-cultural, multi-racial, multi-gender and multi-age bracket program that support the development and advancement of information technology, innovation in learning, good informed health, well-being ,palliative of moral and financial support, reinstate of social displaced lives ,and quality of life for any body in the society, no matter the place,culture, gender and races of people.
It is a program meant to serve everybody globally in remote and digitized process;finding its development from community grass-root level means that it will foster for any one, notwithstanding the background.
For this reason, this program or solution is qualified to receive any available support funding from any kind and source.
The services we render encompasses every sort of innovative of social entrepreneurship and capacity building program that are meant to support humanity.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
My solution is a multi-cultural, multi-racial, multi-gender and multi-age bracket program that support the development and advancement of information technology, innovation in learning, good informed health, well-being ,palliative of moral and financial support, reinstate of social displaced lives ,and quality of life for any body in the society, no matter the place,culture, gender and races of people.
It is a program meant to serve everybody globally in remote and digitized process;finding its development from community grass-root level means that it will foster for any one, notwithstanding the background.
For this reason, this program or solution is qualified to receive any available support funding from any kind and source.
The services we render encompasses every sort of innovative of social entrepreneurship and capacity building program that are meant to support humanity.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
My solution is a multi-cultural, multi-racial, multi-gender and multi-age bracket program that support the development and advancement of information technology, innovation in learning, good informed health, well-being ,palliative of moral and financial support, reinstate of social displaced lives ,and quality of life for any body in the society, no matter the place,culture, gender and races of people.
It is a program meant to serve everybody globally in remote and digitized process;finding its development from community grass-root level means that it will foster for any one, notwithstanding the background.
For this reason, this program or solution is qualified to receive any available support funding from any kind and source.
The services we render encompasses every sort of innovative of social entrepreneurship and capacity building program that are meant to support humanity.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
My solution is a multi-cultural, multi-racial, multi-gender and multi-age bracket program that support the development and advancement of information technology, innovation in learning, good informed health, well-being ,palliative of moral and financial support, reinstate of social displaced lives ,and quality of life for any body in the society, no matter the place,culture, gender and races of people.
It is a program meant to serve everybody globally in remote and digitized process;finding its development from community grass-root level means that it will foster for any one, notwithstanding the background.
For this reason, this program or solution is qualified to receive any available support funding from any kind and source.
The services we render encompasses every sort of innovative of social entrepreneurship and capacity building program that are meant to support humanity.
- Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
My solution is a multi-cultural, multi-racial, multi-gender and multi-age bracket program that support the development and advancement of information technology, innovation in learning, good informed health, well-being ,palliative of moral and financial support, reinstate of social displaced lives ,and quality of life for any body in the society, no matter the place,culture, gender and races of people.
It is a program meant to serve everybody globally in remote and digitized process;finding its development from community grass-root level means that it will foster for any one, notwithstanding the background.
For this reason, this program or solution is qualified to receive any available support funding from any kind and source.
The services we render encompasses every sort of innovative of social entrepreneurship and capacity building program that are meant to support humanity.
