Introducing Pasante Healthcare products like Condoms to East Africa.
Introducing Pasante Condoms and other company Healthcare products to East Africa to offer safer condoms and other reliable products in the prevention of transmission of HIV and other STDs, and unwanted/unintended pregnancies. And then to set up factories to manufacture the products in that region for cheap prices.
Robert Muyanja- Director - Global and Eco Solutions Limited
- Respond (Decrease transmission & spread), such as: Optimal preventive interventions & uptake maximization, Cutting through “infodemic” & enabling better response, Data-driven learnings for increased efficacy of interventions
The commonly available condoms on market in that region are of poor quality which has resulted in their users contracting HIV/AIDS with the domino effect of affecting all potential condom users to lose confidence in them and opt to having unprotected sex.
Other brands that are of good quality and safe are too expensive for the majority of potential users. By forming this partnering with Pasante Healthcare products, we shall balance that quality, reliability, safety and affordability.
There is scarcity women condoms and those that are available are too expensive for the majority of their potential users.
The scarcity of affordable high quality condoms and high prices is resulting in a high number of our population having unprotected sex and that is contributing to people contracting HIV/AIDs and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) plus unintended/unwanted pregnancies.
Therefore is also a lack of access to other healthcare products apart from condoms.
As from above we fully understand those that are facing the problem and how to help them with our solutions. First, all our people that are sexually active; the population of the entire region that is sexually active is affected but young people; teenagers to young adults are at higher risk than other categories because they are also affected by unintended or unwanted pregnancies with higher adverse negative outcomes from those pregnancies- with higher mortality rate, post-partum depression, etc.
We shall help them by offering those products at affordable prices and by creating awareness and access to those products.
- Proof of Concept: A venture or organisation building and testing its prototype, research, product, service, or business/policy model, and has built preliminary evidence or data
- Behavioral Technology
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- Crowd Sourced Service / Social Networks
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
We are to create public awareness of the availability of these products and technologies and we to provide their accessibility.
Where it is appropriate we shall invest to sensitizing the general public by billboards and by wall or house painting advertising to give better looks of buildings and streets while communication important information to the general public.
As explained above, our solution will not only save lives by stopping or curbing HIV infections and other STDs, it will also help fight poverty and it will boost productivity.
We shall ignite public awareness regarding sexual matters and it will curb unwanted or unintended pregnancies.
Through our long-term strategy by/with our solution, these healthcare products particularly the condoms will be manufactured from our region countries using raw material like latex and lamb intestine produced from these countries and this will create jobs for different stakeholders in different sectors.
Living standards of people in this target region will be improved by the curb in HIV/AIDs and other STD infections and unwanted pregnancies and creation of jobs and boosted productivity.
The solution will reduce the number of young parents; both female and male with a reduction in the school dropout rate which will enable more families to plan for their children for better living standards.
Our solutions will create a sustainable business for our partnership and a number of other stake holders and being so it should take a natural and sustainable growth trajectory over the next one and the next three years.
In year one we shall consolidate our operations and business gains while depending on importation/exportation of our healthcare products to that region.
In year three we to lay round for setting factories to start manufacturing those products locally in the region-countries without importing outside the region.
We shall carry out periodic own surveys and studies to know our impacts. We shall also use other organisations data on HIV/AIDs statistics to know our impact. To determine our impact on school dropout rate we shall use data from/by appropriate organisations like UN(UNESCO) and the World bank compared with that compiled/given by governments of these countries.
- Burundi
- Comoros
- Congo, Dem. Rep.
- Djibouti
- Ethiopia
- Kenya
- Madagascar
- Malawi
- Mauritius
- Rwanda
- Somalia
- South Sudan
- Tanzania
- Uganda
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe
Financial barriers as the potential partners need some capital to start the business.
There is language barrier- as each country is made up different tribes that speak different languages which will be a big barrier and a challenge for us to communicate the relevant information that we shall want to convey to the general public of each country.
High illiteracy level and Ignorance of many people in the region are a big factor; a barrier and a challenge to overcome
Epidemics including COVID- 19 and Ebola are also a barrier.
- Collaboration of multiple organisations
Pasante Healthcare Products Ltd
Global & Eco Solutions Ltd
We need the initial funding so that we can then operate continuously and sustainably in short and long term solving the problem and
Metia/Tencent/Infosys, Joep Lange Institute: Why & how: To establish Tech business dealing in digital marketing, reliable internet services with associated tech products and solutions. We can also work with them to boost online shopping in the region.
Reckitt Benckiser: To be their agents; supplying their products that do not compete with Pasante products and we also supply them Jatropha-oil to make premium-cosmetic-products.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and CHAI: We need them for funding for research with medicinal plants and Jatropha-oil below.
We need to partner with any/all of your partner Universities/Education/Research Institutions: Cambridge, Melbourne University, HKU Med, etc for research in medicinal plants to make high-efficacy plant-derived medicines.
Also, we need them for research-expertise to come up with the best technologies to detoxify Jatropha oil of the toxic-phorbol-esters to make high-value medicinal soap and other cosmetic products.
Microsoft, Facebook, Google: Why & how: For funding to tackle some of the global health challenges experienced in our target countries/region and to equip us with the capacity to provide access to AI and expertise in those countries.
GSK, Optum, Bay Area Global Health Alliance: For the above research and cooperation to deliver the next-generation of medicines/vaccines and participate in their trials.