H2CAT- Holistic Healthcare Cloud-based AI Tool
Effects Resilient, Proactive and Holistic Healthcare for a Happy and Healthier Blue Planet. Designed for cloud environment, based on adaptive (AI/ML) and systemic (SENSE) principles.
The tool prioritises secure and optimal healthcare interventions for cure and prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases.
Sai Dharani
- Recover (Improve health & economic system resilience), such as: Best protective interventions, especially for vulnerable populations, Avoid/mitigate negative second-order consequences, Integrate true costs of pandemic risk into economic systems
Tool delivers Priority-setting in global healthcare for holistic health. It protects from significant morbidity and higher mortality rates caused due to viruses like CoV-2. Further, it addresses health implications of underlying conditions, CoV-2 long-term and vaccination effects to avoid/mitigate negative second-order consequences.
Early data of CoV-2 has reflected that around 96% (across nations) of the infected had at least one comorbidity (Cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension) with the average person having 3.4 diseases. Deeper into pandemic crisis, studies are revealing the deleterious impacts for the neglected Non-Communicable and Communicable diseases like the global emergency of double burden of malnutrition (Obesity and Undernourishment) and poor environmental conditions (Malaria, Hepatitis B, TB) which are already impeding the lives of approximately 3 billion people. Now, the post/long COVID studies are pointing towards complications of underlying conditions and irreversible impacts which will push people into vicious cycle of life.
In phase 1, the focus is on most vulnerable (Migrant workers, urban slum dwellers and tribal people) in India- 1 million people’s right/access to CoV-2 vaccination and pre-existing (underlying) conditions holistic healthcare.
First, tool applies to prioritize CoV-2 vaccination and urgent healthcare needs for the most vulnerable sections. Good health is the most critical aspect for anyone to lead lives without which people will not be in position to fend themselves and their families. Communities will be safer and strengthened with better living conditions.
Tool assists all the healthcare providers such as public, private, NGOs/NPOs, trusts to provide timely and holistic healthcare.
· It will help Nations with micro level data/knowledge of health, environment and living conditions of people to provide good health.
· Healthcare product companies can use this tool to provide targeted healthcare services for efficient care.
· NGOs/NPOs can provide primary healthcare with the tool’s optimal interventions.
· Aha! The tool will aid, insurance companies to come up with fair policies for all. Specially, it will be useful for the developed world. In other words, it aids in providing universal health coverage for all.
All of them will be our key stakeholders and are part of the tool's dynamic knowledge/data pool, which could be inferred for future use.
- Proof of Concept: A venture or organisation building and testing its prototype, research, product, service, or business/policy model, and has built preliminary evidence or data
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Behavioral Technology
- Big Data
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- Blockchain
- Software and Mobile Applications
Happy and prosperous world!
Healthy people are the drivers for Flourishing Nations!
The tool’s multidimensional knowledge/data powerhouse will address old and new health risks and enables the virtuous cycle of sustainable development. Further, Priority-setting in Healthcare effects systematic action for good health and well-being.
These approaches at the application level will not just impact healthcare but also potentially address other critical problems of humanity.
Actions for Good health as the pivot point will lead the vulnerable population to attain better education, decent work, reduce inequality, gender equality, end hunger and poverty and have better living standards.
Holistic healthcare for all, effects action towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs). It potentially impacts over a dozen different SDGs targets and indicators.
Tangible impact metrics;
- SDG3 (Good Health and Well-being) targets and indicators – Reducing Maternal, neonatal, under 5 mortalities. Risk reduction and management of national and global health risks. Prevention and treatment of substance abuse. Access to sexual and reproductive health-care services. Ending the communicable diseases like COVID-19, AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and Combat hepatitis.
- SDG 2 (Zero Hunger)- Ending all forms of Malnutrition (childhood stunting, wasting), nutritional needs of adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women, and older persons.
- SDG 6 (Clean Water and sanitation)- Prevents water and air borne communicable diseases.
- SDG11 (Sustainable cities and communities)- Preventing deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination.
First year- We will be addressing 1 million vulnerable people. Holistic health with vaccination prioritization and community level interventions for Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group (PVTGs) in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh and slums and migrant workers in Chennai and Visakhapatnam, India.
Next 3-5 years- Aim is to address 200 million people. Will cover 2 states in India and Least Developed Countries (LDCs). The data we gain from the deployment of tool in the most pressing conditions, will be shared on the cloud for the world to better recognise, understand the global health problems and determine the most optimal interventions.
Quality Life is the key indicator of success.
It will reflect as low disease burden, low healthcare costs (Public and individual). Policy and practice orienting to Sustainability transitions that lead to good health with tool's help will effect transformative changes.
For instance, nutrition standards for food industries and good environmental practices to reduce pollution by industries. Such actions will translate to a fair playing field where the vulnerable will have access to a safe and secure environment and decent living standards. These will directly and positively impact for good health and productivity.
- India
- Bangladesh
- Bhutan
- Cambodia
- Chad
- Ethiopia
- India
- Madagascar
- Mali
- Nepal
- Zambia
The tool aims to provide holistic healthcare at large. Its a huge investment project which will reap social benefits in the long run for a healthy and wealthy world.
In the first year- Finance followed by right data for tool development are the barriers. As a hybrid organization we will be exploring various financial options. Also, we will collaborate with local community members/ local NGOs/NPOs, various universities/institutions, medical and sustainability experts for tool development with existing knowledge/data. Once finance is in place, systemic data collection from tribal areas in Visakhapatnam and slum/migrant population in Visakhapatnam and Chennai, India will be done.
In next 3 years’ time, we aim to deploy the tool in Least Developing countries, where infrastructure challenges will be the barrier for individual assessment. The tool’s multidimensional knowledge pool strength will overcome this by analysing for other problems (socioenvironmental) and effect community level interventions for large-scale impact.
Parallely, we will build a robust and holistic AI tool on the cloud environment for efficient healthcare access across the world. This would attract policy checks of countries on data privacy. Security will be an in-built feature of the tool at multiple levels, although costs would be a major barrier again.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
We are in the process of exploring collaboration with Computer Science and Management departments of IIT-Madras, India and IISC Bengaluru, India; Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India and National Institute of Virology, Pune, India.
Finance is the key limiting factor for realizing our dream. Trinity challenge is a great opportunity for us to develop and deploy the tool. It will aid research, innovation, development and implementation.
Further, it will open up multidimensional avenues for collective capacities to be able to effect large scale impact in healthcare.
In other words, Trinity challenge will act as catalyst for our work.
Systemic data/knowledge intensive AI tool, we will need partnerships across parallels from local to international institutions like World Bank UN/WHO, clinical systems for both data and testing of interventions.
Within the Trinity challenge arena, would like to partner with;
1. London School of Economics and Political Science – As chief advisors, they will lead us to the data gaps in the present healthcare system, so that tool can be modeled for the right requirements to effect holistic health.
2. Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation- As the tool’s chief database partner they will be our crucial data provider.